
Fackenthal, Ruth Kniveton. 1933 (or 1934)- artist, Baldwin School

Fact Finder American FactFinder (from Census Bureau)

Fairbank, John King, 1907-1991. 費正清

Fairbank, William M., Sr. (1917-1989) NAS biographical memoir

Fairbank, Wilma (1909-2002)

editor of Liang Sicheng's A Pictoral History of Chinese Architecture.

Falicov, L. M. (1933-1995) NAS biographical memoir

Fan, Fon-May, 1940-2014. 樊豐美 http://www.historyoftaiwaneseamerican.org/who_is_who_main.html no. 56

Fang, Achilles Chih-t'ung Fang (August 20, 1910 – November 22, 1995) 方志彤

Fang, Ilse Martin, 1914-2008. wife of Achilles Fang. BIRTH Jul 13, 1914 DEATH Jan 27, 2008 (age 93)

Fang, Kaitai (or Fang, Kai-Tai) PhD, Peking; Statistics, applied math

Fang, Si, 1925- 方思 1925- 方思原名 黄时枢,Theodore (“Ted”) S. S. Huang

Fang, Yi-Ling, see Chiang, Yi-Ling F. 范一陵 (female)

Fano, Ugo (1912-2001) NAS biographical memoir

FAPA (Formosan Association for Public Affairs) 台灣人公共事務會

Farkas, Tibor (1929-2003) NAS biographical memoir

Farlow, William G. (1844-1919) NAS biographical memoir

Farnsworth, Paul R. (Paul Randolph), 1899-1978.

Obituary: Paul Randolph Farnsworth (1899-1978). Sears, Robert R. American Psychologist, Vol. 34 (5), May 1979, 432.

Father's Day

see also Mother's Day

Faure, David 科大衛

Fawl, Clifford L., 1930-2002.

Obituary: Clifford L. Fawl (1930-2002). Benjamin Jr., Ludy T.; Keith, Kenneth; Klein, Marty.

American Psychologist. Vol. 57 (12), Dec 2002, 1122.

Feenberg, Eugene (1906-1977) NAS biographical memoir

Fei, Xiang, 1960- 费翔 (born Kris Phillips)

Fei, Xiaotong, 1910-2005. 费孝通 Fei Hsiao-Tung; sociologist

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fei_Xiaotong http://home.uchicago.edu/~aabbott/barbpapers/barbfei.pdf


Feifel, Herman, 1915-2003.

Herman Feifel (1915-2003): Obituary. Strack, Stephen. American Psychologist. Vol. 58 (10), Oct 2003, 810.

Fejer, Martin M. Stanford prof., NAS, 2016

Feldman, Harvey, 1931-2009. 費浩偉 American diplomat



Felix, Robert H., 1904-1990.

Obituary: Robert H. Felix (1904-1990). Rubinstein, Eli A. American Psychologist. Vol. 47(4), Apr 1992, 589.

Fell, Dafydd 羅達菲 PhD, London. Taiwan history specialist

Feller, William (1906-1970) NAS biographical memoir

Feminism -- Japan

Yamakawa, Kikue, 1890-1980. 山川菊栄 (f.) activist

The Red Wave Society [Sekirankai] was the first socialist women’s association in Japan

Feng, Chien, 1897-1962. 馮简 Taida EE prof bio 我国第一位赴北极考察获得成功的科学家

Feng, Shengli (冯胜利) PhD, Penn; Prof., Chinese U of Hong Kong

Feng, Yin, 1914-1998. 冯寅

Fenn, Wallace O. (1893-1971) NAS biographical memoir

Fermi, Enrico (1901-1954) NAS biographical memoir

Fernald, Merritt L. (1873-1950) NAS biographical memoir

Ferrel, William (1817-1891) NAS biographical memoir

Ferry, John D. (1912-2002) NAS biographical memoir

Ferster, Charles B., 1922-1981.

Obituary: Charles B. Ferster (1922-1981). Dinsmoor, James A. American Psychologist. Vol. 37 (2), Feb 1982, 235.

Feshbach, Herman (1917-2000) NAS biographical memoir

Festinger, Leon, 1919-1989.

Festinger, Leon (1919-1989) NAS biographical memoir

Obituary: Leon Festinger (1919-1989). Zajonc, R. B. American Psychologist. Vol. 45 (5), May 1990, 661-662.

Feuerwerker, Albert, 1927-2013. 費維愷 wife: 梅儀慈

費維愷(Albert Feuerwerker)是費正清的學生,現為密西根大學歷史系榮譽教授,是美國漢學界研究近現代中國經濟史的開山人物.我知道他的夫人梅儀慈是丁玲研究專家,但在網上搜尋才知道她是梅光迪的女兒

Feuerwerker, Yi-Tsi Mei 梅儀慈 husband: Feuerwerker, Albert, 費維愷

梅仪慈:梅光迪先生之女, 英文名: Yi-tsi Mei Feuerwerker(MEI Yi-ci ) 美国著名汉学家, 现任美国密西根大学教授,以研究中国白话新文学为志业,曾因在密歇根大学研究丁玲获得了两个博士学位,是著名的丁玲研究专家。


Fewkes, Jesse W. (1850-1930) NAS biographical memoir

Fewsmith, Joseph 傅士卓 Boston Univ.



De Tocqueville in Beijing (by Joseph Fewsmith)

Fields, Bernard N. (1938-1995) NAS biographical memoir

Fienberg, Stephen E., 1942-2016. NAS; Carnegie-Mellon obit

Fieser, Louis F. (1899-1977) NAS biographical memoir

Filano, Albert Eugene, 1925-2015.

Mt. Zion Historical Society

Penn State Excellence in Education 1985 recipient -- Albert E. Filano, 1954

Dr. Albert E. Filano (commencement address at Soka University of America)

Roselle, David Paul, 1939- President, U. of Delaware

Filano, Mary Rita, 1925-2011.

Mary Rita was born on May 13, 1925 and passed away on Tuesday, October 18, 2011.

wife of Dr. Albert E. Filano

Filipiak, Kai 費凱

Filmer-Bennett, Gordon T., 1914-2001.

Gordon T. Filmer-Bennett (1914-2001): Obituary. No authorship indicated. American Psychologist. Vol. 57(9), Sept 2002, 727.

Fine, Reuben, 1914-1993.

Reuben Fine (1914-1993): Obituary. Lane, Robert C. American Psychologist. Vol. 50(1), Jan 1995, 38.

Finger, Frank Whitney, 1915-2003.

Frank Whitney Finger (1915-2003): Obituary. Finger, William W.; McCarty, Richard.

American Psychologist. Vol. 58 (12), Dec 2003, 1097.

Finkelstein, David 馮德威

Finland, Maxwell (1902-1987) NAS biographical memoir

Fischer, Hermann O. (1888-1960) NAS biographical memoir

Fischman, Marian Weinbaum, 1939-2001.

Marian Weinbaum Fischman (1939-2001): Obituary. Foltin, Richard W. American Psychologist. Vol. 57(6/7), June/July 2002, 439.

Fishbein, Martin, 1936-2009.

Martin Fishbein (1936-2009): Obituary. Ajzen, Icek . American Psychologist. Vol. 65 (4), May-June 2010, 296.

Fisher, Sarah Carolyn, 1889-1985.

Obtituary: Sarah Carolyn Fisher (1889-1985). Gengerelli, J. A. American Psychologist. Vol. 42, (4), April 1987, 402.

Fisk, James B. (1910-1981) NAS biographical memoir

Fiske, Donald Winslow, 1916-2003.

Donald Winslow Fiske (1916-2003): Obituary. Duncan, Starkey. American Psychologist. Vol. 58 (12), Dec 2003, 1092-1093.

Fitch, Water M. (1929-2011) NAS biographical memoir

Fitts, Dudley, 1903-1968. poet, critic, translator

Fitzgerald, Irene A. "Renee" 1948-2014.

Flanagan, John Clemans, 1906-1996.

Obituaries: John Clemans Flanagan (1906-1996). Clemans, William V. American Psychologist. Vol. 52(12), Dec 1997, 1375-1376.

Fleming, John A. (1877-1956) NAS biographical memoir

Fleming, Renee, 1959- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9e_Fleming

Flesch, Rudolf, 1911-1986. phonics. Why Johnny can't read

Fletcher, Harvey (1884-1981) NAS biographical memoir

Flexner, Louis B. (1902-1996) NAS biographical memoir

Flory, Paul J. (1910-1985) NAS biographical memoir

Flygare, Willis H. (1936-1981) NAS biographical memoir

Flynn, Hulda Rees, 1910-2003.

Hulda Rees Flynn (1910-2003): Obituary. Flynn, Sarah. American Psychologist. Vol. 59 (2), Feb/Mar 2004, 121.

Flynn, John. singer/songwriter


Foa, Uriel G., 1916-1990.

Uriel G. Foa (1916-1990): Obituary. Triandis, Harry C. American Psychologist. Vol. 46(2), Feb 1991, 149.

Focus Media xx Jiang, Jason Nanchun, 1973- 江南春

Folch-Pi, Jordi (1911-1979) NAS biographical memoir

Foley, John Porter Jr., 1910-1994.

John Porter Foley, Jr. (1910-1994): Obituary. Greenman, Norman L. American Psychologist. Vol. 51(9), Sep 1996, 978

Folin, Otto K. (1867-1934) NAS biographical memoir

Folkers, Karl (1906-1997) NAS biographical memoir

Foner, Eric, 1943- PhD,Columbia, 1969;

DeWitt Clinton professor of history at Columbia; Civil War and Reconstruction

Gateway to Freedom: The Hidden History of the Underground Railroad.” 2016

Fong, Wen C. 方聞 方闻先生的英文论文

Foote, Nelson Northrup, 1916-2012.


Foote, Paul D. (1888-1971) NAS biographical memoir

Forbes, Alexander (1882-1965) NAS biographical memoir

Forbes, Stephen A. (1844-1930) NAS biographical memoir

Forbush, Scott E. (1904-1984) NAS biographical memoir

Forgays, Donald G., 1926-1993.

Donald G. Forgays (1926-1993): Obituary. Lawson, Robert B; Joffe, Justin M.

American Psychologist. Vol. 50(2), Feb 1995, 104.

Fort, Louis Allen.

Foster, Claude R., 1928-2012. WCU History professor

Foster, George M., Jr. (1913-2006) NAS biographical memoir

Fowler, Rickie, 1988- golfer; Rickie Yutaka Fowler

Fox, Arturo Angel, 1935-2014. 08/02/1935-- 11/06/2014 Dickinson College; Carol Ebersol Fox

Fox, Bernard H., 1917-2001.

Bernard H. Fox (1917-2001): Obituary. Temoshuk, Lydia. American Psychologist. Vol. 57(9), Sept 2002, 720.

Fox, Carol Ebersol Klein, 1943-2015.

Arturo Fox

Richard Barrett Klein, 1938-2003.

Foxconn xx Hon Hai Precision Industry/Foxconn 鴻海 富士康科技集团

xx Gou, Terry, 1950- 郭台銘 Chairman, Hon Hai/Foxconn

Fraenkel, Gottfried S. (1901-1984) NAS biographical memoir

Fraisse, Paul, 1911-1996.

Obituary: Paul Fraisse (1911-1996). Rosenzweig, Mark R. American Psychologist. Vol. 53(9), Sep 1998, 1073-1074.

Framo, James Lawrence, 1922-2001.

James Lawrence Framo (1922-2001): Obituary. McDaniel, Susan H.

American Psychologist. Vol. 57(6/7), June/July 2002, 441.

Francis, Thomas (1900-1969) NAS biographical memoir

Franck, James (1882-1964) NAS biographical memoir

Frangville, Vanessa 方文莎

Frank, Andre Gunder, 1929-2005.


Frank, Jerome D., 1910-2005.

Jerome D. Frank (1910-2005): Obituary. Parloff, Morris B.; Shapiro, Daniel L.

American Psychologist. Vol. 60 (7), Oct 2005, 727.

Frank, Robert H. Success and Luck (2016) episode

Robert H. Frank is the H. J. Louis Professor of Management and Professor of Economics at Cornell University's Johnson School of Management. He has been an Economic View columnist for the New York Times for more than a decade and his books include The Winner-Take-All Society (with Philip J. Cook), The Economic Naturalist, The Darwin Economy(Princeton), and Principles of Economics (with Ben S. Bernanke). He lives in Ithaca, New York.

Franke, Herbert, 1914-2011. 傅海波


Franke, Herbert W., 1927- Austrian scientist


Franke, Otto, 1863-1946. 福兰阁


Franke,Wolfgang 傅吾康

Frankel,Hans H. 傅汉思

Franklin, Edward C. (1862-1937) NAS biographical memoir

Franklin, Edward C. (1928-1982) NAS biographical memoir

Franklin, John Hope, 1915-2009.

Franklin, John Thomas. professor of Counseling & Addiction Studies 25 years at University of Detroit Mercy

According to John

Cheryl M. Cunningham; Beth Ann Franklin; Kevin Franklin

Dr. Franklin is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of addictive disorders and co-occurring mental illnesses. He has directed the addiction studies program since its inception in 1978. He teaches drug effects, theories of addiction, group methods, family systems, qualitative research and compulsive gambling. His publications deal with chemical dependence among women, alternative education as preventive of substance abuse, treatment outcomes for adolescents and their families, and steroid dependence among male weight-lifters. His current interests are sexual addiction and the confluence of spirituality and psychotherapy. In 2002 he received the Distinguished Professor Award from his colleagues at UDM. Dr. Franklin holds a B.A. in philosophy from St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, an S.T.L. in theology from the Gregorian University, an M.A. in clinical psychology from the University of Illinois Springfield and a Ph.D. in educational psychology from the University of Michigan.

Franklin, Kevin. B.S., Caltech, 2000. BlackRock

Volatility nerd's dream

Franzen, Jonathan, 1959- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Franzen

Fraser, Christopher 方克濤

Fravel, Taylor 傅泰林

Frazer, John F. (1812-1872) NAS biographical memoir

Fred, Edwin B. (1887-1981) NAS biographical memoir

Fredrickson, Donald S. (1924-2002) NAS biographical memoir

Freeman, Frank Samuel, 1898-1986.

Obituary: Frank Samuel Freeman (1898-1986). Ryan, T. A. American Psychologist. Vol. 43 (8), Aug 1988, 655.

Freeman, John R. (1855-1932) NAS biographical memoir


French, C. Stacy (1907-1995) NAS biographical memoir

Freud, Anna, 1895-1982.

Obituary: Anna Freud (1895-1982). Reuben Fine. American Psychologist. Vol. 40 (2), Feb 1985, 230-231.

Freudenberger, Herbert J., 1926-1999.

Obituary: Herbert J. Freudenberger (1926-1999). Canter, Mathilda B.; Freudenberger, Lisa.

American Psychologist. Vol. 56 (12), Dec 2001, 1171.

Fried, Josef (1914-2001) NAS biographical memoir

Friedman, Herbert (1916-2000) NAS biographical memoir

Friedmann, Herbert (1900-1987) NAS biographical memoir

Friedman, Herbert Loeb, 1936-2000.

Obituary: Herbert Loeb Friedman (1936-2000). Johnson, Raymond L. American Psychologist. Vol. 57(1), Jan 2002, 64.

Friedrichs, Kurt Otto (1901-1983) NAS biographical memoir

Friend, Charlotte (1921-1987) NAS biographical memoir

Friedrich, Michael. 傅敏怡

Fröhlich, Thomas 費瑞實

Fromm, Erich, 1900-1980.

Obituary: Erich Fromm (1900-1980). Elkind, David. American Psychologist. Vol. 36(5), May 1981, 521-522.

Frost, Carl, 1914-2009.

Carl Frost (1914-2009): Obituary. Schmitt, Neil; Davis, Paul.

American Psychologist. Vol. 65 (1), January 2010, 55.

Frost, Sir David, 1939-2013. English journalist

Frost, Edwin B. (1866-1935) NAS biographical memoir

Fruton, Joseph S. (1912-2007) NAS biographical memoir

Fry, Paul H. PhD, Harvard; Yale Professor



Fu, Baoning 寧 PhD, Simon Fraser.

Fu, Chao-hsiang, 1939- 符兆祥 wife:丘秀芷 1940- vita


Fu, CHARLES WEI-HSUN (1933-1996) 傅伟勋


Fu, Gao-yi, 傅高義 see Vogel, Ezra F., 1930- 傅高義

Fu, Hsiao-hsien, 1934- 傅孝先 Fu, Xiaoxian; Fu, Sherwin S. S.;

寒蟬與鳴蛙 / Han chan yu ming wa

Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry (translations by Sherwin S. S. Fu)

Fu, James S. see Fu, Shu-hsien, 1937- 傳述先

傅孟真(1896-1950) -- 見傅斯年(1896-1950)

Fu, Shen 傅申

Fu, Sherwin S. S., see Fu, Hsiao-hsien, 1934- 傅孝先

Fu, Shu-hsien, 1937- 傳述先 x Fu, Shuxian x Fu, James S.


Fu, Weitzu, 1923- 傅惟慈

Fu, Xiaoxian, 傅孝先 see Fu, Hsiao-hsien, 1934- 傅孝先

Fu, Ying, 1953- 傅莹 (female) Mongolian

Fu, Ying-Hui. 傅莹惠 UCSF; (PhD, Ohio State; BS, Chung-Hsin,Taiwan) hDEC2

Eight is too much for short sleepers





Fu, Zhaoxiang, 1939- see Fu, Chao-hsiang, 1939- 符兆祥

Fuentes, Carlos, 1928-2012.

Fuller, Michael A. 傅君勱 UC Irvine (Yale PhD)

Fung, Yiu-Ming (馮耀明)

Fuoss, Raymond M. (1905-1987) NAS biographical memoir

Furth, Harold P. (1930-2002) NAS biographical memoir

Furth, Jacob (1896-1979) NAS biographical memoir

傅汎際(Franciscus Furtado, 1587-1653)

Fuson, R. C. (1895-1979) NAS biographical memoir












































































UC Riverside

UC Riverside

UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley

UC Los Angeles

UC Davis

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UC Santa Barbara

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UC Santa Barbara

UC Irvine

UC Los Angeles

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UC Berkeley

UC Davis

UC Berkeley

UC Los Angeles

UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley

UC Santa Barbara

UC Berkeley

UC Davis

UC Los Angeles

UC Los Angeles

UC Los Angeles

UC Los Angeles

UC Irvine

UC Berkeley


Professor Emerita of Hispanic Studies

Professor of Environmental Sciences

Professor of Maternal and Child Health

Associate Professor in Energy and Resources

Professor of Chemistry

Professor of Food Science and Technology

Jane K. Sather Professor of History

Lecturer and Specialist in Journalism

Professor of Law

Professor of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering

Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Emeritus

Professor of Geology

Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Professor of Anesthesia and Pharmacology, Emeritus

Professor of French

Professor of Dentistry

Professor of Optometry and Vision Science

Professor of Management

Professor of Law

Professor of Chemistry

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Professor ofAnthropology

Professor of Biostatistics

Lecturer and Entomologist

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Professor of Statistics and Mathematics

Leo Helzel Professor of Entrepreneurship, Haas School of Business

Associate Professor Emeritus

Professor of Law

Professor of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Professor of Physics

Professor of Chemical Engineering<br>

Professor of Film and Television

David Geffen School of Medicine

Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Professor of Medicine

Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Emeritus