Grampian Fungus Group

Grampian Fungus Group was established in 1997 by a small group of mushroom enthusiasts with an interest in identifying and recording fungi. We don’t collect edible species as a group on our forays, concentrating more on recording and photographing fungi and generally appreciating the diversity of species.

Our programme starts in August and runs approximately once a week until October although we do organise extra impromptu forays from time to time. We also run a workshop every season using membership fees to pay for a tutor to come in and train us in microscopy or whatever the group decides is needed.

We have a Spring foray and our AGM in April and a newsletter is produced once a year and issued to members in early spring.

We submit our records to our local records centre, NESBReC and the national database (FRDBI). We are affiliated to the British Mycological Society, which provides public liability insurance and support through its local recording network coordinator and we liaise with other Scottish recording groups and nature conservation organizations wherever possible.

We are always delighted to welcome new members including complete beginners. It costs just £10.00 a year to become a member. All that you need on a foray is a packed lunch, warm and waterproof clothing, a notebook, something to collect fungi in, enthusiasm and a sense of humour! We have a small library of books and some basic microscopes which members can borrow to get them started.

Contact: Toni Watt

0777 3626981