Is the Pink Disco really only found in southern Scotland?

Post date: Oct 26, 2012 8:07:30 PM

November's Fungus of the Month is Aleurodiscus wakefieldiae, or Pink Disco (ah, the puns I could have subjected you to!). You can read Liz Holden's wonderful profile for this fungus here. It is found on either dead attached or recently fallen branches of deciduous trees including alder, beech and oak species. Can anyone tell us where its scientific name reference to Wakefield comes from? The place or a person?

A distinctive pink species that has rarely been recorded. Please keep an eye out for it and then either let us know you've found it or submit the record to your local fungus group.

Aleurodiscus wakefieldiae (Liz Holden) showing bright pink colours and circular growth form