

Sun. 21 Jan 2024

Stuntdouble Birthday with a Hangover Run

Run No. 2347

Hares - Mystery Hare

Start - 3:00PM

Location - Leafy Glade, Lam Tsuen (Kwan Yik Store, Lam Kam Rd.)

A - A run

Wimps & Rambo runs

Start Point - Google Maps Link:

  Parking close by, where you can...

Taxi - 均益士多

Nr. MTR - Taiwo MTR

Buses - KMB 64K and get off at San Tsuen Playground

Hare Notes:

Something New, Something Old, Something Blue... ending on Something Alcohilic 🥳

Webshite Notes:

Stunty, enjoy your 60th lap of the Sun... Page 3 Sam Fox say's Hi!

Hello Happy Hong Kong

Upcoming Other Events & Action Reminders:

Fri 19th Jan - Hash Curry night at the Delhi Club (Chungking Mansions) 8pm - meet at Delaney's bar, TST at 6pm onwards.

Sat 10th to 14th Feb 2024 - SKH3 GM's CNY Hash Tour to Philippines. Itinerary below but tying up final details.

SKH3 - Philippines CNY Official Hash Tour - 10Feb2023 INFO.pdf