Dawyck species list

Heron Wood Cryptogamic Sanctuary and Reserve project

This is a list of the fungi found in the Dawyck Botanic Garden, Peebles over the last sixteen years during the Heron Wood project. Most of the records and collections were made by Prof. Roy Watling. Included for completeness however are a few pre-1990 records of fungi found by collectors such as the late R.W.Dennis, formerly of Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland, East Craigs and then Royal Bot. Gdn., Kew, the late Malcolm Wilson, Dept.of Botany, University of Edinburgh and my former colleague at RBG, Edinburgh, the late Douglas Henderson. This a working list and some indication is given where some changes in the naming and nomenclature of species have taken place over the intervening years. For instance the classification adopted is not fully complacent with modern molecular studies e.g. Stereales covers all the crust fungi, but it does allow comparisons to be made with earlier lists based on morphological features such as the Orkney and Shetland mycotas. The currently accepted systematics can be obtained from the available Check lists or by Internet thru’ Index Fungorum, a CABI web-site so I make no excuses in presentiung the list in this way. Those species known from Heron Wood Sanctuary and Reserve are indicated with an asterisk. Voucher specimens are deposited in the Herbarium, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Dawyck fungi - February 2010