Run #2298

Sun. 19 Feb 2023

Run No. -    2298

Hare - Walkie Talkie - the small hand-held portable two-way communications device

Run Time - 3:00pm

Location - Shaffi's Restaurant, Sek Kong 

Trail - A to A

Wimps & Rambos

Start Point - PTA Association Canteen (2320 2766)

Parking - Limited inside but otherwise where you can in the surrounding area

Taxi - 上村公園 is the Sheung Tsuen park and a short walk away.

Nr. MTR - TaiWo or Kam Sheung Rd

Bus - 64K 

From either station above.

Hares Note:

Note, this is special run set for a returning Zimmerframe & Mahalii - hoorah!

As this a birthday run for Zimmerframe there shall be a special ON ON ON Shaffis curry afterwards.

The food shall kindly be provided by Mahalii but please bring along a bottle to share on the table. Party On!

Website Says:

I wonder if the famous Zimmerframe 20 minutes run can be equaled or does the hare have something special to subject onto the pack?

And finally the main reason we love HK, it can often be quite spectacular... a sunrise from this week. On On.