Run 2269

Sun. 07 Aug 2022

*** Important Notice ***

As a few of the Sek Kong Hashers have tested positive for COVID recently (Britarse, Radio One, Fartypants, LSG & Chemical Ali - the list grows), we as a group of responsible adults & old farts ask that, if you intend to attend this or future hash runs, please give yourself a RAT test on the Sunday morning before leaving for the hash - Thank you.

Hare - Ding-A-Ling

Run No. - 2269

Run Time - 4:00PM

Location - Nam Chung (Dam at the end of the road), Nr Luk Keng

If the weather dictates, shelter is close.

Trail - A to A

Wimps & Rambos 

Maps - Start Point -

(& car parking)

Taxi - 南涌郊遊徑

Nr. MTR - Fanling MTR - Exit C

Bus - 56K Green Minibus to "Luk Keng" and alight at "Nam Chung"

New Territories GMB Route 56K | 

Note, 16 minute walk between minibus drop-off point and run start point - 

Walking route:

Get off the minibus when you see this store on the right hand side

Turn right here and follow the road to the end

Hare Notes:

Morning sir, much to my surprise, I'm the hare for Sunday! 

I'll set a nice summer run from the dam parking at the back of Nam Chung, location of the Sunset run. 

If it rains we will start from the covered area opposite the toilets. Sound like a plan?

Webshite Says:

Hmmm, the Sunset run was in 1997, some 25 years ago I doubt if many can remember... or do they?

For your viewing pleasure:  part of that circle from that run 25 years ago at the same location... who do you recognize?... some of you old coffin dodgers will remember I'm sure....