
Hare - Velcro Lips

Sun. 25 Sep 2022

Run No. 2276

Hare - Velcro Lips

Run Time - 4:00PM

Location - Tai Shui Hang - usual place at the waterfront, near the Tai Chi Park

Trail - A to A

Wimps & Rambos

Maps - Start Point - https://goo.gl/maps/purM8BcJdQLdrqRK7

Open air car parking - https://goo.gl/maps/oC2TQ9xyRac9RYM48

Taxi - 大水坑太極園

Nr. MTR - Tai Shui Hang

Bus - 5min walk...


Hares Note:

Change of plan. Meet Tai Shui Hang on the waterfront near the Tai Chi Park

Webshite Says:

After the funeral of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the queen of the Sek Kong Hash will regal us with her run no doubt.

For your viewing pleasure:  Lizzies final engagement...
