

black and blue

Blue and the Gray (Blue: Union; Gray: Confederate)

navy blue

Blue Baby Syndrome (Dr. Helen Brooke Taussig)

Blue Baby or Baby with Heart Disease

out of the blue; into the blue

blue in the face (i.e. extremely exasperated)

Big Blue (i.e. IBM)

Oval Blue (i.e. Ford Motor)

Blue Angels (US Navy flyers or jets)

Blue Ball, Pennsylvania (in Lancaster County)

blue balls (i.e. vasocongestion)

Blue Book (as in Kelley Blue Book, for used cars)

blue book (school examination book)

Blue Book (cf. White Book, Green Book, Red Book,

Purple Book)

cordon bleu (blue)





blue blood


blue cheese

blue chip [finan.]

blue chips (cf. white chips)

blue-collar worker (cf. white collar)

blue crab

Blue Cross/Blue Shield

a blue day

Blue Devils (Duke University basketball team)

blue diamond

Blue Diamond, Nevada

Blue Diamond of the Crown (Hope Diamond)

blue dog

blue fish

blue flu

blue gill (a common sunfish)

bluegrass (Kentucky bluegrass; Bluegrass State)

(also country music)

blue heron (great blue heron)

Blue Jackets (NHL ice hockey team; Columbus, Ohio)


Blue Jays (MLB baseball team; Toronto, Canada)

blue jeans

Blue Knights

The BLUE KNIGHTS is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement men & women who enjoy riding motorcycles

blue joke

blue laws

(a name first used in the eighteenth century to

describe certain supposititious laws of extreme

rigor reported to have been enacted in New

Haven; hence, any puritanical laws. [U. S.] )

blue lips

Blue Monday

blue moon

blue movie


blue pencil

blue ribbon; blue-ribbon panel; blue-ribbon jury

Blue Shield/Blue Cross

blue squirrel

blue states (cf. red states)

blue suede shoe (Elvis Presley)


blue violet

out of the blue

a true-blue hero

to make so blue -

once in a blue moon

true-blue [coll.]

a bolt from the blue

to have a blue fit

to be blue-blooded

to look blue [fig.]

feeling blue

to be in a blue funk

blueprint; blue print

blue plate luncheon (blue plate special)

blue light special

bluetooth (pink Cadillac with a bluetooth)

singing the blues; get the blues

a blue song (or blues)

once in a blue moon

bluestocking \BLOO-stock-ing\

(noun) : a woman having intellectual or literary interests

Example sentence:

Times have changed since English critic William

Hazlitt wrote in 1822, "I have an utter aversion to

bluestockings. I do not care a fig for any woman

that knows even what 'an author' means."

Did you know?

In mid-18th century England a group of ladies

decided to replace evenings of card playing and

idle chatter with "conversation parties," inviting

illustrious men of letters to discuss literary

and intellectual topics with them. One regular

guest was scholar-botanist Benjamin Stillingfleet.

His hostesses willingly overlooked his cheap blue

worsted stockings (a type disdained by the elite) in

order to have the benefit of his lively conversation.

Those who considered it inappropriate for women to

aspire to learning derisively called the group the

"Blue Stocking Society." The women who were

the original bluestockings rose above the attempted

put-down and adopted the epithet as a name

for members of their society