

Sun. 01 Jan 2023


 Run No. 2290

Hares - Moonie

Run Time - 3:00PM

Location - The Moonie & Ebony Love Shack, Fu Tei Pai, Shau Tau Kok Rd.

Trail - A to A

Wimps & Rambo runs

Maps - Start Point - https://goo.gl/maps/ZqpZr1838xMRch2r6

Usual carparking close by - https://maps.app.goo.gl/EGf1JBxnrLdbXGPW6?g_st=iw

Taxi - 虎地排公廁

Nr. MTR - Fanling MTR

Bus - Alight at Kwan Tei bus stop. Minibuses 52B-K & 56B-K all depart from Fanling MTR. Buses from town and go through the new tunnel - 78X from Kai Tak - 79X from Cheung Sha Wan - 676 & 979 from Central (Hong Kong Station MTR) for the townies.

Walking route from Kwan Tei bus stop:  https://goo.gl/maps/Ukd82cnBBnH7RxrA6

Hare Notes:

From mine and will sort some food out. Probable chilli n bread, bannoffee and not sure about a cake. Maybe a banana cake, we’ll see 👍 enough info? Parking will be the usual enclosure.

Remember, it is Moonies birthday run and it's a public holiday the next day,  so, don't drive and don't forget all those birthday presents for the old codger...

Happy New Year all and may 2023 bring you more of what you really want!