Ouyang, Jiao

歐陽教 1934-


1934年12月5日出生於台南縣安定鄉安加村農家;夫人:盧碧瑛女士留學英國,曾任職倫敦大學醫院 (婦產科護理);兒女一對,各有文理專攻。

x Oscar Jiaw Ouyang

x Jiao Ouyang

x Chiao Ouyang

x Ou-Yang


Ouyang Jiaw (歐陽教), Emeritus Professor, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

Emeritus Professor Oscar Jiaw Ouyang is retired from the National Taiwan Normal University and Chinese Culture University in Taipei. He began with the experiences of studying educational philosophy as an undergraduate and graduate in the National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Education. In the 1960s, Prof. Oscar Jiaw Ouyang, who studied at the Institute of Education in London, introduced many of the ideas of Professors Richard Peters, Paul Hirst, and John White etc. These ideas became extremely influential in educational development in Taiwan. His teaching and researching experiences after coming back from London has contributed to the field of educational philosophy in Taiwan and China. Prof. Ouyang cultivated many people who have outstanding achievements, while being a model of an educator, and he is also a crucial person in educational philosophy in Taiwan. Many Taiwanese scholars, over the past few decades, have gone on to study for their PhDs, or to be visiting scholars, in the field of philosophy of education in the UK.

His main Chinese academic publications are "Introduction of Philosophy of Education", "The Principle of Moral Education", "Moral Judgement and Moral Teaching" and many articles etc.