Hash Stash

SKH3 has a number of tasteful garments for sale at most reasonable prices (see below)

Just contact Hash Stash (see Mismanagement) for a quotation :-)

Err, Hash Stash has just informed the GM that we are out of stock!

Stash NOT for Sale:

SKH3 Caps (Made in Manila, size XXXS, suitable for small children & Swiss adults) - $200

50 Run Caps - 10

100 Run Caps - 1

200 Run Caps - 5

50 Run Patches - 25

100 Run Patches - 3

150 Run Patches - 5

200 Run Patches - 9

250 Run Patches - 10

300 Run Patches - 2

350 Run Patches - 10

400 Run Patches - 6

450 Run Patches - 10

500 Run Patches - 7