'Floury' rather than 'flowery' smells in our grasslands this Autumn.

Post date: Oct 14, 2012 12:20:40 PM

October's Fungus of the Month is Porpoloma metapodium, or Mealy Medowcap. It's one of those fungi that lets you know you might be in a special bit of grassland and likely to find many more grassland gems around about. Sniffing fungi is an interesting pastime, but like many fungi, a good sense of smell will help you identify this floury scented mushroom. You can read Liz Holden's full profile for this fungus here.

As usual, please keep an eye out for this fungus and then either let us know you've found it or submit the record to your local fungus group. Also, remember that the ever growing list of 'Fungus of the Month' profiles is available here, ordered alphabetically or by its highlight month. We are always keen to hear about new records for any of these species at any time.