Hare - BJ
Wo Hop Shek
5th time lucky
Sun. 05 Feb 2023
Run No. 2296
Hare - BJ the GM
Run Time - 3:00PM
Location - Wo Hop Shek Cemetary - not at the usual place but at the top of the road through the gates
Trail - A to A
Wimps & Rambos
Maps - Start Point - https://maps.app.goo.gl/SEdNywvnM22x8bf96?g_st=iw
Taxi - 和合石墳場
Nr. MTR - TaiWo or Fanling
Bus - Not really an option, as no public transport gets you that close. I suggest you take a taxi or arrange a lift with a driver. I also suggest any drivers with space in their cars meet before the gates at the entrance to the cemetery and head up the hill at 2:45-2:55pm just in case any persons come by public and manage to walk to the entrance?
Walking route to entrance from closest bus stop:- https://goo.gl/maps/sFGnH1tqa1ZztjJB8
Hares Note:
If you need a lift to the start, call the GM (9176-3077) to arrange.
Website Says:
Here we go again - be prepared for the run start location to move if the rozzers are restricting access but their focus should be on the Wishing Tree at this time.
Webshite also says:
For those that missed the PG Tour, you missed a classic and I will put together a montage for your viewing pleasure but in the meantime...