Two new chapters added to Mycologia Scotica

Post date: Dec 21, 2016 11:14:05 PM

We are pleased to announce an early Christmas present from Prof. Roy Watling; two new chapters of Mycologia Scotica!

If you haven't come across Mycologia Scotica before it is a compilation of all the specimen-holdings in the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh up to 1999 when Roy retired. Information on distribution by watershed, habitat and other important notes are provided for each species. More information here.

The new chapters cover ascomycete fungi with Chapter 24 covering the Order Pezizales (e.g. morels and cup fungi) and Chapter 25 the Orders Helotiales and Taphrinales (e.g. alder tongue and bog beacon).

We have added the new Orders, Families and Genera to the Mycologia Scotica chapter index on the Scottish Fungi website, so hopefully you'll find it easy enough to find any species you are looking for.

A huge thanks to Roy for yet another enormous contribution to Scottish mycology!