First and last project

This project aims to gather data on the first and last records for a number of selected species, currently Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric), Amanita rubescens (Blusher), Boletus edulis (Penny Bun or Cep), Calocybe gambosa (St. George's Mushroom), Flammulina velutipes (Velevet Shank), Mitrula paludosa (Bog Beacon) and Panellus serotinus (Olive Oysterling). These records will be displayed on the calendar below and provide a challenge for others to find an earlier or later record! This may even provide important information about what happens to fungus fruiting times due to climate change.

Submit your records here, but don't forget to send in the full record details too if you are not entering them through any other portal!

Provisional list:

[Click name for more info]


Flammulina velutipes

Panellus serotinus


Calocybe gambosum

Mitrula paludosa


Calocybe gambosum

Cantharellus cibarius

Mitrula paludosa


Cantharellus cibarius

Amanita rubescens

Amanita muscaria

Boletus edulis