Mycologia Scotica - data sources

Information provided by Prof. Roy Watling

1) Herbaria

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

    • See Hedge and Lamond for classical collections eg. Greville, Klotzsch and other old collections of Evans -father and son, Young, Sadler. Balfour’s myxo collection. Also many collections from P.D.Orton esp. post Check List.

    • D.M.Henderson

    • M Wilson mostly micro-forms and forest pathogens

    • Material from East Craigs

    • Incorporates Mycol. Herb. of St. Andrews Univ. including material of J.A.McDonald and A. Angus

    • See Watling Presidential Address to Bot. Soc. Edinb.

Aberdeen University

    • Large collections by Trail and from Dickie; see Watling above

Glasgow University


    • Dennis, Reid, Spooner, Kirk collections - see Reid & Austwick, Glasgow Nat.

2) Publications


    • All records deposited in Records Centre Lerwick, includes Dennis info.; material in E. Fungus Flora plus two articles in Shetland Nat. and one in Bot Soc. giving new records


    • All records on a data base and transferred to Orkney Bioresources Database Kirkwall. Article on new records in Orkney Nat.

Outer & Inner Hebrides

    • See Dennis publication. His material in K. Smaller amount in E incl. Henderson & Watling Mull survey material. BM collections from Mull transferred to K. St Kilda material in E Card index housed at E for Mull but not kept up-to-date. Additions published separately by RBGE. Further publ of additions to Isles in Bot. Soc.Trans.

Flora of Lothians

    • See Smith et al. Bare list in publ. records from which it was extracted appear in Davy - CD Disc for SNH. Specimens in E. (Old collections fro area in E). Local SESFG records maintained by mary Clarkson and some with Watling. Edinb. Nats records

Upper Clyde

    • Mimeographed records of upper reaches of R. Clyde distributed by Alan Silverside. Some material collected by Mike Burge in Strathclyde.


    • Catalogue of foray records of Scottish Crypto. Soc. & BSE appears in Bull Brit. Mycol. Soc. 1983; localities in ?????? see BSE News

    • BMS forays see appropriate Transactions for foray report until 1980 when independent mimeographed foray reports were produced. Records therein are on the BMS Data base

    • Glen Cairn Environmental Audit Report E-J. Ahart, 2002.

3) Print-outs


    • Larger and lichenized fungi from Watling’s field notes and published records for SNH in connection with proposed Nat. Park. Copies with SNH.


    • Based o fungi found on field courses there. Compiled by Lynn Davy mostly on Watling’s fieldnotes and publications for Strathardle. Few more to be added from A. Silverside and R. Outen notes. Published results also of BMS meetings there and Nordic Congress meetings.

Inverey Wood, Deeside

    • Compiled list from Watling by Lynn Davy. Now added to by Liz Holden and requires incorporation of records.

    • Additional data from Liz. Holden’s surveys for Nat. trust and SNH

4) Data bases

Scottish office List of Fungi

    • A compilation from Shetland, Orkney, Cairngorm, Hebridean records.

Scottish Data base

    • Compiled by Lynn Davy based on Adrian Newton and her, and the majority of Watling’s field records. Records of most uncommon and rare species are supported by herbarium material.

Fife List

    • Compiled from Herbarium material incl. St Andrews and from Watling’s field notes and others published records.on disc.


    • All records now on data-base; a smaller set with SIMBIOS. Species entries are not included in Lynn Davy’s data set. See publications re-Dawyck in several journals.

Wax-Cap & Stipitate Hydnum surveys

    • SNH sponsored and based on Lynn Davy nad Adrian Newton’s field work and data base. which have now been incorporated into BMS Data base. See publications in Biol. Conservation and Bot. Soc. Trans.

5) Personal notes


    • Records supported by paintings and sketches are held by Orton’s executors. Supporting material in E.


    • Few notes except directly on packet; last field note-book available. Earlier ones mislaid. Searching.


    • Nearly all pre-2000 records appear on the GUPTA data set. Needs to be updated; lists for appropriate sites since compilation on hard disc on computer.

7) Institutes

    • Forerstry Commission Fungal pathogens Derek Redfern & Steve Gregory

    • East Craigs Mike Richardson, West of Scotland College, North of Scotland College, Betty Gray and College of Agriculture James Gilmour. And C. Foisetr & N.Alcock..

6) Biological Centres

    • Fungal records regularly sent to Jon Mercer, Borders Biol. Recording. Centre,Bob Savile Lothians Recording Centre, Edinburgh; 2008 onwards to replacement Carl.

    • Shetland Amenity Dept. Lerwick & Orkney Kirkwall LIbrary


It would appear as time goes on that the majority of fungi recorded from England will be recorded from Scotland with only the truely thermophilic ones being absent. Thus it means that the fungi typical; of the Caledonian forest will off set the latter and the numbers for each country will gradually become very similar. Gradually also as more collecting and assessing of dried collections is made most fungi will be found in all watersheds making it rather a coarse way of examining the mycota.

At the moment Jan. 1st 20109 the following sources of records have been used:-

    • Fungus Flora of Shetland Watling plus typescript additions basis of article in Shetland Naturalist - material in E. Full details of records card-index deposited in Shetland Records Centre.

    • BM Flora of Mull chapter on fungi by Henderson & Watling plus Watling The Fungus Flora of Mull - Additions RBG Edinburgh, 1985 material in E; material in BM transferred to K. Details of all records in card-index in RBGE.

    • Fungus Flora of Orkney Watling, Turnbull & Eggeling plus typescript, basis of article in Orkney Field material in E and Stromness and full details of records in Eggeling Orkney Council report and in Computer print out.

    • Fungi of the Hebrides Dennis plus supplement in Kew Bull. 45 - material in K & E with additions to the Fungus Flora of the Hebrides in Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 44: 127-138 & special RBGE publication

    • Skye Fungi Additions Glasgow Nat 21 Part 3 1987

    • *Fungus Flora of the Mid Clyde Valley mimeographed Alan Siverside. Material not in E or K

    • Species records from Kindrogan to 1998 - material in E. Records of Silverside and Outen who followed teaching Kindrogan Course not accessed.

    • Glen Cairn Report material in E

    • Flora of Lothian data-base and publication - material in E

    • Watling’s species lists for SESFG forays - material in E

    • Additional Herbarium material from RBGE including material of D. M. Henderson, J.A. Macdonald and P. D. Orton with many types (post 1960).

    • *Stevenson’s addenda in Scottish Nat. labelled in text Add. plus number

    • Watling, R. 1983 Additions to the Fungal Flora of the Hebrides, Trans. Bot. Soc. edinb. 44: 127-138. Aterial in E

    • Watling, R. 1985 The Fungal Flora of Mull – additions, Royal Bot. Gdn., 31pp. Edinburgh Material in E.

    • Sources of Herbarium material see published notes to Watling’s Presidential address to BSE (now BSS)

    • Arrangement; All herbarium records have a date attached. The island records can be found in the appropriate publication with the additional data in card-indices or print outs deposited with various bodies as indicated above so individual sites are not listed automatically

Records for some individuals are added with dates., The collections 1953 onwards to 1970 include D.M. Henderson (10,000), 1960 onwards to 1980s P.D.Orton (8,000) and from 1957 presently to R.W. part of 30,000).

Because there are so few herbarium backed records in E from Argylle, Sutherland and Ross the following texts have been consulted

    • *Dennis Higher Fungi of Wester Ross Trans. Bot. Soc. edinb. 34: 397-401, 1948. Material in K.

    • Balfour –Browne, F. Some fungi of Sutgherland ditto 35: 431-434, 1951. Material originally in BM transferred to K.

    • Notes on some Scottish fungi – Argylle ditto 35: 427-430, 1951. Material in K.

    • Fungi of the Western Highlands of Scotland Kew Bulletin 11-126, 1955. Material in K.

    • Fungi of Arran, Gigha and Kintyre by Kirk & Spooner Kew Bull. 38: 503-597, 1984

    • There is still a deficit for Dee. Collections in Aberdenn should be consulted e.g. Trail, Dickie

    • Also list generated by BMS foray based at Kindrogan Sept. 2003 material in K & E.

The BMS data base and the Davey/Watling record database have not been tapped, nor additional Orton and Henderson notes; the former now with Richard Tofts. There are other regional lists which are noted in Presidential address Bot Soc. 1987. Records in Scottish Nat. and Newsletters of 3 Scottish groups. Malcolm Wilson’s extensive notes and lists by Wilberforce. SNH Reports; Glasgow Parks report all need to be chased up.

plus BMS foray lists and Cryptogamic Society lists. Sites and dates listed in 2 publications connected with Bot Soc. Pres. Address one in Newsletter BSE and one in Bull BMS

The BMS Data base should contain the following records 1) British Gasteromycetes incl. Scotland which are sunmmarised in maps in Pegler & Spooner and 2) cards of the 10 Km. European Mapping Scheme on which the maps in Lange Dansk Bot. Arkiv are published, many based on material in E. Ing will have data base for Myxomycetes incl. Scottish records.

Long lists of records of stipitate Hydnums and Wax Caps from the 3 year studies financed by SNH. The latter includes information from RBGE Herb. of wax caps, entolomataceous fungi and grassland clavariaceous fungi, data based by Evelyn Turnbull.

Note Quelet & Pearson’s interpretations of Cooke’s Plates in TBMS 20

    • Remember there are no field notes on labels for Orton’s collections; they are held by Tofts. Only published descriptions will include field data

    • Klotszch 1830 material is being separately sourced and individual records noted in text. Look at K material of Klotszch. Note Reid & Austwick, Glasgow Nat. 1964

    • Greville material from Flora Edinensis and Scottish Cryptogamic Flora are individually noted in text.

Watersheds recognized:

*included in Stevenson under Sutherland

Inner and Outer Hebridean Isles are named separately. viz. Skye and adj. islands which appear in Stevenson in W. Ross; Mull, Tiree and adj. islands in Argyle and Arran, Islay and adj. islands in Clyde.