Hash Hounds

Dogs wot run/ran

Hamish and Dram. One is old, knackered, yet still trotting along happily each week, the other was a dog called Hamish. Gone but not forgotten.

RIP Hamish - 3 March 2020


RIP Dylan

Hamish considering some trademark "fighting talk"

RIP Nutmeg

Ebony and Dau Dau (RIP)

Ebony, enjoying her favourite pastime...

RIP K9 1992 - 2008

Dylan. A right tart and party animal.

Plod and Bun

RIP Mr Bun and his friends. Sadly, his friends still very much alive.

The Amazing Mr Bun


Betty (hash virgin)

Hong Kong Phooey - Faster than the human eye...

Angie and Malu

Snoopy - Non runner

Mr Bun and more friends. He had many friends.