Shit Wot Went On
Frequent reminders that the GM is gay
"New website definitely more snazzy. We need some young snazzy on the runs as well" says ex-GM Geriatric, to no one in particular.
Webshite's Webshits - Stuff found on the internet
Can't extinguish the Hong Kong spirit. Heung Gong ga yau!
Webshite 9IC hard at work.
Whizzy embedded spreadsheets are a thing now, apparently, and you'll not find a shortage of them here.
When asked about his proficiency with industry standard Excel spreadsheet use his response was:
"Excel? That's the one with all the squares, right?"
Website Usage Stats
Most users are viewing the site on a mobile device; the new site looks better on a phone than the old one did. Also, someone ditched their tablet recently.
Website use is consistent. All data is anonymous, so I don't know precisely who is using the site, but clearly someone is. Numbers are slightly up on last time I bothered to check. Good stuff!
International fans of Sek Kong are still not disappointed.