
Zacharias, Jerrold R. (1905-1986) NAS bio

Zachariasen, Frederik W. H. (1906-1979) NAS bio

Zadoff, Ellen Audrey, 1958- Johnson Matthey; West Chester Film Festival; Bicycling


Zajonc, Robert B., 1923-2008.

Robert B. Zajonc (1923-2008): Obituary. Burstein, Eugene. American Psychologist. Vol. 64 (6), September 2009, 558-559.

Zalk, Sue Rosenberg (1945-2001)

Sue Rosenberg Zalk (1945-2001): Obituary. Katz, Phyllis A. American Psychologist. Vol. 57 (2), Feb 2002, 128.

Zamecnik, Paul C. (1912-2009) NAS biographical memoir

Zamenhof, Stephen 1911-1998. Download Prof. of microbiology, UCLA

Zao, Wou-ki, 1920-2013. 趙無極 painter

x Zhao, Wuji

Zavidovskaya, Ekaterina A. 葉可嘉

Zeevaart, Jan A. D. (1930-2009) NAS bio

Zeitlin, Judith T. 蔡九迪

Zeitoun, Elizabeth 齊莉莎 Academia Sinica French researcher

Zelin, Madeleine (曾小萍)

Zelnik, Reginald E. 1936-2004. Download Prof. of Russian History, UC Berkeley



Zemanek, Bogdan S. 翟伯單

Zeng, Baosun, 1893-1978. 曾寶蓀

Zeng, Yueh-Nong, 1899-1967. Beauson Tseng 約農

Zeng, Zaozhuang, 1937- 曾棗莊

Zeng, Zhilang 曾志朗 see Tzeng, Ovid J. L., 1944- 曾志朗,男,1944年9月8日出生,台湾高雄县人。

Zentmyer, George A. 1913-2003. Download NAS; plant pathologist

http://senate.ucr.edu/agenda/030522/zentmyer.pdf http://www.avocadosource.com/CAS_Yearbooks/CAS_86_2002/CAS_2002_PG_046-048.pdf

Zhan, Hanglun, 1954- 詹杭伦

Liu, James J. Y. , 1926-1986 劉若愚


刘若愚:融合中西诗学之路 / 作 者:詹杭伦 (1954- http://yhwh.bookall.cn/pdf/section428701.pdf

Zhang, Jie. 张杰 PhD; NAS, 2012; President of Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.


Zhang, Jigao, 1926-1995. 張繼高

Zhang Juwen 張舉文

Zhang, Shoucheng, 1963- 张首晟 Stanford prof., NAS, 2015

Zhang Xianliang 張賢亮

Zhang, Yanhui 張燕輝 PhD, Carnegie Mellon; linguist

Zhang, Yingjin. 張英進

Zhao, Huimin. 赵惠民 PhD, Caltech; professor, Illinois; Guggenheim, 2012

Zhao, Weiguo, 1967- 赵伟国 Tsinghua Unigroup 紫光集团有限公司董事长

Zhao, Wenshu, 1967-

Zhao, Wuji, see Zao, Wou-ki, 1920-2013. 趙無極 painter

Zheng, Shusen, see Tay, William, 1948- 鄭樹森

Zheng, Xiaoying, 1929- 郑小瑛

Zhou, Hongjing, 1902-1957. see Chow, Hung-ching, 1902-1957. 周鴻經 mathematician

Zhou, Peter X., 1956- 周欣平

Zhou, Xiangeng, 1903-1996. see Chou, Siegen K., 1903-1996. 周先庚 experimental psychologist

Zhou, Xinfang, 1895-1975. 周信芳 Chinese opera artist


Zhou, Youguang, 1906-2017. 周有光 Hanyu Pinyin “汉语拼音之父”周有光

Zhou, Zhonghe, 1965- 周忠和 NAS

Zhu see also Chu , , , and


Zhu, Dexi, 1920-1992. 朱德熙 linguist

He married He Kongjing (Chinese: 何孔敬) in 1945. In 2007, she published a memoir about her husband titled in Chinese:"长相思——朱德熙其人"

Zhu, Jian-Kang, 1967- 朱健康 UC Riverside (plant cell biologist); NAS, 2010



Zhu, Nai-Chang, 1929-2012. 朱乃长 translator

Zhu, Shijie. see Chu, Shih-jie, 1249-1314. 朱世 mathematician

Zhu, Yan, see Chu, Rudolph Yen, 1936-2011.

Zhuang, Xiaowei, 1972- 莊小威 Harvard; NAS

Zia, Helen, 1952-

Ziegler, Elsie B. folklore

Ziehm, Elsa, 1911-1993.

Zillman, Lawrence John, 1902-1990. Prof. of English, U. of Washington

Art and craft of poetry http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=19900908&slug=1092001

Zimm, Bruno H. (1920-2005) NAS bio

Zimm, Georgianna (Grevatt) '40 Barnard College

The Genome of Drosophila Melanogaster. Academic Press, 1992 (coauthor).

Zimmerman, Barbara T. (Prostkoff) '68 Barnard College

Understanding Breast Cancer Genetics. University Press of Mississippi, 2004.

Zimmerman, Everett 1936-2003. Download Prof. of English


Zimmerman, Jean '79 Barnard College

Breaking with Tradition: Women and Work: The New Facts of Life. Warner Books, 1992 (with Felice Schwartz).

Raising Our Athletic Daughters: How Sports Can Build Self-Esteem and Save Girls' Lives. Doubleday, 1998; Main Street Books, 1999 (with Gil Reavill).

Tailspin: Women at War in the Wake of Tailhook. Doubleday, 1995.

Made from Scratch: Reclaiming the Pleasures of the American Hearth. Free Press, 2003.

The Women of the House: How a Colonial She-Merchant Built a Mansion, a Fortune, and a Dynasty. Harcourt, 2006.

Zimmerman, Robert R., 1930-2009.

Robert R. Zimmerman (1930-2009): Obituary. Coopman, Stephanie J.; Means, John R. American Psychologist. Vol. 65 (3), Apr 2010, 227.

Zimroth, Evan (Nurick) '65 Barnard College

Collusion: Memoir of a Young Girl and Her Ballet Master. HarperFlamingo, 1999.

Dead, Dinner, or Naked (poetry). TriQuarterly Books, 1993.

Gangsters. Crown, 1996.

Giselle Considers Her Future (poetry). Ohio State University Press, 1978.

Zingman-Leith, Susan '72 Barnard College

Creating Authentic Victorian Rooms. Elliott & Clark, 1995 (coauthor).

The Secret Life of Victorian Houses. Elliott & Clark, 1993 (coauthor).

Zinke, Paul J. 1920-2006. Download


Zinn, Howard, 1922-2010.

Zinn, Walter H. (1906-2000) NAS bio

Zinsser, Hans (1878-1940) NAS bio

Zinsser, William, 1922-2015. "On writing well"

Ziporyn, Brook A. 任博克

Zirkle, Raymond E. (1902-1988) NAS bio

Zivnuska, John A. 1916-2002. Download

Zou, Dang, see Tsou, Tang, 1918-1999. 鄒讜

Zubin, Joseph, 1900-1990.

Joseph Zubin (1900-1990): Obituary. Condray, Ruth. American Psychologist. Vol. 47(6), Jun 1992, 810-811.

Zürcher, Erik 許理和

Zukerman, Eugenia (Rich) '66 Barnard College

Coping with Prednisone. St. Martin's Press, 1997 (with Julie Rich Ingelfinger).

Deceptive Cadence. Viking, 1980.

Taking the Heat. Simon & Schuster, 1991.

Zukin, Sharon '67 Barnard College

After the World Trade Center: Rethinking New York City. Routledge, 2002 (co-editor).

Beyond Marx and Tito: Theory and Practice in Yugoslav Socialism. Cambridge University Press, 1975.

The Cultures of Cities. Blackwell, 1995.

Landscapes of Power: From Detroit to Disney World. University of California Press, 1991.

Loft Living: Culture and Capital in Urban Change. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982.

Point of Purchase: How Shopping Changed American Culture. Routledge, 2004.

Structures of Capital: The Social Organization of the Economy. Cambridge University Press, 1990 (coauthor).

Zung, Cecilia S. L. (Cecilia Sieu Ling), 1903- '38 Barnard College 程修龄

The Secrets of Chinese Drama: A Guide to Its Theatre Techniques. Benjamin Blom, 1965.

Zweig, David, 1950- 崔大偉 Canadian sinologist; PhD, Michigan, 1983.

Zweig, David. PhD, U of Waterloo; organizational behavior

Zweig, David, 1955- MBA, Harvard Business School, 1983 with John Gillespie; Money for Nothing

Zweig, David, 1974- musician; Invisible

Zweig, Martin, 1942-2013. Zweig Funds

Zweig, Stefan, 1881-1942. Austrian writer

Zworykin, Vladimir K. (1889-1982) NAS biographical memoir