
Hare - BJ





The deadish centre of town...

Sun. 25 Sep 2022

Run No. 2276

Hare - BJ the GM, the saviour of the Hash

Run Time - 4:00PM

Location - Kau Lung Hang entrance pagoda, under the bridges - as should have been 2 weeks ago...

Trail - A to A

(Wimps &?) Rambo runs

Maps - Start Point - https://goo.gl/maps/PxiaRJRLRiYrAoQE9

Parking close by.

Taxi - 龍堯豪庭ish

Nr. MTR - Tai Wo

Bus - Minibus 25B to terminus and a short walk over the railway line - use the lift if inclined...


Hares Note:

Change of plan... again and again. GM gallantly steps into Velcro Lips large shoes, as she has suffered badly from trying to set the run this morning but the heat won.

Website Says:

As the GM may now be a little busy setting the run, I will leave my mobile number here for any of those heading to the start today and a little or a lot confused - 96749069

May be a good idea that drivers offer a lift on the Whatsapp group too?

Hope Velcro Lips makes the run today, we wish her well and she will need serious rehydrating in the circle!

After the funeral of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the queen KING of the Sek Kong Hash will regal us with her his run no doubt. Long live the King!

For your viewing pleasure:  Lizzies final engagement...
