Cinnabar Webcap - a distinctive species within a difficult group

Post date: Oct 24, 2013 9:08:21 PM

The October Fungus of the Month, Cinnabar Webcap (Cortinarius cinnabarinus) is a stunning and distinctive member of this difficult genus. Its specific name comes from the similarity of the fruit body colour to the vermilion colours of the mineral cinnabar. The colour is almost fluorescent on fresh, young material and a real treat to find. View the full Fungus of the Month profile here.

As usual, please keep an eye out for this fungus and then either let us know you've found it or submit the record to your local fungus group. Also, remember that the ever growing list of 'Fungus of the Month' profiles is available here, ordered alphabetically or by its highlight month. We are always keen to hear about new records for any of these species at any time.

Cortinarius cinnabarinus