Hare - BJ

Sun. 22 Jan 2023

Run No.  2293

The SKH3 hash are back in Puerto Galera, Philippines for the first hash away in many years...

Hare - BJ

Run Time - 3:00PM

Location - Cap't Greggs Dive Resort, Sabang Beach, Philippines

Trail - A to A

Wimps & Rambo runs...

Maps - Start Point - https://goo.gl/maps/7rHvSxtbbcanh9S27

No parking option, unless you have a boat.

Taxi -    潛水度假村 

Nr. MTR -  Lei Tung Station, Ap Lei Chau

Bus - I'm sure there is no bus to there...

Walking route from Sabang Oriental Hotel:  https://goo.gl/maps/PRmoJXRJmkDrkE3q9

Hare Notes:

A spectacular run will be followed by a circle & On On On at Cap't Greggs restaurant and dinner will be washed down with lashings of the world famous Gin Juice. A pub crawl may follow and no doubt the evening shall be wound up with Moonie parading his arse up and down the beach... with a fire breathing mamasam in hot pursuit.

Lost wallets, phones, passports and virginities will follow...

Lord help us!

Note, if the non-tourists are interested in having their own run in HK on the Sun. 22nd Jan, I suggest that you avoid Leafy due to the Wishing Tree nonsense that will screw up the traffic in Lam Tsuen, those interested in a run meet GB at 4pm at the Kings Belly and he will sort something out from there.

Wed. 25th Jan. - Dingaling will set a N2TH3 run in Puerto Galera. 3pm @ Cap't Greggs for a banca trip to fabulous location.

Sat. 28th Jan. - Those sexual predators that remain will join the Puerto Galera Hash for their usual weekly run. Again 3pm @ Cap't Greggs and trip out of town for the run.

Sun. 29th Jan. - Victim will hopefully be back from sexually predatoring and will set the usual SKH3 Sunday run at 3pm. Location will be in TaiPo Market @ the pagoda at the top of the hill behind the Kings Belly, near the old Taipo Police Station. Hopefully I can send out more details next week.

Sun. 5th Feb. - Unfortunately Hardup cannot set the run that Sunday for the SKH3 and therefore there is a request for someone to volunteer to set the run that day...

Webshite Says:

OOOOoooo.... this is gonna be a good Hash trip and sorry for those that can't make it. Here are some photos from the last Hash trip to Puerto Galera, some 8 years ago now...

ON ON the lash...

Puerto Galera - 2015

Sabang Beach

Hash Craft

Portofino - Hash Hotel

Hash Flash... photobombed

"Tits Oot?"

Hash Team Gow

Happy Hashers

Mike Barker the Hare


Girlies Boat

The Beach Frog Bar

ON ON to the next Hash Tour...