
Sat. 25 Feb 2024

Run No. 2352

Hares - Suffragette & Suffragent (CE)

Start - 3:00pm

Location - Hok Tau Campsite - BBQ Area on the opposite side of road (normal camping area for us...)

A - A run

Wimps & Rambo runs

Start Point - Google Maps Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/fTpgYMegKvvwAmP87

  Parking where possible here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/t8UZDwMbGmWSphxg6

Taxi - 鶴藪營地

Nr. MTR - Fanling MTR

Buses - Minibus 52B from Fanling MTR and alight at Hok Tau terminus. Continue walking down the road and the start point will b e on the left hand side, just past the barrier and down the steps.

Hare Notes:

Location is where we did the camping but not the site on the right.

Parking by the top Hok Tau BBQ pagoda (long walk down road to start) or on the road leading to campsite. Bus 52B from Fanling mtr.

Webshite Notes:

Sorry family Gow will not be there.

Note, hope the Hash email still works today, as I just read that Google Groups will stop hosting Usenet today... 😁

"On December 15, 2023, Google announced that Google Groups would end support posting or viewing new Usenet content on February 22, 2024, with existing archives remaining available."

Hello Happy Hong Kong

Upcoming Other Events & Action Reminders:

Thu 22nd Feb 2024 - Google Groups stops hosting Usenet and maybe the end of our current SKH3 email group is in sight?

Sat 24th Feb 2024 - N2TH3 Saturday Run - A Geriatric 82nd Birthday Special from his pad on Tai Mong Tsai Rd.

Link: https://n2th3.org/2024/02/21/saturday-run-2161-24th-feb-2024-geriatrics-birthday-bbq-by-the-sea/

Sat 24th Feb 2024 - FMH3 #32 - 7pm @ TBC.... or is it on Friday anyway? All will be revealed on Moonies return Friday!

Fri 15th Mar - Hash Curry night at the Tandoori Bites Bar & Kitchen (Sai Ying Pun, HK) 8pm - meet at (? TBC) bar, SYP at 6pm onwards.

Mon 25th Mar 2024 - FMH3 #33 - 7pm @ TBC.

Fri 27th Mar to Mon 1st Apr 2024 - Easter Hash Away to ? - Moonie. TBC

Fri 5th to Sun 7th Apr 2024 - HK Sevens, including SKH3 Hash run on the Sunday "outside" the stadium.

Fri 15th to Sun 17th nov 2024 - All China Nash Hash 2024 in Hong Kong  -  Registration now open.

Link: Homepage - All China Nash Hash 2024