Sun. 16 Jul 2023

Run No. - 2319

Hares - Britarse

Run Time - 4:00pm 

Location - Britarse's Pad, 10M Sheung Ling Pei, Tung Chung, Lantau

A to B (circle location) - to A run

Wimps & Rambos runs

Start Point

Parking closeby. Leave bags there.

Taxi - 香港離島婦女聯會東涌分部

Gets you close.

Nr. MTR - Tung Chung MTR

Buses - 3M or 11 NLB from Tung Chung Town Centre

21 mins walking route -

Hares Note:

I'm resetting the run that was rained off before.  Start at my place,  10M Sheung Ling Pei.  Parking available.  Leave bags at my place, easy A to B run. Circle at B then easy walk back. On-on at the Thai or the Indian restaurant,  whichever the hash prefer.

Website Says:

Technical delay to the AGM videos... apologies.

And Hello Happy Hong Kong