CHANGE!! N2TH3 Next Run - Seoul Man On Out
Date: 4 May 2016
Date: 4 May 2016
Hare: Golden Balls
Hare: Golden Balls
Start Time: 1930
Start Time: 1930
Start Location: Pagoda far end of Kowloon Reservoir dam on Golden Hill Road
Start Location: Pagoda far end of Kowloon Reservoir dam on Golden Hill Road
OnOn: somewhere in Shatin area
Hare's Directions:
Slight revision due to chance of rain and lack of shelter at advertised start.
Start has been moved to the pagoda at the end of the Kowloon Reservoir dam on Golden Hill Road.
Golden Hill Road is 500m beyond the "usual" car park on Tai Po Road in the direction of Kowloon. Note you cannot turn right here if coming from Sha Tin.
Carry on along Tai Po Road another 250m where there's a car park on the left to turn around in.
Once on Golden Hill Road it's a few hundred metres to the dam/pagoda.
72 from Tai Po to Cheung Sha Wan
81 from Sha Tin to Jordan
Stop: Shek Lei Pui Reservoir
On on
GB 69799511