

Rabi, I. I. (1898-1988) NAS biographical memoir

Rabin, Albert Israel, 1912-2010.

Albert Israel Rabin (1912-2010): Obituary. Harris, Lauren Julius.

American Psychologist. Vol. 66 (7), Oct 2011, 636.

Rabut, Isabelle 何碧玉

Racker, Efraim (1913-1991) NAS biographical memoir

Rahn, Hermann (1912-1990) NAS biographical memoir

Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003. Mystically inclined British poet and a scholar of Yeats and Blake

had a lifelong passion for all things Indian; had a doomed love affair with the naturalist, homosexual Gavin Maxwell; obit from The Guardian; born Kathleen Jessie Raine

Raimy, Victor, 1913-1987.

Obituary: Victor Raimy (1913-1987). Hodges, William F.; Weatherley, Donald.

American Psychologist. Vol. 45 (3), March 1990, 398.

Rainwater, James (1917-1986) NAS biographical memoir

Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 1887-1920. FRS. mathematician xx Ken Ono (1968- )

Rammelkamp, Charles H. (1911-1981) NAS biographical memoir

Ramphele, Mamphela Aletta, 1947- Managing Director of the World Bank; social anthropologist and physician

Randolph, A. Philip, 1889-1979. pioneer in civil rights and labor

Ransom, Harry Huntt, 1908-1976.

Ransome, Frederick L. (1868-1935) NAS biographical memoir

Ranson, Stephen W. (1880-1942) NAS biographical memoir

Rao, Raja, 1908-2006. Indian novelist; obituary, NY Times, July 15, 2006

Rao, Yi, 1962- 饒毅 PhD, UCSF under Lily and Yuh-Nung Jan

former wife: Wu, Jane Y. 吴瑛 Jane Ying Wu MD, PhD Northwestern, neurology

Rao, Zongyi, 1917- 饒宗頤 Jao Tsung-I 漢學大師

Raper, John R. (1911-1974) NAS biographical memoir

Raper, Kenneth B. (1908-1987) NAS biographical memoir

Rasmussen, Norman C. (1927-2003) NAS biographical memoir

Ratner, Sarah (1903-1999) NAS biographical memoir

Rawls, John, 1921-2002. influential political philosopher, Harvard; obit

Ray, Judith Diana, 1946- PhD; professor, phys ed.

Ray, Oakley Stern, 1931-2007.

Oakley Stern Ray (1931-2007): Obituary. Moore, Dana L.

American Psychologist. Vol. 63 (1), Jan 2008, 56.

Rea, Christopher G. 雷勤風

Read, Allen Walker, 1906-2002. philologist; etymologist

Redfield, Alfred C. (1890-1983) NAS biographical memoir

Redgrave, Vannesa, 1937- daughter: Natasha Richardson

Redgrove, Peter, 1932-2003. prolific British poet, died of Parkinson's disease

Redl, Fritz, 1902-1988.

Fritz Redl (1902-1988): Obituary. Raush, Harold L.

American Psychologist. Vol. 47(9), Sep 1992, 1143

Reed, Henry Hope, Jr., 1915-2013. architectural critic

Reese, Ellen P. (Ellen Pulford), 1926-1997.

Ellen Pulford Reese (1926-1997): Obituary. Sulzer-Azaroff, Beth.

American Psychologist. Vol. 54(11), Nov 1999, 1028.

Reeside, John B., Jr. (1889-1958) NAS biographical memoir

Rehak, Paul, 1954-2004. American Journal of Archaeology, July 2004, 108(3):447-448.

Rehm, Lynn P., 1941-2010.

Lynn P. Rehm (1941-2010): Obituary. Kaslow, Nadine J.; Carter, Alice S.

American Psychologist. Vol. 66 (3), April 2011, 229.

Reichelderfer, Francis W. (1895-1983) NAS biographical memoir

Reichelt, Karl Ludvig 艾香德

Reid, Gilbert 李佳白

Reid, Harry F. (1859-1944) NAS biographical memoir

Reilley, Charles N. (1925-1981) NAS biographical memoir

Reines, Frederick (1918-1998) NAS biographical memoir

Reinhardt, William P. Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholars

Reischauer, Edwin O., 1910-1990. 賴世和 Harvard;

因父親為赴日的基督教長老會傳教士,賴世和1910年生於日本。十六歲 之前的早年歲月在日度過,1931年畢業於美國歐柏林 (Oberlin College) 學院,1932得哈佛碩士,1933-1938得哈佛燕京學社獎學金在法,日,中等國研究日本語言和歷史,1939以古代中日關係史的研究獲得哈佛博士。他是葉理綏 (Serge Elisseeff) 教授的學生,亦曾任東亞系教授,第二次世界大戰中曾加入美國陸軍部,擔任日本電訊密碼解讀工作,戰後回哈佛任教,擔任日本語言和歷史課程。

Reiter, Florian C. 常志靜

Remmers, H. H. (Hermann Henry), 1892-1969.

Remsen, Ira (1846-1927) NAS biographical memoir

Rembski, Stanislav, 1896-1998. prolific portraitist with an economical style that masterfully evoked the spirit of his subjects; died in Baltimore, Maryland. Among the best known of Rembski's 1,500 works were posthumous portraits of Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, the latter commissioned by Eleanor in 1945. (from Time magazine, September 28, 1998, p. 29)

Ren, Chang-You 任長佑 older sister of Lisa C. Woo



Renshaw, Samuel, 1892-1981.

Obituary: Samuel Renshaw (1892-1981). Larsen, Jr., John M.

American Psychologist. Vol. 38 (2), Feb 1983, 226.

Replogle, Frederick Allen, 1898-1990.

Fred A. Replogle (1898-1990): Obituary. Thompson, Jack.

American Psychologist. Vol. 48(4), Apr 1993, 454.

Restany, Pierre, 1930-2003. influential French art critic; formulator of 'New Realism' in art

Restle, Frank J., 1927-1980.

Frank J. Restle (1927-1980). Davis, James H.; Greeno, James G.

American Psychologist. Vol. 37 (9), Sept 1982, 1058.

Revelle, Roger (1909-1991) NAS biographical memoir

Rexroth, Kenneth, 1905-1982.

Rey, H. A. (Hans Augusto), 1898-1977

Rey, Margret (Elizabeth Waldstein), 1906-1996..

co-creators of Curious George, a children's book series about a mischievous monkey

Reynolds, John H. (1923-2000) NAS biographical memoir

Rheingold, Harriet L. (Harriet Lange), 1908-2000.

Harriet Lange Rheingold (1908-2000): Obituary. Lipsitt, Lewis P; Ornstein, Peter A.

American Psychologist. Vol. 57 (5), May 2002, 366.

Rhine, J. B. (Joseph Banks), 1895-1980.

Obituary: Joseph Banks Rhine (1895-1980). Mauskopf, Seymour; McVaugh, Michael.

American Psychologist. Vol. 36 (3), March 1981, 310-311.

Rhoades, M. M. (1903-1991) NAS biographical memoir

Rhoads, Jonathan E. Philadelphia surgeon﹔ Westtown School alumnus

Rhodes Scholars

Ricci, Matteo, 1552-1610. 利瑪竇 x Li, Ma-Dou (S.J.)

Rice, Anne, 1941- New Orleans writer; vampires; links

Rice, Anne, 1941- see also Borchardt, Alice, 1939-2007. sister

Rice, Christopher, 1978-

Rice, Oscar K. (1903-1978) NAS biographical memoir

Rice, Stan, 1942-2002.

Rich, Arnold R. (1893-1968) NAS biographical memoir

Rich, Katherine Russell, 1955-2012.

Richards, Alfred N. (1876-1966) NAS biographical memoir

Richards, Dickinson W. (1895-1973) NAS biographical memoir

Richards, Theodore W. (1868-1928) NAS biographical memoir

Richardson, Jane S. Duke biochemist; MacArthur Fellow

Riemer, Neal, 1922-2001.

Rimmer, Harry, 1890-1952. evangelist

Richie, Donald, 1924-2013. expert on Japan

Mr. Richie was best known for his book on Japan’s most famous directors, Akira Kurosawa and Yasujiro Ozu,

Richter, Curt Paul, 1894-1988.

Richter, Curt P. (1894-1988) NAS biographical memoir

Obituary: Curt Paul Richter (1894-1988). Rozin, Paul.

American Psychologist. Vol. 45 (6), June 1990, 771-772.

Richtmyer, Floyd K. (1881-1939) NAS biographical memoir

Rick, Charles M., Jr. (1915-2002) NAS biographical memoir

Rickers-Ovsiankina, Maria A. (Maria Arsenjevna), 1898-1993.

Maria Rickers-Ovsiankina (1898-1993): Obituary. Farina, Amerigo.

American Psychologist. Vol. 51(6), Jun 1996, 650.

Rickett, Adele Austin, 1919-1994. 李又安

Rickett, W. Allyn, 1921- 李克 Professor Emeritus of Chinese Studies, Penn

Riddle, Oscar (1877-1968) NAS biographical memoir

Ridgway, Robert (1850-1929) NAS biographical memoir

Reichert, Herbert W., 1917-1978. Professor of German Literature, 1958 John Simon Guggenheim Fellow

Rieder, Jonathan, 1948- professor of sociology, Barnard College

Gospel of Freedom: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail and the Struggle That Changed a Nation (Hardcover)By Jonathan Rieder $25.00 ISBN-13: 9781620400586 Availability: On Our Shelves Now Published: Bloomsbury Press, 4/2013

Riesen, Austin H. (Austin Herbert), 1913-1996.

Austin H. Riesen (1913-1996). Rumbaugh, Duane M.

American Psychologist. Vol. 53(1), Jan 1998, 60-61.

Riesman, David, 1909-2002. sociologist Philadelphia-born

Riessman, Frank, 1924-2004. social psychologist; self-help movement; died of Parkinson's disease

Rieu, Andries, 1917-1992.

Rieu, Andre, 1949- Dutch crossover classical violinist/conductor, Johann Strauss Orchestra

"The Flying Dutchman"; Strangers in Paradise (from Kismet) by A. Borodin

Riftin, Boris 李褔清

Rigby, Marilyn K., 1927-1990.

Marilyn K. Rigby (1927-1990): Obituary. Korn, James H; Richey, Marjorie H.

American Psychologist. Vol. 46(5), May 1991, 533.

Rigger,Shelley. 任雪麗 B.A., Princeton; PhD, Harvard; Prof., Davidson College


Riggs, Lorrin A. (Lorrin Andrews), 1912-2008.

Lorrin Andrews Riggs (1912-2008): Obituary. Wooten, B. R.; Kling, J. W.

American Psychologist. Vol. 64 (1), Jan 2009, 46-47.

Rigney, Harold. 1900-1980. 芮歌尼 ; 輔仁大學的Harold Rigney神父(即輔仁大學校務長的芮歌尼,後來寫有「Four Years In A Red Hell」

Riker, Albert J. (1894-1982) NAS biographical memoir

Riker, William H. (1920-1993) NAS biographical memoir

Rindos, David, 1947-1996.

Rioch, Margaret J. (Margaret Jeffrey), 1907-1996.

Obituary: Margaret Jeffrey Rioch (1907-1996). Evans, F. Barton III.

American Psychologist. Vol. 53(11), Nov 1998, 1219-1220.

Ris, Hans (1914-2002) NAS biographical memoir

Risley, Todd R., 1937-2007.

Todd R. Risley (1937-2007): Obituary. Lutzker, John R.

American Psychologist. Vol. 63 (6), Sep 2008, 559.

Ristivojević, Dušica 杜鵑華

Ristow, Walter William, 1908-2006. PhD map librarian

Ritchie, Dennis, 1941-2011. co-developer of Unix with Kenneth Thompson developer of C language; NAS, AAAS National Medal of Engineering

Ritt, Joseph F. (1893-1951) NAS biographical memoir

Rittenberg, David (1906-1970) NAS biographical memoir

Rittenberg, Sidney, 1921- 李敦白

Ritter, Jürgen 周裕耕

Riukas, Stanley, 1919-2006. Professor of Philosophy, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Riukas came from Lithuania; Inherent and Instrumental Values in Ethics

Rivers, Thomas M. (1888-1962) NAS biographical memoir

Robbins, Frederick C. (1916-2003) NAS biographical memoir

Robbins, Tim, 1958- Shawshank Redemption; Mystic River

spouse (1988-2009): Susan Sarandon

Robbins, William J. (1890-1978) NAS biographical memoir

Roberts, Alfred D., 1923-2012. http://obituaries.expressionstributes.com/?mobile=5f67263896 WCU professor

Roberts, J. M., 1928-2003. John Morris Roberts, British historian; author of History of the World

Roberts, John M. (1916-1990) NAS biographical memoir

Roberts, Richard B. (1910-1980) NAS biographical memoir

Robertson, Howard P. (1903-1961) NAS biographical memoir

Robertson, Maureen 雷麥倫

Robertson, Oswald H. (1886-1966) NAS biographical memoir

Robeson, Paul, 1898-1976. born in Princeton and died in Philly; Paul Robeson on the Web

Robinet, Isabelle 賀碧來

Robinson, Abraham (1918-1974) NAS biographical memoir

Robinson, Benjamin L. (1864-1935) NAS biographical memoir

Robinson, Julia (1919-1985) NAS biographical memoir

Robinson, Ken, 1950- educator; Sir Ken Robinson; creativity http://sirkenrobinson.com/


Robinson, Mary, 1944- human rights advocate former President of Ireland; United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (1997-2002) http://www.stanford.edu/dept/news/pr/03/tanner2003129.html http://www.fulbrightalumni.org/prize/1999/bio-rob.htm

Rochberg, George, 1918-2005. American composer

Rochester, George, 1908-2002. nuclear physicist

Rochlin, Martin, 1928-2003.

Martin Rochlin (1928-2003): Obituary. Morin, Stephen F.; Kimmel, Douglas C.

American Psychologist. Vol. 59 (9), Dec 2004, 958.

Rodebush, Worth H. (1887-1959) NAS biographical memoir

Rodgers, John (1812-1882) NAS biographical memoir

Rodnick, Eliot H. (Eliot Herman), 1911-1999.

Elliot H. Rodnick (1911-1999): Obituary. Miklowitz, David J.

American Psychologist. Vol. 57 (2), Feb 2002, 134.

Roe, Anne, 1904-1991.

Anne Roe (1904-1991): Obituary. Wrenn, Robert L.

American Psychologist. Vol. 47(8), Aug 1992, 1052-1053.

Roeder, Kenneth D. (1908-1979) NAS biographical memoir

Rogers, Carl R. (Carl Ransom), 1902-1987.

Obituary: Carl Rogers (1902-1987). Gendlin, Eugene T.

American Psychologist. Vol. 43 (2), Feb 1988, 127-128.

Rogers, Fairman (1833-1900) NAS biographical memoir

Rogers, Fred, 1928-2003. Fred McFeely Rogers; Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

of Pittsburgh, PA

Rogers, Kenny, 1938- born Kenneth Donald Rogers in Houston, TX

Playboy Interview, November 1983, p. 65+

Rogers, Leonard James, 1862-1933. FRS, math

Rogers, Robert E. (1813-1884) NAS biographical memoir

Rogers, William A. (1832-1898) NAS biographical memoir

Rogers, William A. Part 2 NAS biographical memoir

Rogers, William B. (1804-1882) NAS biographical memoir

Rohsenow, John S. 罗圣豪 PhD 现任美国伊利诺大学(芝加哥)语言学系教授

ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs

Rojas, Carlos, 1928-

Rojas, Carlos, 1933-

Rojas, Carlos, 1970- 羅鵬 王德威教授和他的學生羅鵬(Carlos Rojas)罗鹏Carlos Rojas) 和夫人周成荫(Eileen Cheng-yin Chow) www.chinavalue.net C V

Carlos Rojas is Associate Professor of Chinese Cultural Studies, Women's Studies, and Arts of the Moving Image at Duke University. He works on issues of gender and visuality, corporeality and infection, and nationalism and diasporas. He is the author of The Naked Gaze: Reflections on Chinese Modernity (Harvard University Asia Center, 2008), and The Great Wall: A Cultural History (Harvard University Press, 2010), and is completing a book manuscript entitled The Sick Man of Asia: Diagnosing the Chinese Body Politic (Harvard University Press, 2014), which examines the political infections of discourses of disease and infection in twentieth and twenty-first century China. He is the co-editor, with David Der-wei Wang, of Writing Taiwan: A New Literary History (Duke University Press, 2007), and, with Eileen Cheng-yin Chow, of both Rethinking Chinese Popular Culture: Cannibalizations of the Canon (Routledge, 2009) and The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Cinemas (Oxford University Press, 2013). Finally, he is the co-translator, again with Eileen Chow, of Yu Hua’s two-volume novel, Brothers (Pantheon, 2009), and the translator of Yan Lianke’s novel Lenin's Kisses (Grove/Atlantic Press, 2012).

Rokeach, Milton, 1918-1988.

Obituary: Milton Rokeach (1918-1988). Christie, Richard.

American Psychologist. Vol. 45 (4), April 1990, 547-548.

Rollins, Reed C. (1911-1998) NAS biographical memoir

Roman, Herschel L. (1914-1989) NAS biographical memoir

Romans, Christine, 1971- her husband Ed Tobinis

Romer, Alfred S. (1894-1973) NAS biographical memoir

Rongzi, 1928- poetess married to poet Men Luo (1929- ) x Wang, Rongzi

蓉子 (1928—)女,诗人。本名王蓉芷 Men Luo and Jung-tze Wang interview, Iowa City, Iowa, Fall 1992

蓉子 (1928—)女,诗人。本名王蓉芷,江苏涟水人 Rongzi, 1928-Rong Zi (Jung Tzu) [real name Wang Rongzhi] 1928- Rong Zi was born in Jiangsu where she was brought up as a Christian. She moved to Taiwan in 1949 and established herself as the leading woman poet there. In 1953 she published her first collection Qingniao ji [Messenger bird] and became an important member of the Blue Star poetry society. Despite her reputation as a modernist, her work is heavily influenced by classical literature http://baike.baidu.com/view/144183.htm

Rood, Ogden N. (1831-1902) NAS biographical memoir

Rorty, Richard, 1931- philosopher; Professor of Comparative Literature, Stanford; PhD, Yale, 1956

Rose, Stefanie, 1987- Canadian crossover soprano

Rosa, E. B. (1861-1921) NAS biographical memoir

Rose, William C. (1887-1985) NAS biographical memoir

Roselle, David Paul, 1939- President, U. of Delaware

Dr. Albert E. Filano (commencement address at Soka University of America)

Rosen, Sherwin (1938-2001) NAS biographical memoir

Rosen, Stanley 駱思典

Rosenbaum, Gerald, 1922-2009.

Gerald Rosenbaum (1922-2009): Obituary.

Goldman, Mark S.; Taylor, Michael J.; Rosenbaum Asarnow, Joan.

American Psychologist. Vol. 65 (4), May-June 2010, 295.

Rosenblith, Walter A. (1913-2002) NAS biographical memoir

Rosenthal, A. M. 1922-2006. 羅 森紹

Rosenthal, Franz, 1914-2003. Yale Sterling Professor of Arabic

Rosenzweig, Mark R., 1922-2009.

Mark R. Rosenzweig (1922-2009): Obituary. Pawlik, Kurt; Breedlove, S. Marc.

American Psychologist. Vol. 65 (6), September 2010, 610-61.

Rosenzweig, Saul, 1907-2004.

Saul Rosenzweig (1907-2004): Obituary. Larsen, Randy J.

American Psychologist. Vol. 60 (3), Apr 2005, 259.

Roshko, Anatol, 1923-2017. NAS

Rošker, Jana 羅亞娜

Ross, Alan O., 1921-1993.

Obituary: Alan O. Ross (1921-1993). O'Leary, Susan G.

American Psychologist. Vol. 51(2), Feb 1996, 151.

Ross, Frank E. (1874-1960) NAS biographical memoir

Ross, John, 1926-2017. NAS; Stanford obit

Ross, Robert 陸伯彬

Rossby, Carl-Gustaf A. (1898-1957) NAS biographical memoir

Rossi, Bruno B. (1905-1993) NAS biographical memoir

Rossini, Frederick D. (1899-1990) NAS biographical memoir

Rosten, Leo (Calvin), 1908-1997. A native of Poland, Rosten is best known for his works celebrating Jewish culture. His definitive reference work, The Joys of Yiddish, published in 1968, introduced readers to colorful and now common terms like schlemiel, schmaltz, and chutzpah.

Rotary International

Greater West Chester Rotary Club of Pennsylvania (District 7450)

Ambassadorial Scholars (ended in 2013)

Kristen Welker (1976- NBC) from Philadelphia, PA

Roth, Harold D. 羅浩

Roth, Philip, 1933- novelist

Rothaus, Oscar, 1927-2003. 75 years old Cornell math professor

Rothenberg, Mira, 1922-2015. pronounced meera

son: Akiva Goldsman (1962- )

Rothney, John Watson Murray, 1906-1987.

Obituary: John Watson Murray Rothney (1906-1987). Farwell, Gail F.

American Psychologist. Vol. 44 (5), May 1989, 843.

Rous, Francis P. (1879-1970) NAS biographical memoir

Rouse, Benjamin Irving (1913-2006) NAS biographical memoir

Rowe, David Nelson, 1905-1985. 饒大衛 Professor of Political Science, Yale University; BORN IN 1905 of missionary parents stationed in Nanking, David Rowe resided in central China until 1922. Those early years stirred in him the love of East Asia that was to be one of his life's many passions. He took degrees at lofty American universities, and then launched into a career of research, writing, lecturing, and teaching--most of the last at Yale, mostly as a full professor for more than thirty years.

Rowe, William T. 羅威廉

Rowland, Henry A. (1848-1901) NAS biographical memoir

Rowse, A. L., 1903-1997. Alfred Leslie Rowse; Shakespearean scholar; gay historian

Roy, Aditi. ABC News correspondent; B.A.(political science), UC Berkeley; M.A.(political science), Stanford; journalism, Columbia; MBA, Wharton, U of Penn. Fluent in Bengali, speaks Spanish.

Roy, Andrew Tod, 1903-2004. 芮陶菴 Presbyterian missionary to China; B.A., Washington & Lee University; M.A., PhD, Princeton University

born in Laredo, Texas; deported from China in 1951; retired in 1982 to Philadelphia; died May 2 near Pittsburgh, PA, at 101; memoir, "Never a Dull Moment"; children: David Tod Roy, China scholar; J. Stapleton Roy, ambassador to China

Roy, David Tod, 1933- 芮效衛 son of Andrew Tod Roy and Margaret Crutchfield;

China specialist

Roy, Denny, 1960- 饒義

Roy, J. Stapleton, 1935- 芮效俭; Ruì Xiàojiăn ambassador to China

Royce, Joseph R., 1921-1989.

Obituary: Joseph R. Royce (1921-1989). Mos, Leendert P.

American Psychologist, Vol. 45 (10), Oct 1990, 1170.

Royce, Josiah (1855-1916) NAS biographical memoir

Rubey, William W. (1898-1974) NAS biographical memoir

Rubin, Vera C., 1928-2016. NAS; astronomer

Rudakowska, Anna 安娜

Rudnick, Philip B., 1932-2010.

Ruedemann, Rudolph (1864-1956) NAS biographical memoir

Ruey, Yih-Fu, 1898-1991. 芮逸夫 x Rui, Yifu; Jui, I-fu

Ruitenbeek, Klaas 魯克斯

Ruiz, René A. (René Arthur), 1929-1982.

Obituary: Rene A. Ruiz (1929-1982). Padilla, Amado M.

American Psychologist. Vol. 40 (3), March 1985, 367.

Ruotolo, Lucio, 1927-2003. professor emertius of English, Stanford; expert on Virginia Woolf

Rusbilt, Caryl E., 1952-2010.

Caryl E. Rusbult (1952-2010)): Obituary.

Reis, Harry; Aron, Arthur; Clark, Magaret; Holmes, John; Van Lange, Paul.

American Psychologist. Vol. 65 (6), September 2010, 615.

Rumelhart Prize

Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970. British philosopher

Russell, Ching Yeung children's author

Russell, Elizabeth S. (1913-2001) NAS biographical memoir

Russell, Henry N. (1877-1957) NAS biographical memoir

Russell, Richard J. (1895-1971) NAS biographical memoir

Russell, Roger W. (Roger Wolcott), 1914-1998.

Roger Wolcott Russell (1914-1998): Obituary. Rosenzweig, Mark R.; McGaugh, James L. American Psychologist Vol. 55 (11), November 2000, 1389-1390.

Russell, Wallace Addison, 1922-1997.

Wallace A. Russell (1922-1997): Obituary. Jenkins, James A.

American Psychologist. Vol. 54(11), Nov 1999, 1029.

Russell, William L., 1910-2003. (age 92) Enrico Fermi Award, 1976

U.S. National Academy of Sciences; prominent geneticist and radiation pioneer

his lab nicknamed the "Mouse House"

Russell, Willy. Blood Brothers

Rustin, Bayard, 1912-1987. gay civil rights activist of Quaker faith from West Chester, PA

Bayard Rustin High School (West Chester, PA); from wikipedia bio

Rutherfurd, Lewis M. (1816-1892) NAS biographical memoir

Rutkowski, Bogdan, 1930-2004. Cult Places of the Aegean. necrology: American Journal of Archaeology, July 2004, 108(3):449-550.

Ryan, Clarence A. "Bud" (1931-2007) NAS biographical memoir

Ryan, Harris J. (1866-1934) NAS biographical memoir