Persistent Waxcap - Species of the Month

Post date: Aug 24, 2011 6:51:39 PM

It's almost the end of August (already!) and with the trees beginning to turn, the waxcap grassland species are beginning to get going. The Entolomas (Pinkgills) flush first in July and August and are accompanied by the early Hygrocybe (Waxcap) species. Later in September is probably the best time in Scotland to assess the full Hygrocybe diversity of any site, so keep your eyes open for these early indicators. This month's target fungus for survey is Hygrocybe acutoconica - Persistent Waxcap. Why not have a look for it in old, mossy lawns and other undisturbed grassland and then submit your records here. These records will help us build a better understanding of the species and it's important habitat in Scotland. Good luck!

Hygrocybe acutoconica (Persistent Waxcap)