Hare - Victim

Sun. 29 Jan 2023

Hare - Victim

Run Time - 3:00 PM

Location - Meet at Tai Po Contour Sitting-out Area

At the top of Wan Tau Kok Lane, at the pagoda above the Old Police Station (now Green Hub).

Trail - A to A

Maps - Start Point -

Google Map

Car Parking - At the top of Wan Tau Kok Lane or along the street

Taxi - 大埔運頭角里

Nr. MTR - TaiPo Market MTR; Exit A1, walk along the railway line fence to the pedestrian subway under the line (less than 100m), take subway and walk up through the playground to Wan Tau Kok Lane.  Five miutes MTR to start

Bus -  https://goo.gl/maps/2YPp5CdCrW9RrQB98

Hare Notes:  Libs and GB may find the directions familiar 

Webshite Says:

Apologies update done by  mobile and tricky to complete. Normal service will resume next week.

Guess who has a new girlfriend?

ON ON to the next Hash Tour...