SKH3 Xmas Party Sat 14 December 2013

Post date: Nov 24, 2013 3:08:41 AM

NOTICE - Sek Kong H3 Xmas Party 2013

7pm Sat 14 December, Senior Officers' Mess, Police HQ, Wanchai

Payment: if you have not yet paid, please bring CASH ($300/head)

Disco: we have a Farty Sound System but please bring and dirty dance music on your iPod

Seating: there will be 9 tables of 6 persons each (52 confirmed so far)

Food: Three course traditional Xmas Buffet Dinner. I have had no requests for vegetarian options.....

Drinks: 18 liters of free mulled wine to get you started! (TBC)

Beer, softies and mixers included.

BYO wine & spirits.

The Mess has $70 bottles of red & white wine on sale for cash

Location: Senior Officers Mess, 6th Floor, Caine House, HKI Police HQ, Arsenal Street, Wanchai. This is the gate nearest Gloucester Road/the Harbour

Nearest MTR: due to Admiralty MTR construction work? use Wanchai MTR Exit C and walk west along Lockhart Road & north into Arsenal Street. Cross over near Gloucester Road. Bar girls collected en route will be refused access

Access: your names will be at the guard post. You might need to show ID. Call me on 9307 2041 if you get arrested; I will arrange for your meal to be sent to the cells....

From GM Dingaling:

Its HK$300 per head, full three course traditional Christmas dinner, bottled beers, soft drinks & mixers and disco

Wine, Spirits - Bring Your Own or buy red, white or bubbly from the Mess for CASH on the night!

If people wish to support we can have:

- mulled wine (if someone makes)

- cheese and biscuits (if someone brings along)

- decorations (if someone arranges or if already installed by the Mess as per last year)

Theme: Sci-Fi (Note: Aliens may get deported!)

Disco: Jon with his dancing iPods

The List So Far 24Nov13:

Plod 2

Farty 2 + disco


Screwless 2

Monkey 1

Britarse 2

Stunts 2

69K 2

Big M 2

Dingaling 2

Victim 2

Moonie 2

Tin Tin 2

Zimmer 3

BJ Moss 2

Stingray 2

Desperate D 2

No Name 2

Pogues 2

GB, GJ 2

Salesman 2


BJ Leahy 1

Lip Service 1

Soggy 1

Wanchai W 2

OGiV 1

Widow Wanky 1

Swing Low 1

Mark Sex 1


Leadbelly 2?

Velcro 1?


51 confirmed

3 possible