
Sun. 19 May 2024

*** Hoover + Electrolux + Beer Tits Birthday Run ***

Run No. - 2364

Hare - Hoover + SP (small person) ***  BJ  *** 

Run Time - 3:00PM (Note early start)

Location - Queens Hill, Po Kak Tsi Rd. Pagoda, Fanling

Trail - A to A

Wimps & Rambos

Maps - Start Point - https://maps.app.goo.gl/wBYHLE38RVdnNDLy8

Car parking along road close-by.

Taxi - 布格仔涼亭休憩處

Nr. MTR - Fanling MTR Station

Bus - 52B minibus from Fanling MTR and get off at junction of Po Kak Tsai Rd. It is about 15 mins walk to start but pretty sure you can get a lift from someone at the junction.

Hare Notes:

There parking around the start.

Hare proposes to move run start time to 3pm and a birthday treat for everyone at a dai pai dong in Fanling as a OnOn 🤗

Webshite Notes:

Yippee!! A BJ? 😇

Hello Happy Hong Kong

Upcoming Other Events & Action Reminders:

Thu 23rd May - FMH3 #34 - Flower Moon - Tai Hang, nr. Tin Hau MTR - Nitro Gorman (N2TH3 GM)

Sat 29th to Sun 30th Jun 2024  -  SKH3 AGM weekend on Cheung Chau Island.

Fri 15th to Sun 17th Nov 2024 - All China Nash Hash 2024 in Hong Kong - Earlybird price up until the end of this month - be warned.

Link: Homepage - All China Nash Hash 2024

SKH3 - AGM Beer Tits - 29-30Jun2024.pdf