
Sabin, Florence R. (1871-1953) NAS biographical memoir

Sabin, Sharon.

Sabine, Wallace C. (1868-1919) NAS biographical memoir

Sabini, John P., 1947-2005.

John P. Sabini (1947-2005): Obituary. Silver, Maury.

American Psychologist. Vol. 61 (9), Dec 2006, 1025.

Sabino, Catherine.

Sachs, Robert G. (1916-1999) NAS biographical memoir

Sack, Allan, 1914-2003. early speed-reading educator

Sackler, Arthur M. 阿瑟·姆·赛克勒

Sagan, Carl, 1934-1996. Cornell astrophysicist; Carl E. Sagan; Cosmos

Carl Sagan: A Life, BY KEAY DAVIDSON John Wiley & Sons, 1999 ($30)

Carl Sagan: A Life in the Cosmos BY WILLIAM POUNDSTONE Henry Holt and Company, 1999 ($30) One life, two takes (by Philip Morrison, from Scientific American)

Sagart, Laurent 劳伦特·沙加尔

Sagart, Laurent 沙加爾

Sager, Ruth (1918-1997) NAS biographical memoir

Saich, Tony 塞奇

Said, Edward 爱德华·赛义德

Said, Edward W., 1935-2003. polymath scholar and literary critic at Columbia U.

Sainson, Camille August 宋嘉铭

St. Andre, James 沈安德

Saints Index

Saito, Hidesaburo, 1866-1929. 斋藤 秀三郎 Practical English Grammar; Idiomological English-Japanese Dictionary http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_dictionaries

Saje, Mitja 薩米加

Sakaguchi, Reiko, 1914-2007. 坂口衤零子

Sakai, Naoki, 1946- 酒井直树 Professor of Asian Studies and Comparative Literature, Cornell University

日裔美国人,名叫酒井直木(Naoki Sakai),他的处女作《过去的声音——语言在18世纪日本话语中的位置》 Translation and Subjectivity (Minneapolis: Minnesota, 1997)

Sakanishi, Shiho, 1896-1976. 坂西 志保 (in Japanese)

Sakanishi, Shio (in English)

Sakuma, Kanae, 1888-1970. 佐久間鼎

Salinger, J. D., 1919-2010. Jerome David Salinger; Catcher in the Rye

setting in Valley Forge Miliary Academy, Pennsylvania; Joyce Maynard (Yale coed)

Salisbury, Glenn W. (1910-1994) NAS biographical memoir

Salk, Jonas, 1914-1995. polio vaccine developer

Salk, Lee, 1926-1992.

Obituary: Lee Salk (1926-1992). Lipsitt, Lewis P.

American Psychologist. Vol. 48(8), Aug 1993, 908.

Salpeter, Edwin E. (1924-2008) NAS biographical memoir

Salten, David George, 1913-2006.

David George Salten (1913-2006): Obituary. Fagan, Thomas; Trachtman, Gilbert.

American Psychologist. Vol. 63 (4), May-Jun 2008, 272.

Saltzman, Irving J., 1923-2000.

Obituary: Irving J. Saltzman (1923-2000). Craig, James C.; Steinmetz, Joseph E.

American Psychologist. Vol. 56 (12), Dec 2001, 1168.

Samelson, Hans, 1916-2005. Stanford topologist and differential geometer; wiki

Samuels, Gertrude, 1910-2003. photojournalist and writer

Samuelson, Glenn W., 1920-2012. Lansdale, Pa. WCU professor; Penn, G’76

San Mao 三毛,原名陈懋平(mào)(后改名为陈平

Sand, George, 1804-1876. French woman novelist

Sand's romance with Frederic Chopin was chronicled in the film Impromptu (1991), starring Judy Davis and Hugh Grant

Sanders, Graham 孙广仁

Sanders, Robert 沈德思 U. of Auckland

Sanders, William T. (1926-2008) NAS biographical memoir

Sands, Harry, 1917-2007.

Harry Sands (1917-2007): Obituary. Ochroch, Ruth.

American Psychologist. Vol. 64 (2), Feb-Mar 2009, 152.

Saner, Reg, 1929- poet; professor, U of Colorado -- Boulder; B.A., St. Norbert College; M.A., PhD, Illinois

selected poems in Retrieving Bones: stories and poems of the Korean War (Rutgers U. P., 1999)

Sanford, John, 1904-2003. John B. Sanford

Sanford, Nevitt, 1909-1995.

Nevitt Sanford (1909-1995): Obituary. Smith, M. Brewster.

American Psychologist. Vol. 52(2), Feb 1997, 174-175.

Sanger, Margaret, 1879-1966. birth control; Planned Parenthood

Sangren, P. Steven (Paul Steven), 1946- 桑高仁 Prof. of Anthropology, Cornell


Santos, Goncalo D. 江绍龙

Sanua, Victor D., 1920-2009.

Victor D. Sanua (1920-2009): Obituary. Fish, Jefferson M.

American Psychologist. Vol. 65 (1), January 2010, 56.

Saper, Bernard, 1920-2006.

Bernard Saper (1920-2006): Obituary. Silver, Reuben J.; Cohen, Howard.

American Psychologist. Vol. 62 (4), May 2007, 324.

Sapir, Edward (1884-1939) NAS biographical memoir

Saramago, Jose, 1922-2010. Portuguese novelist; Nobel Prize in Literature, 1998; lives mostly in Spain

Sarason, Seymour Bernard, 1919-2010.

Seymour Bernard Sarason (1919-2010): Obituary. Weinstein, Rhona S.; Reppucci, Dick; Levine, Murray

American Psychologist. Vol. 65 (9), December 2010, 922-923.

Sarett, Lewis H. (1917-1999) NAS biographical memoir

Sargeant, S. Stanseld, 1906-2000.

S. Stanseld Sargeant (1906-2000): Obituary. No Authorship Given.

American Psychologist. Vol. 56(6-7), June/July 2001, 519.

Sargent, Charles S. (1841-1927) NAS biographical memoir

Sargent, Stuart H. 萨进德

Sarnak, Peter, 1953- mathematician, Princeton; NAS, 2002

Sarton, George, 1884-1956. father of the history of science; cf. Kuhn, Thomas, 1922-1996.

Sarton, May, 1912-1995. poetess; daughter of George Sarton

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980. French existentialist

Saso, Michael 苏海涵

Satinoff, Evelyn, 1937-2008.

Evelyn Satinoff (1937-2008): Obituary. Kent, Steven. American Psychologist. Vol. 64 (2), Feb-Mar 2009, 149-150.

Satō, Eisaku Sat (佐藤 榮作) biological older brother is Nobusuke Kish 岸 信介 whose grandson is Abe, Shinzō

Sato, Ken'ichi 佐藤健一

Saunders, Frederick A. (1875-1963) NAS biographical memoir

Saunders, George, 1958- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_saunders

Saussy, Haun 蘇源熙

Saussy, Yu-lin 王郁林 Yu-lin Wang-Saussy 王郁林 or Yulin Yale

Sautman, Barry, 1949-

Sauveur, Albert (1863-1939) NAS biographical memoir

Savage, Barbara D. Penn professor

Savage, John L. (1879-1967) NAS biographical memoir

Savage, Thomas, 1915-2003. novelist of the American West

Savina, F. M. 萨维纳

Sawyer, Diane, 1945- Wellesley graduate and a Richard Nixon aide;

spouse: Mike Nichols (1931-2014), movie director, The Graduate

Sawyer, Ralph D. 苏炀悟

Sax, Karl (1892-1973) NAS biographical memoir

Saxton, Joseph (1799-1873) NAS biographical memoir

Say, Allen. 1937- wiki

Scalapino, Leslie, 1944-2010. poet, etc. daughter of Robert Anthony Scalapino

Scalapino, Robert Anthony, 1919-2011. 施樂伯;史乐伯 father of Leslie Scalapino

http://www.douban.com/note/218173399/ http://baike.baidu.com/view/8497428.htm

Scarry, Richard, 1919-1994. Children's author

Scatchard, George (1892-1973) NAS biographical memoir

Schaberg, David 史嘉柏

Schachter, Stanley (1922-1997) NAS biographical memoir

Stanley Schachter (1922-1997): Obituary. Nisbett, Richard E. American Psychologist. Vol. 55 (12), December 2000, 1505-1506.

Schäfer, Dagmar 薛鳳

Schafer, Edward Hetzel, 1913-1991. 薛愛華 PhD, Berkeley

Agassiz Professor of Oriental Languages and Literature, once held by Y. R. Chao

Schafer, Edward H., 1913-1991 薛爱华

Edward Hetzel Schafer

a leading authority on Tang China

Agassiz Professor Emertius of Oriental Languages


UC BerkeleySinological Studies Dedicated to Edward H. Schafer by Paul W. Kroll

Review author[s]: Anne Birrell

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 53, No. 2 (1990), p. 373

T'ANG STUDIES 8-9 (1990-91)

"Edward Hetzel Schafer, 1913-1991" (p 3-8)

Bibliography of Edward H. Schafter (p 9-22)

"What and How Is Sinology?" (pp. 23-44)

Schairer, John F. (1904-1970) NAS biographical memoir

Schak, David C. 沙學漢



Scharrer, Berta V. (1906-1995) NAS biographical memoir

Schawlow, Arthur L. (1921-1999) NAS biographical memoir

Schechtman, Abe Mandel, 1909-1962.

Schein, Louisa 路易莎

Schell, Orville 夏伟

Scheuneman, Janice Dowd

Janice Dowd Scheuneman (1940-2006): Obituary. Dwyer, Carol A.; Cook, Linda.

American Psychologist. Vol. 62(2), Feb-Mar 2007, 143.

Schiff, Leonard I. (1915-1971) NAS biographical memoir

Schilling, Dennis 謝林德

Schipper, Kristofer, 1934- 施舟人 與顾彬施寒微並稱“欧洲三大汉学家妻子袁 冰凌是福建德宁人,女儿施心韵。

http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%96%BD%E8%88%9F%E4%BA%BA http://baike.baidu.com/view/2607011.htm

Schirokauer, Conrad (son: Oliver Schirokauer) 谢康伦 Conrad Max Schirokauer

Conrad Schirokauer is Professor of History Emeritus at the City University of New York. He received his bachelor’s degree from Yale and his Ph.D. from Stanford, and also spent a year in Paris and conducted research mostly in Kyoto but also in China . His published articles are mostly on Zhu Xi and Hu Hong. Together with Professor Robert Hymes, he edited Ordering the World: Approaches to State and Society in Sung Dynasty China (1993). Reflecting his research interest in Song perceptions of and attitudes toward history he contributed a study of “Hu Hong as Historian” to The New and the Multiple, Sung Senses of the Past, ed. by Thomas H.C. Lee (2004). Professor Schirokauer was associated with an overseas New York University summer graduate program for teachers and remains interested in how history is taught. A textbook author, he has published A Brief History of Chinese and Japanese Civilizations (3rd ed, 2006), with separate volumes on China and Japan as well as Modern East Asia: A Brief History, with Donald N. Clark (2nd ed 2008). He recommends his translation of China’s Examination Hell by Miyazaki Ichisada (1976, 1981) to any Columbia student who feels overburdened by examinations.

Schirokauer, Oliver. PhD, Yale; prof. math, Oberlin

ex-husband of Pauline A. Chen

Schlegel, Gustave 施列格

Schlegel, Gustaaf 施古德

Schlepp, Wayne 施文林

Schlesinger, Arthur, 1917-2007. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.; Arthur Meier Schlesinger, Jr.; Pulitzer Prize-winning historian (son)

popularized the term "imperial presidency" during the Nixon administration; autobiography: A Life in the 20th century: innocent beginnings (2000)

Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, 1888-1965. historian (father); Arthur Meier Schlesinger, Sr.

Schlesinger, Frank (1871-1943) NAS biographical memoir

Schlesinger, Hermann I. (1882-1960) NAS biographical memoir

Schlesinger, John, 1926-2003.

legednary gay director of the Oscar-winning "Midnight Cowboy" (1969); companion of 30 years, photographer Michael Childers

Schlessinger, Dr. Laura C., 1947- "Dr. Laura" Why Do You Love Me? Dr. Laura C. Schlessinger's first children's book Geboren in Pferdsfeld - Pfarer Paul Schneider (VHS; 40 minutes)

Schlüter, Morten 施吕特

Schmidt, Carl F. (1893-1988) NAS biographical memoir

Schmidt, Gerhard (1901-1981) NAS biographical memoir

Schmidt, J. D. 施密特

Schmidt, Stephan 施益堅

Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig, 1948- 施寒微 http://baike.baidu.com/view/3621324.htm http://baike.baidu.com/view/3622281.htm


Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut (1915-2007) NAS biographical memoir

Schmitt, Francis O. (1903-1995) NAS biographical memoir

Schmitt, Karl Michael, 1922-

Schmucker, Samuel Christian, 1860-1943. (some give 1944) evolutionary atheist

PhD (chemistry), Penn, 1893 ; West Chester State Normal School faculty pdf

Schneewind, Sarah 施珊珊

Schneider, Paul, 1897-1939.Protestant theologian "Buchenwald Preacher"

Paul Schneider: The Buchenwald Apostle - Claude R. Foster,Jr. -

"Paul Schneider: The Pastor of Buchenwald", by E. H. Robertson

"Paul Schneider: The Apostle of Buchenwald"

Paul Schneider: The Witness of Buchenwald by Rudolf Wentorf

Paul Schneider -- der Prediger von Buchenwald! Schneider, Axel 施耐德

Schneider, Stanley F., 1922-2002.

Stanley F. Schneider (1922-2002): Obituary. Zimet, Carl N.; Sarason, Seymour. American Psychologist. Vol. 57(11), Nov 2002, 983-984

.Schneider, Stephen Henry. 1945-2010. Stanford wiki

Schneiderman, Howard A. (1927-1990) NAS biographical memoir

Schnell, Welf H. 維快

Schoelkopf, R. Gerald, 1945-2008. Russell Gerald Schoelkopf July 6, 1945--April 24, 2008

Index to the Centennial History of West Chester State College by Dr. Russell L. Sturzebecker

Recent history of West Chester University

Schoenfeld, William Nathan, 1915-1996.

Obituaries: William Nathan Schoenfeld (1915-1996). Dinsmoor, James A.

American Psychologist. Vol. 52(12), Dec 1997, 1377-1378.

Schoenhals, Martin 马丁

Schoenhals, Michael 沈迈克 Lund University professor

Schoepflin, Urs. 施菩岭 x Shi, Boling; Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

Schofield, William, 1921-2006.

William Schofield (1921-2006): Obituary. Kiresuk, Thomas J. American Psychologist. Vol. 63 (4), May-Jun 2008, 269.

Scholander, Per F. (1905-1980) NAS biographical memoir

Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography

Schonberg, Harold C., 1915-2003. New York Times music critic

Schonebaum, Andrew D. 宋安德

Schoonover, Frank E., 1877-1972. artist of the Brandywine School; student of Howard Pyle

Schopler, Eric, 1927-2006.

Eric Schopler (1927-2006): Obituary. Meisbov, Gary B. American Psychologist. Vol. 62 (3), Apr 2008, 250.

Schopler, John Henry, 1930-2001.

John Henry Schopler (1930-2001): Obituary. Thompson, Vaida. American Psychologist. Vol. 57 (4), April 2002, 287.

Schoppa, R. Keith 蕭邦奇

Schor, Naomi, 1943-2001. Benjamin F. Barge Professor of French at Yale

Schott, Charles A. (1826-1901) NAS biographical memoir

Schott, Peter 彼得·肖特

Schottenhammer, Angela 蕭婷

Schrader, Franz (1891-1962) NAS biographical memoir

Schram, Stuart R., 1924-2012. 施拉姆 Mao's biographer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart_R._Schram http://cn.nytimes.com/china/20120725/c25schram-obit/

Schramm, David N. (1945-1997) NAS biographical memoir

Schramm, Wilbur, 1907-1987. 韦尔伯·施拉姆(Wilbur Schramm,又譯作宣偉伯,美国著名传播学者,被譽為「传播学之父」



Schran, Peter 彼得·施兰

Schrier, Allan Martin, 1930-1987.

Obituary: Allan Martin Schrier (1930-1987). D'Amato, M. R. American Psychologist. Vol. 43 (9), Sept 1988, 740.

Schuchert, Charles (1858-1942) NAS biographical memoir

Schuessler, Axel 许思莱

Schulberg, Budd, 1914-2009.

Schulman, Frank, 1927-2006. 苏文

Schultes, Richard Evans (1915-2001) NAS biographical memoir

Schultz, Adolph H. (1891-1976) NAS biographical memoir

Schultz, Jack (1904-1971) NAS biographical memoir

Schultz, William 舒威霖

Schultz, Theodore W. (1902-1998) NAS biographical memoir

Schurmann, Franz 弗朗茨·舒尔曼

Schuster, Charles R. (Bob), 1919-2010.

Charles R. (Bob) Schuster (1919-2010): Obituary. Balster, Robert L.; de Wit; Harriet; Dykstra, Linda A.; Ensminger, Margaret E.

American Psychologist. Vol. 66 (7), Oct 2011, 633-635.

Schutz, Larry 拉里·舒茨

Schwabe, Wolfgang 施維禮

Schwarts, Henry G. 亨利·施万茨

Schwartz, Benjamin I. 1916-1999. 史華慈 Harvard sinologist

Schwartz, Jacob T. (1930-2009) NAS biographical memoir

Schwartz, Melvin (1932-2006) NAS biographical memoir

Schwinger, Julian (1918-1994) NAS biographical memoir

Scitovsky, Tibor, 1910-2002. Hungary-born Stanford economist

Scobell, Andrew 施道安

Scott, Adolphe C. 阿道夫·斯科特

Scott, James C. Yale Sterling Professor in Poltical Science

Scott, John Paul, 1909-2000.

John Paul Scott (1909-2000): Obituary. Dewsbury, Donald A.; Panksepp, Jaak.

American Psychologist. Vol. 56 (5), May 2001, 454.

Scott, William A., 1926-1991.

William A. Scott (1926-1991): Obituary. Biddle, Bruce J.

American Psychologist. Vol. 48(3), Mar 1993, 291.

Scott, William B. (1858-1947) NAS biographical memoir

Scott, Winifred Starbuck, 1906-2003.

Winifred Starbuck Scott (1906-2003): Obituary. Fagan, Tom, Reeves, Natasha.

American Psychologist. Vol. 59 (6), Sep 2004, 564.

Scribner, Belding Hibbard, 1921-2003. medical pioneer; inventor of the Scribner shunt

Scruggs, Bert M. 古芃

Scudder, Samuel H. (1837-1911) NAS biographical memoir

Seaborg, Glenn T. (1912-1999) NAS biographical memoir

Seaborg, Glenn, 1912-1999. Glenn Theodore Seaborg;Nobel Prize winner (chemistry, 1951)

Seares, Frederic H. (1873-1964) NAS biographical memoir

Searle, John, 1932- philosopher

Seaman, Gary 加里·西曼

Sears, Ernest R. (1910-1991) NAS biographical memoir

Sears, Pauline S. (Pauline Snedden), 1908-1993.

Pauline S. Sears (1908-1993): Obituary. Snow, Richard E; Maccoby, Eleanor E.

American Psychologist. Vol. 50(1), Jan 1995, 39.

Sears, Richard, 1950- 斯睿德

Sears, Robert R. (Robert Richardson), 1908-1989.

Obituary: Robert R. Sears (1908-1989). Cronbach, Lee J.; Hastorf, Albert H.; Hilgard, Ernest R.; Maccoby, Eleanor E.

American Psychologist. Vol. 45 (5), May 1990, 663-664.

Sears, William R. (1913-2002) NAS biographical memoir

Seashore, Carl E. (1866-1949) NAS biographical memoir

Seaton, Jerome P. 杰罗姆·西顿

Sebastian Chang, Ellen. African-American theatre director

husband: Sunhui Chang (Korean chef/caterer)


Sebeok, Thomas A., 1920-2001. linguist (semiotics)

Seed, H. Bolton (1922-1989) NAS biographical memoir

Seeger, Pete, 1919-2014. folk song singer, composer, etc.

David King Dunaway, How Can I Keep From Singing (New York: [Random House, 1981, 1990], revised edition, Villard Books, 2008)

Seeger, Toshi, 1922-2013. wife of Pete Seeger

Toshi (TOE-shee) Aline Ohta

Segal, Adam 史国力

Segal, Bernard G., 1907-1997. Bernard Gatty Segal; wife: Geraldine R. Segal



Segal, George, 1924-2000. American Pop Art icon

Segal, Geraldine Rosenbaum, 1909-2003. M.S., Drexel; PhD (social work), Penn; age 94

Dr. Geraldine Rosenbaum Segal Ed’30 Gr’78, Penn, Philadelphia, a civil-rights scholar and sociologist; Jan. 14. She met her late husband, Bernard G. Segal C’28 L’31 Hon’69, at Penn [Obituaries, February 1998]. She worked closely with him when he was appointed by U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in 1963 to co-chair the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law, which sent lawyers to defend civil-rights workers in Southern states. The year she graduated with her doctorate, he endowed at Penn a chair, in her name, in American social thought. Involved in the civil-rights movement in her own right, she wrote a book on the subject,Blacks in the Law, and in 1990 received a Drum Major Award for Human Rights from the Martin Luther King Jr. Association for Non-Violence. Dr. Segal also served on the board of overseers of the School of Social Work, and on the board of the Juvenile Law Center. She was secretary of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, and chair of the Philadelphia Tutorial Project. Her daughter is Loretta Segal Cohen CW’63 who is married to Bruce A. Cohen W’61 WG’63, and Marc A. Cohen WG’87 is their son.


Blacks in the Law: Philadelphia and the Nation (1983)

In any fight some fall (1975)

Segal, Julius, 1924-1994.

Obituary: Julius Segal (1924-1994). Strupp, Hans; Parloff, Morris B.

American Psychologist, Vol 51(3), Mar 1996, 263.

Segall, Joel E., 1923-2003. Joel Edwin Segall, PhD; economist, president of Baruch College (CUNY)

Segall, Paul, 1954- Stanford prof., NAS, 2016

Segoe, Kensaku (瀬越 憲作) 1889-1972

students: Utaro Hashimoto (橋本 宇太郎. 1907-1994) Cho Hunhyun 曺薰鉉 1953-

Segrè, Emilio (1905-1989) NAS biographical memoir

Seidler, David, 1937- British-American playwright

The King's Speech http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Seidler

Seigle, Cecilia Segawa 1931- 瀨川淑子 professor emeritus at Penn Seigle, Cecilia S.

Seiler, R. M. (Robert Morris), 1943- PhD, Calgary

Seiler, Robert Morris, 1943- PhD; Calgary

Seiler, Tamara Palmer. PhD x Palmer, Tamara Jeppson.

Seitz, Frederick (1911-2008) NAS biographical memoir; wiki

Seiwert, Hubert 蘇為德

Sekino, Tadashi 关野贞

Selden, Mark 马克·塞尔登

Seldes, George (Henry), 1890-1995. critic, antifascist, and crusader (a muckraking journalist); America's greatest press critic; dean of investigative reporters

Facts and Fascism (chapters 1 and 2); Is the entire press corrupt? from public eye

To tell the truth and run (a film) from Yahoo! from Spartacus

Sellin, Thorsten, 1896-1994. Johan Thorsten Sellin; Crimnologist; University of Pennsylvania

obituary, Philadelphia Inquirer, Sept. 18, 1994

Sells, S. B. (Saul B.), 1913-1988.

Obituary: Saul B. Sells (1913-1988). Simpson, B. Dwayne; Benjamin Jr., Ludy T.

American Psychologist. Vol. 43 (12), Dec 1988, 1088.

Selover, Thomas 托马斯·赛洛弗

Selye, Hans, 1902-1982.

Obituary: Hans Hugo Selye (1902-1982). Malmo, Robert B.

American Psychologist. Vol. 41 (1), Jan 1986, 92-93.

Semiotics Semiotics basics

Semus, Helen J. (Jiang Liping) Simon; Richard and brother

Sen, Amartya 阿马蒂亚·森

Sen, Tansen 沈丹森

Sena, David 孙大卫

Seng, Harris B. H., 1919- 沈寶環 professorof library science, National Taiwan University

Shen Bao-Huan (Bao, treasure; Huan, globe) ; father: Samuel T. Y. Seng, pioneer of modern library service in China

Seng, Samuel Tsu Yung, 1883-1977 沈祖榮 (sometimes given as 1884-1977)

father of modern library science education in China; son: Harris B. H. Seng


Seniors Online

Sensabaugh, David A. 江文苇

Sensabaugh, George, 1906-2002. professor of English at Stanford

Seo, Tatsuhiko 尾达彦

Serber, Robert (1909-1997) NAS biographical memoir


Serruys, Henry 司律义

Serruys, Paul L-M. 司礼义


Service, Elman Rogers, 1915-1996.

Service, John Stewart, 1909-1999. 谢伟思

Setchell, William A. (1864-1943) NAS biographical memoir

Seward, Georgene Hoffman, 1902-1992.

Obituary: Georgene H. Seward (1902-1992). Sargent, S. Stansfeld; Williamson, Robert C.

American Psychologist. Vol. 48(10), Oct 1993, 1089

Seward, John P. (John Perry), 1905-1985.

Obituary: John P. Seward (1905-1985). Maltzman, Irving.

American Psychologist. Vol. 42 (1), Jan 1987, 96.

Sexton, Virginia Staudt, 1916-1997.

Obituary: Virginia Staudt Sexton (1916-1997). Hogan, John D.

American Psychologist. Vol. 53(10), Oct 1998, 1155-1156.

Seymour, James D 司馬 晉 (Mandarin: 司馬晉; Cantonese: 司馬霑) gay scholar



Seymour, Jane, 1951- Dr. Quinn, medicine woman ; Michaela 'Dr. Mike' Quinn


Shackleton Bailey, D. R., 1917-2005. Cicero scholar

Shadick, Harold 谢迪克

Shaffer, Philip A. (1881-1960) NAS biographical memoir

Shah, Saleem A. (Saleem Alam), 1931-1992.

Saleem A. Shah (1931-1992): Obituary. Lalley, Thomas L.

American Psychologist. Vol. 49(6), Jun 1994, 520.

Shahar, Meir 夏維明

Shakespeare, William

Shakow, David, 1901-1981.

Obituary: David Shakow (1901-1981). Garmezy, Norman; Holzman, Phillip S.

American Psychologist. Vol. 39 (6), June 1984, 698-699.

shaman (薩滿).

The Jurchen were originally believing in natural spirits. As a medium between the average population and the world of ghosts and spirits served a shaman (Chinese: saman 薩滿). The family shaman had to undertake the regular offerings to ancestors and spirits. The specialized shaman of the community had the task of medical and mental treatment of sick persons. Traces of the veneration of Heaven - some that were different from the Chinese - by the Jurchen can still be found later in certain holidays. The most holy place of the Jurchen was the Changbai Mountain range 長白山 at the border to Korea.

Shambaugh, David L, 沈大偉

Shan, Patrick Fuliang 单富良

Shane, C. D. (1895-1983) NAS biographical memoir

Shang, Te-hsing. 1955- 單德興




Shang, Wei 商伟

Shangguan, Sophia, see Tsou, Sophia S, 上官筱慧

Shannon, James A. (1904-1994) NAS biographical memoir

Shao, Dongfang 邵东方

Shao, Qin 邵勤

Shapiro, Harry L. (1902-1990) NAS biographical memoir

Shapley, Harlow (1885-1972) NAS biographical memoir

Sharf, Robert H. 夏富

Sharp, Robert P. (1911-2004) NAS biographical memoir

Shartle, Carroll Leonard, 1903-1993.

Carroll Leonard Shartle (1903-1993): Obituary. Eyde, Lorraine Dittrich; Brumback, Gary B.

American Psychologist. Vol. 49(10), Oct 1994, 888.

Shartle, Gretchen Lara.

Shaughnessy, Edward L., 1952- x Xia Hanyi 夏含夷

Shedlovsky, Theodore (1898-1976) NAS biographical memoir

Sheed, Wilfrid, 1930-2011.

Sheehan, Brett 史瀚渤

Sheehan, John (1915-1992) NAS biographical memoir

Sheffield, Frederick Duane, 1914-1994.

Frederick Duane Sheffield (1914-1994): Obituary. Campbell, Byron A; Ellison, Gaylord D.

American Psychologist. Vol. 52(1), Jan 1997, 67.

Shek, Richard 石汉椿

Shelach, Gideon 吉迪

Shen, Buhai. 申不害

x Shen, Pu-hai

Shen, Dingli. 沈丁立 Physicist by training; American studies, 复旦大学 Fudan

Shen, Grant Guangren 沈广仁

Shen, Jin 沈津

Shen, Jing 沈静

Shen, Kuiyi 沈揆一

Shen, Liang-Chi, 1939-2014. died 9/22/14 wife: Grace Wei Liu Shen劉緯 沈良璣

Shen, Liangji, 1939-2014. see Shen, Liang-Chi, 1939-2014. 沈良璣

Shen, Pu-hai see Shen, Buhai. 申不害

Shen, Weiwei, 1962- 沈衛威

Shen, Xiao-nan Susan 沈晓南

Shen, Yuan-Yuan. 沈淵源 math

Articles by Yuan-Yuan Shen

Shen, Zhi-Xun, 1962- 沈志勋 Stanford SLAC chief scientist; NAS, 2015.

Shen Zhijia 沈志佳

Shen, Zhongwei 沈鍾偉 U. Mass (Amherst) linguistics prof

Sheng, Michael 盛慕真

Sherif, Carolyn Wood, 1922-1982.

Obituary: Carolyn Wood Sherif (1922-1982). Shaffer, Leigh G.; Shields, Stephanie A.

American Psychologist. Vol. 39 (2), Feb 1984, 169-178.

Sherif, Muzafer, 1906-1988.

Obituary: Muzafer Sherif (1906-1988). Harvey, O. J. American Psychologist. Vol. 44 (10), Oct 1989, 1325-1326.

Sherman, Henry C. (1875-1955) NAS biographical memoir

Sherwood, Thomas K. (1903-1976) NAS biographical memoir

Shi, Dingxu 石定栩

Shi, Gan, 1899-1944. 施乾

Shi Ming 史明

Shi, Rui, 1983- Rae Shi. China-born pianist; Juilliard (Pre-College '99; BM '04, MM '06, piano); student of Seymour Lipkin (1927-2015); Yamaha artist

Shi, Shuqing, 1922-2007 史树青

Shi, Shuqing, 1945- 施叔青

Shi, Shuqing (石舒清) 1969- 回族 1963- ?? 原名田裕民

Shi, Tianjian 史天健

Shi, Yuzhi 石毓智

Shiau, Yih-Fu. 蕭逸夫 MD, PhD http://www.taagp.org/photogallery.html

Shiba, Yoshinobu 斯波义信

Shieh, Tsong-Chih. PhD, Purdue, 1970. 谢聪智 statistics "Tony"

x Hsieh, Tsong-Chih

Shields, Anna 田安

Shih, Chilin. PhD, linguist; prof. Illinois

Shih, Chin-Tay, 1946- Shih, Chintay 史欽泰

Shih, Chris Feng-Ying Chang.

Shih, Christopher C.

Shih, Chuan-kang 施传刚

Shih, Chung-wen 时钟雯

Shih, Jing Y. 石靜遠

Shih, Kuang-sheng 石光生

Shih, Miin-wen, 1962- 石敏文 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Sociology, Gettysburg College; taught at West Chester University and Community College of Philadelphia; 前妻潘愉德 PhD、Pan, Yude 1955- ; Rose Chan (詹美貴, 212-317-7345B.A., National Taipei University (Taiwan); M.A., National Chengchi University (Taiwan); Ph.D., Binghamton University




Chaos and Governance in the Modern World System By Giovanni Arrighi, Miin-wen Shih

Arrighi, Giovanni, Ahmad, Iftikhar, and Miin-wen Shih 1997 “Beyond Western Hegemonies.” Paper presented at the XXI Meeting of the Social Science History http://selforganizedseminar.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/arrighi_silver_chaosgovernan.pdf

Shih, Pilwun, see Wang, Pilwun (Shih) 施璧倫

Shih, Shu-mei. 史書美 UCLA professor; B.A., Tamkang University

Shih, T. Thomas 石聰賢

台南縣新營人,台污灣大學工程系畢業,1970年來美入加州大學 Berkeley 深造. 1974年獲加大化學工程博士學位,在美國化學工程工業界就職近30年,現任化學工程師顧問。 喜好遊行,水彩畫,橋牌,圍棋及網球. 家住 Bryn Mawr, PA。

石聰敏 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/hero-life/article?mid=-2&prev=13009&l=a&fid=17




Shih, Vincent Yu-chung 施友忠

Shiller, Robert J., 1946-

Shilling, Gary. A. Gary Shilling

Shimberg, Benjamin, 1918-2003.

Benjamin Shimberg (1918-2003): Obituary. Anderson, Scarvia B.

American Psychologist. Vol. 59 (9), Dec 2004, 960.

Shimberg, Elaine Fantle, 1937-

Shinohara, Koichi 筱原悌一

Shirk, Susan L. 謝淑麗

Shirokogoroff, Sergei Mikhailovich 史禄国

Shively, Donald H. (Howard), 1921-2005. Japanologist

Shlien, John M., 1918-2002.

John M. Shlien (1918-2002): Obituary. No authorship indicated.

American Psychologist. Vol. 57(9), Sept 2002, 727.

Shneidman, Edwin S., 1918-2009.

Edwin S. Shneidman (1918-2009): Obituary. Berman, Lanny; Silverman, Morton; Joiner, Thomas.

American Psychologist. Vol. 65 (1), January 2010, 50.

Shoben, Edward Joseph, 1918-1996. Jr.

Edward Joseph Shoben, Jr (1918-1996): Obituary. Goodstein, Leonard D.

American Psychologist. Vol. 53(6), Jun 1998, 671-672.

Shock, Nathan W. (Nathan Wetherill), 1906-1989.

Nathan W. Shock (1906-1989): Obituary. Costa, Paul T.

American Psychologist. Vol. 47(3), Mar 1992, 423.

Shockley, W. (1910-1989) NAS biographical memoir

Shope, Richard E. (1901-1966) NAS biographical memoir

Shostak, Marjorie, 1945-1996.

Shostrom, Everett L., 1921-1992.

Everett L. Shostrom (1921-1992): Obituary. Brammer, Lawrence M.

American Psychologist. Vol. 51(1), Jan 1996, 52.

Shreffler, Donald C. (1933-1994) NAS biographical memoir

Shu, Chang 舒暢 (1928-2007),本名舒揚 (male); 舒暢生前好 名作家張曉風教授


焚詩祭路 / Fen shi ji lu (1997)

Shu, Grace L. 1945- 蘇麗凰

Shu, Xiaoling 舒晓灵

Shu, Yue 舒悦

Shue, Vivienne 許慧文?舒秀文?徐維恩?

Shull, Clifford G. (1915-2001) NAS biographical memoir

Shull, Harrison (1923-2003) NAS biographical memoir

Shull, Roger D., 1941-

Shull, Steven A., 1943- (b. 7/8/43)

Shun, Kwong-loi 信广来

Shuy, Roger W. , 1931- (b. Jan. 5, 1931) linguist

Shyu, L. N. 徐乃力

Shyu, Shu-ing (徐淑瑛)

Siau Thài-jiân see Hsiao, Tyzen, 1938-2015. 蕭泰然 x

Sibley, Charles G. (1917-1998) NAS biographical memoir

Sickman, Laurence 席克门

Sidel, Mark 马克·西德尔

Sieber, Patricia A. 帕特里夏·西贝尔

Siegel, Alberta Engvall, 1931-2001.

Alberta Engvall Siegel (1931-2001): Obituary. Hagen, John W.

American Psychologist. Vol. 57(10), Oct 2002, 790.

Siegel, Paul Shafer, 1918-2002.

Paul Shafer Siegel (1918-2002): Obituary. Pate, James L.; Fowler, Raymond D.

American Psychologist. Vol. 60 (3), Apr 2005, 260.

Siekevitz, Philip, 1918-2009. NAS

Siekevitz, Philip (1918-2009) NAS biographical memoir


Siemann, Robert H., 1942-2008.

Sigel, Irving E., 1921-2006.

Irving E. (Irv) Sigel (1921-2006): Obituary. Renninger, K. Ann

American Psychologist. Vol. 62 (4), May 2007, 321.

Sigley, Gary 席格伦

Sigmund, David O., 1941- wiki; NAS, 2002; Stanford statistics

Sigurdsson, Geir 歌爾

Sih, Paul K.T. 薛光前

Silbergeld, Jerome 谢伯轲

Silliman, Benjamin, Jr. (1816-1885) NAS biographical memoir

Silliman, Benjamin, Sr. (1779-1864) NAS biographical memoir

Silverstein, Robert M. (1916-2007) NAS biographical memoir

Silvio, Teri J. 司黛蕊

Sima, Jin 司馬 晉 see Seymour, James D

Simmons, H. E., Jr. (1929-1997) NAS biographical memoir

Simmons, Richard VanNess. PhD (史皓元) is currently Associate Professor of Chinese at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey Also known as:

R. VanNess Simmons, Richard V. Simmons; (sometimes written "史皓圆"); 史瑞明 (prior to 1993)


Simon, Abbey, 1922- pianist

Simon, Herbert A. (Herbert Alexander), 1916-2001.

Herbert A. Simon (1916-2001): Obituary. Anderson, John R. American Psychologist. Vol. 56(6-7), June/July 2001, 516-518.

Simon, Walter 西门华德

Simpson, Andrew 安德鲁·辛普森

Simpson, George G. (1902-1984) NAS biographical memoir

Simpson, John A. (1916-2000) NAS biographical memoir

Simpson, Mona, 1957- Steve Jobs' sister


Sinclair, Karen, 1979- . first violinist, Phoenix Symphony

parents: Tom Sinclair and Yoko Hashimoto-Sinclair (West Chester, PA)

901 E. Van Buren St., Apt. 3047, Phoenix, AZ 85006-4041

fiancé: Mark Deatherage, viola

Singer, Seymour Jonathan, 1924-2017. NAS


Singh, Inderjit 因德吉特·辛格

Singleton, Ira Custer, 1920-2006. Ira Custer Singleton, Jr. WCU music professor

Singleton, Jeff. son of Dr. Ira Singleton

Shinno, Reiko 秦玲子

Sinnott, Edmund W. (1888-1968) NAS biographical memoir

Sinologists see China Specialists

Sinor, Denis 丹尼斯·塞诺

Sirén, Osvald, 1876-1966. 喜仁龍 art historian

Siu, Helen F. 蕭鳳霞 B.A., Carleton; M.A., PhD, Stanford; Professor of Anthropology, Yale 反思歷史人類學 http://helensiu.commons.yale.edu/files/2011/09/2009-Reflections-in-Historical-Anthropology.pdf



Siu, Wai-fong Anita 蕭 (also Anita Wai-fong Siu)


Possessing the Past: Treasures from the National Palace Museum, Taipei

edited by Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan, Wen Fong, James C. Y. Watt

Ts'ai T'ao, T'ieh-wei-shan ts'ung-tim (Miscellanea at the Iron-clad Mountain), Chung-hua ed. (Beijing, 1983), chiian 1. Anita Wai-fong Siu, a graduate student at Princeton

Small carvings of the Ming and Qing dynasties / Anita Wai-fong Siu. Author: Siu, Wai-fong Anita. Physical description: p. 59-64 : col. ill. ; 29 cm

The Modern spirit in Chinese painting selections from the Jeannette Shambaugh Elliott, by Wai-fong Anita.; Phoenix Art Museum. Siu (Jan 1, 1985) 中國近代繪畫

Wai-fong Anita Siu. Ink-making in China

Siu, Yum-Tong, 1943- 蕭蔭堂 mathematician, Harvard


Sivin, Nathan, 1931- 席文 sinologist

Skarr, Lowell 洛厄尔·斯卡尔

Skinner, B. F., 1904-1990.

Skinner, B. F. (1904-1990) NAS biographical memoir

B. F. Skinner (1904-1990): Obituary. Holland, James G. American Psychologist. Vol. 47(5), May 1992, 665-667.

Skinner, G. William (1925-2008) NAS biographical memoir 施堅雅


Taiwan Journal of Anthropology, vol. 8, no. 1 (2010)

Publications http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~chgis/data/skinner/publications.html


Jeremiah Jenne http://granitestudio.org/2008/11/18/g-william-skinner/

Stevan Harrell. China Quarterly, vol. 198, June 2009, p. 453-458


Skonicki, Doug 侯道儒

Skoog, Folke (1908-2001) NAS biographical memoir

Skosey, Laura A. 郭锦

Slamecka, Norman Joseph, 1928-2003.

Norman Joseph Slamecka (1928-2003): Obituary. Murdock, Bennet.

American Psychologist. Vol. 59 (3), Apr 2004, 181

Slater, John C. (1900-1976) NAS biographical memoir

Slepian, Joseph (1891-1969) NAS biographical memoir

Slichter, Louis B. (1896-1978) NAS biographical memoir

Slipher, Vesto M. (1875-1969) NAS biographical memoir

Small, Lyndon F. (1897-1957) NAS biographical memoir

Smith, Adam 亚当·史密斯

Smith, Adrienne J., 1934-1992.

Adrienne J. Smith (1934-1992): Obituary. Brown, Laura S.

American Psychologist. Vol. 48(9), Sep 1993, 987.

Smith, Alexander (1865-1922) NAS biographical memoir

Smith, Arthur H. (Henderson) 明恩溥

Smith, Bardwell L. 巴德维尔·史密斯

Smith, David V., 1942-2006.

David V. Smith (1943-2006): Obituary. Ennis, Matthew.

American Psychologist. Vol. 62 (3), Apr 2008, 251.

Smith, Edgar F. (1856-1928) NAS biographical memoir

Smith, Erwin F. (1854-1927) NAS biographical memoir

Smith, Gilbert M. (1885-1959) NAS biographical memoir

Smith, Homer W. (1895-1962) NAS biographical memoir

Smith, J. E. Keith, 1928-2002.

J. E. Keith Smith (1928-2002): Obituary. Meyer, David E.

American Psychologist. Vol. 58(4), Apr 2003, 315.

Smith, J. Lawrence (1818-1883) NAS biographical memoir

Smith, James P. (1864-1931) NAS biographical memoir

Smith, Joseph V. (1928-2007) NAS biographical memoir

Smith, Karl U. (Karl Ulrich), 1907-1994.

Karl U. Smith (1907-1994): Obituary. Gould, John D.

American Psychologist. Vol. 51(9), Sep 1996, 977.

Smith, Kidder 苏德恺

Smith, Lee I. (1891-1973) NAS biographical memoir

Smith, Patricia Cain, 1917-2007.

Patricia Cain Smith (1917-2007): Obituary. Balzer, William K., Locke, Edwin; Zedeck, Sheldon.

American Psychologist. Vol. 63 (3), Apr 2008, 198.

Smith, Paul J. 史乐民

Smith Ray F. (1919-1999) NAS biographical memoir

Smith, Richard Joseph 司馬富

Smith, Sidney I. (1843-1926) NAS biographical memoir

Smith, Theobald (1859-1934) NAS biographical memoir

Smithies, Oliver, 1925-2017. NAS

Smyth, Charles P. (1895 - 1990) NAS biographical memoir

Sneath, David 戴维·斯尼思

Snell, Esmond E. (1914-2003) NAS biographical memoir

Snell, George D. (1903-1996) NAS biographical memoir

Snell, George D. (George Dixon), 1909-1991.

Snell, Heber Cyrus, 1883-1974.

Snow, Donald 唐纳德·斯诺

Snyder, C. R. (Rick), 1944-2006.

C. R. (Rick) Snyder (1944-2006): Obituary. Lopez, Shane J.

American Psychologist. Vol. 61 (7), Oct 2006, 719.

Snyder, William U. (William Ulrich), 1915-2001.

William Ulrich Snyder (1915-2001): Obituary. Snyder, Douglas K.

American Psychologist. Vol. 57 (2), Feb 2002, 130.

So, Alvin 苏耀昌

So, Billy K.L., 1952- 蘇基朗

So, Jenny F. 苏芳淑

So, Kee Long, 1952- 蘇基朗 see So, Billy K. L., 1952- 蘇基朗

So, Kwan-wai 苏均炜

Soderberg, C. Richard (1895-1979) NAS biographical memoir

Soh, Hooi Ling 索惠玲

Soldon, Norbert C., 1932-2011. prof. of history, WCU

Solinger, Dorothy J. 蘇黛瑞

Solley, Charles Marion, (1925-1996)

Charles Marion Solley, Jr (1925-1996): Obituary. Landis, Dan; Messick, Samuel; Stagner, Ross.

American Psychologist. Vol. 53(6), Jun 1998, 670.

Solomon, Richard H. (Harvey), 1937- 索乐文

B.A., PhD, MIT; student of Lucian W. Pye 白鲁恂; interview

Solomon, Richard Lester, 1918-1995.

Solomon, Richard L. (1918-1995) NAS biographical memoir

Richard Lester Solomon (1918-1995): Obituary. LoLordo, Vincent M; Seligman, Martin E. P.

American Psychologist. Vol. 52(5), May 1997, 567-568.

Solso, Robert Laird, 1933-2005.

Robert Laird Solso (1933-2005): Obituary . Wallace, William P.

American Psychologist. Vol. 60 (9), Dec 2005, 1034.

Somers, Robert M. 罗伯特·萨默斯

Sommer, Matthew H. 苏成捷

Sondheim, Stephen, 1930- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Sondheim

Song, C. S. , 1929- Rev. Dr. 宋泉盛 Choan-Seng Song http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._S._Song

Song Gang 宋剛

Song, Jaeyoon 宋在伦

Song, L.M. 宋丽梅

Song, Lina 宋丽娜

Song, Qi, 1919-1996. 宋淇 http://www.chiuko.com.tw/author.php?au=detail&authorID=117 x Lin, Yiliang 林以亮(1919-1996),原名宋淇

Song, Yongyi 宋永毅

Sonneborn, Tracy M. (1905-1981) NAS biographical memoir

Sonnenschein, Edward 爱德华·索南夏因

Sontag, Susan, 1933-2004. A Susan Sontag Reader (1982)

Soo Khin Wah 蘇慶華

South Africa https://sites.google.com/site/tsulu2811/home/south-africa


Musk, Elon, 1971- founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors, and SpaceX

Spanos, Nicholas Peter, 1942-1994.

Nicholas Peter Spanos (1942-1994). Chaves, John F; Jones, Bill.

American Psychologist. Vol. 50(6), Jun 1995, 449.

Sparks, Vernon Wellington Sr., 1920-2002.

Vernon Wellington Sparks, Sr. (1920-2002): Obituary. Terrell, David L.; Perry, Aubrey M.; Ballard II, James M.

American Psychologist. Vol. 57(10), Oct 2002, 789.

Sparrow, Sara S., 1933-2010. PhD




Sara S. Sparrow (1933-2010): Obituary. Carter, Alice S.; McPartland, James.

American Psychologist. Vol. 66 (2), Feb-Mar 2011, 144.

Spear, Irwin, 1924-2002.

Spedding, F. H. (1902-1984) NAS biographical memoir

Spence, Jonathan Dermot 史景遷 Chin, Annping, 1950- 金安平



Spence, Kenneth W. (1907-1967) NAS biographical memoir

Sperry, Elmer A. (1860-1930) NAS biographical memoir

Sperry, Roger Walcott, 1913-1994.

Roger Walcott Sperry (1913-1994): Obituary. Puente, Antonio E.

American Psychologist. Vol. 50(11), Nov 1995, 940-941.

Sperry, Roger W. (1913-1994) NAS biographical memoir

Spicer, Edward H. (1906-1983) NAS biographical memoir

Spier, Leslie (1893-1961) NAS biographical memoir

Spiker, Charles C., 1925-1993.

Charles C. Spiker (1925-1993): Obituary. Cantor, Joan H. American Psychologist. Vol. 49(9), Sep 1994, 812.

Spiro, Audrey 司白乐

Spitzer, Frank (1926-1992) NAS biographical memoir

Spitzer, Lyman (1914-1997) NAS biographical memoir

Spoehr, Alexander (1913-1992) NAS biographical memoir

Spragg, S. D. S. (Sidney Durward Shirley), 1909-1995.

Sidney Durward Shirley Spragg (1909-1995): Obituary. Cowen, Emory L.

American Psychologist. Vol. 52(5), May 1997, 566.

Sprague, G. F. (1902-1998) NAS biographical memoir

Sprague, James M. (1916-2002) NAS biographical memoir

Sprout, Richard. 史伯乐 (Richard William Sprout) linguist http://rws.xoba.com/ PhD, MIT, 1985; B.A., UC San Diego, 1981

Spruce Goose Hughes, Howard, 1905-1976. hoax: fake autobiography of Howard Hughes by Irving, Clifford, 1930- The Hughes H-4 Hercules (also known as the "Spruce Goose"), Evergreen Aviation Museum, McMinville, OR

Squier, George O. (1865-1934) NAS biographical memoir

St. John, Charles Edward (1857-1935) NAS biographical memoir

Stacy, Judith 朱迪思·斯泰西

Stadie, William C. (1886-1959) NAS biographical memoir

Stadler, Lewis J. (1896-1954) NAS biographical memoir

Stadtman, Thressa "Terry" C., 1920-2016. (f.) NAS

Staël-Holstein, Alexander von 钢和泰

Stagner, Ross, 1909-1997.

Ross Stagner (1909-1997): Obituary. Lachman, Sheldon J.

American Psychologist. Vol. 53(4), Apr 1998, 482-483.

Stakman, Elvin C. (1885-1979) NAS biographical memoir

Stalnaker, John Marshall, 1903-1990.

John Marshall Stalnaker (1903-1990): Obituary. Hilgard, Ernest R.

American Psychologist. Vol. 46(12), Dec 1991, 1344.

Standaert, Nicolas 鍾鳴旦

Standen, Naomi 史怀梅

Stapleton, Kristin 司昆仑

Starkweather, John A., 1925-2001.

John A. Starkweather (1925-2001): Obituary. Hargreaves, William A.

American Psychologist. Vol. 57(6/7), June/July 2002, 440.

Starr, Chlöe F. 科莱·斯塔尔

Starr, Richard C. (1924-1998) NAS biographical memoir

Stebbins, G. Ledyard (1906-2000) NAS biographical memoir

Stebbins, Joel (1878-1966) NAS biographical memoir

Steenrod, Norman E. (1910-1971) NAS biographical memoir

Steffen Chung, Karen. see Chung, Karen Steffen. 史嘉琳

Steffens, Lincoln, 1866-1936.

Stegemann, R. A. (Roddy) , 1949- 橋守岩人 Hashimori (Hamo)

Stein, Aurel 斯坦因

Stein, Rolf A. 石泰安

Stein, William H. (1911-1980) NAS biographical memoir

Steinfeld, Edward 史坦非

Steinhardt, Nancy 夏南悉

Steinhaus, Edward A. (1914-1969) NAS biographical memoir

Steiner, Ivan, 1917-2001.

Obituary: Ivan Steiner (1917-2001). Davis, James H.; Levinger, George.

American Psychologist. Vol. 58(2), Feb 2003, 142.

Stejneger, Leonhard (1851-1943) NAS biographical memoir

Stellar, Eliot, 1919-1993.

Eliot Stellar (1919-1993): Obituary. Sechzer, Jeri Altneau. American Psychologist. Vol. 50(5), May 1995, 387-388.

Stellar, Eliot (1919-1993) NAS biographical memoir

Stent, Gunther S. (1924-2008) NAS biographical memoir

Stephens, Stanley G. (1911-1986) NAS biographical memoir

Stephenson, William, 1902-1989.

William Stephenson (1902-1989): Obituary. Brown, Steven R. American Psychologist. Vol. 46(3), Mar 1991, 244.

Steere, Joseph Beal, 1842-1940. 史蒂瑞


Starzl, Thomas E., 1926-2017. NAS

譯者 : 林弘宣 譯 校訂者 : 李壬癸 校訂


史蒂瑞(Joseph Beal Steere, 1842-1940)出身密西根大學的傑出博物學家,曾在美洲及東亞的許多地區探險、調查、採集標本,並在考古學、植物學、民族學、人種學、語言學、古生物學及動物學等領域做出貢獻。



Sterckx, Roel 胡司德

Stermer, Dugald, 1936-2011. illustrator

Stern, Curt (1902-1981) NAS biographical memoir

Stern, Melvin E. (1929-2010) NAS biographical memoir

Stern, Otto (1888-1969) NAS biographical memoir

Stetten, DeWitt (1909-1990) NAS biographical memoir

Stevens, Catherine 石清照

Stevens, Stanley S. (1906-1973) NAS biographical memoir

Stevenson, Daniel 丹尼尔·史蒂文森

Stevenson, Richard ("Dick"), 1920-2016. (age 96)

Stevenson-Yang, Anne.

Stever, H. Guyford (1916-2010) NAS biographical memoir

Stevick, Philip T., 1930-2009. Temple prof. of English; Theory of Novel

Steward, Julian H. (1902-1972) NAS biographical memoir

Stewart, George W. (1876-1956) NAS biographical memoir

Stewart, T. Dale (1901-1997) NAS biographical memoir

Stieglitz, Julius (1867-1937) NAS biographical memoir

Stigler, George J. (1911-1991) NAS biographical memoir

Stillwell, Lewis B. (1863-1941) NAS biographical memoir

Stimpson, William (1832-1872) NAS biographical memoir

Stimson, Hugh, 1931-2011. 司徒修 Yale

Stimson, Thomas 托马斯·斯廷森

Stock, Chester (1892-1950) NAS biographical memoir

Stock, Jonathan P J. 乔纳森·斯托克

Stockard, Janice E. 贾尼丝·斯托卡德

Stocking, George Ward, 1928-2013. Jr. PhD, Penn; anthropologist

Stockmann, Daniela 施达妮

Stoddard, George Dinsmore, 1897-1981.

Obituary: George Dinsmore Stoddard (1897-1981). Skodak Crissey, Marie. American Psychologist. Vol. 38 (4), April 1983, 494-495.

Stogdill, Ralph M. (Ralph Melvin), 1904-1978.

Obituary: Ralph M. Stogdill (1904-1978). Hakel, Milton D.

American Psychologist. Vol. 35 (1), Jan 1980, 101.

Stogdill, Zoe Emily Leatherman, 1893-

Stokes, Mark 石明凯

Stolurow, Lawrence M., 1918-2009.

Lawrence M. Stolurow (1918-2009): Obituary. Triandis, Harry C.; Brennan, Robert.

American Psychologist. Vol. 65 (6), September 2010, 612.

Stommell, Henry M. (1920-1992) NAS biographical memoir

Stone, Calvin P. (1892-1954) NAS biographical memoir

Stone, Wilson S. (1907-1968) NAS biographical memoir

Stork, Gilbert, 1921- organic chemist; National Medal of Science

Story, Dee Ann, 1931-2010.

Stowell, Robert E. (Robert Eugene), 1914-2011. MD, PhD. UC Davis pathology

Strand, David 全大伟

Strassberg, Richard E. 韩禄伯

Strauss, Julia 朱莉

Strickmann, Michel 司马虚

Stratton, George M. (1865-1957) NAS biographical memoir

Stratton, Julius A. (1901-1994) NAS biographical memoir

Stratton, Samuel W. (1861-1931) NAS biographical memoir

Strayer, Richard Levi, 1927-2013. 6/23/1927 - 5/14/2013 WCU; Deborah Anne Nickles

Street, Jabez C. (1906-1989) NAS biographical memoir

Streeter, George L. (1873-1948) NAS biographical memoir

Streisand, Barbra, 1942-

Streisinger, George (1927-1984) NAS biographical memoir

Strodtbeck, Fred L., 1919-2005.

Fred L. Strodtbeck (1919-2005): Obituary. Morgan, William.

American Psychologist Vol. 63 (6), Sep 2008, 560.

Strong, Theodore (1790-1869) NAS biographical memoir

Strupp, Hans H., 1921-2006.

Hans H. Strupp (1921-2006): Obituary. Bergin, Allen E.

American Psychologist. Vol. 62 (3), Apr 2008, 249.

Struve, Lynn 司徒琳

Struve, Otto (1897-1963) NAS biographical memoir

Stuart, Jan 司美茵

Stucki, Curtis W. 柯蒂斯·斯塔基

Stuermer, John R. 约翰·斯图尔默

Stumpf, Paul K. (1919-2007) NAS biographical memoir

Sturman, Peter 石慢

Sturtevant, Alfred H. (1891-1970) NAS biographical memoir

Su, James Chin-chun, 1933-2012. 蘇金春博士 (Dr. James Chin-Chun Su) -- single, never married; passed away on July 17, 2012. 他出生於岡山鎮 memoir obit

Su, Li Huang,1945- 蘇麗凰 蘇嘉盛醫師 see Shu, Grace L. 1945- 蘇麗凰 蘇嘉盛醫師

Su, Shi, 1037-1101. 蘇軾 (蘇東坡)

Su, Shiou-fen. "Susan" 蘇秀芬 PhD, linguistics

Subeng, see Shi Ming 史明

Sue, Tuohy 苏独玉

Suess, Hans E. (1909-1993) NAS biographical memoir

Suettinger, Robert 苏葆立

Sugaya, Fuminori 菅谷文则



List of Suicides

Suits, C. Guy (1905-1991) NAS biographical memoir

Sukhu, Gopal 戈帕尔·苏库

Sullivan, Michael 苏利文

Sullivant, W. S. (1803-1873) NAS biographical memoir

Sumlin, Hubert, 1931-2011. Chicago blues guitarist

Sumner, Francis B. (1874-1945) NAS biographical memoir

Sumner, James B. (1887-1955) NAS biographical memoir

Sun, Cecile Chu-Chin 孙筑瑾

Sun, Chao-fen 孙朝奋

Sun, Dajin 孙大进

Sun, E-tu Zen, 1921- 任以都; wife of Sun, Shiou-chuan, 1911-1981. 孙守全 Penn State

Sun, Guohua, 1902-1958. 孙国华 psychologist (Peter Sun)


Sun, Hun Hsun, 1925-2015. PhD (Cornell, 1950) 孫恆恂 professor emeritus, Drexel; advisor to 江绵恒 1951-

Sun, Julia Chih-Chun, 1966- 孫芝君

1966 年出生於台灣省桃園縣。1993~1994 年間獲奧地利學術交流服務處獎學金,赴維也納大學音樂學系進修。1997 年畢業於國立台灣師範大學音樂研究所,主修音樂學,研究範圍以近代台灣音樂史為主,《張福興先生年譜》是第一本正式著作。

從小學鋼琴,長大後才發現寫字比彈琴更適合自己。臺灣師範大學音樂研究所碩士,近年遷居美國洛杉磯。著作有: <張福興:近代台灣第一位音樂家>(台北:時報文化,2000);<呂泉生:以歌逐夢的人生>(台北:時報文化,2002);<酣暢的樂聲>(苗栗縣文化局,2002);<呂泉生的音樂人生>(台北:遠流出版,2006)等。

Sun, Kang-i, 1944-, see Chang, Kang-i Sun, 1944- 孙康宜

Sun, Jason Zhixin 孙志新Sun, Kekuan, see Sun, K'o-k'uan, 1905-1993. 孫克寬

Sun, K'o-k'uan, 1905-1993. 孫克寬 (Ke-Kuan Sun) Tunghai University life


Sun, Mei 孙玫

Sun, Warren:孫萬國_澳洲莫納希大學教授

Sun, William Huizhu 孙惠柱

Sun, Yan 孙岩

Sun, Yi 孙绮Sun, Peter Guohua, 1902-1958. 孙国华 see Sun, Guohua, 1902-1958. 孙国华

Sun, Shiou-chuan, 1911-1981. 孙守全

Sun, Steve L., 1939-2009. 孫樹霖

Sun, Tung-Hsun. 孙同勋 孫同勛 historian



R.O.C. & U.S.A., 1911-1981: Collected Papers of an International Conference Held by the American Studies Association of the Republic of China in [sic] November 21-23, 1981 / editors: Tung-Hsun Sun, Morris Wei-Hsin Tien

Sun, Wannning. 皖宁

Sung, John, 1901-1944. Dr. John Sung 宋尚節 博士



Super, Donald E. (Donald Edwin), 1910-1994.

Donald E. Super (1910-1994): Obituary. Savickas, Mark L.

American Psychologist. Vol. 50(9), Sep 1995, 794-795

Sussman-Brodsky, Ilene J. husband: Brodsky, Steven.

Sutherland, Earl W. (1915-1974) NAS biographical memoir

Sutter, Robert 罗伯特·萨特 Sutter, Rober:沙特

Sutton, Donald S. 苏堂棣 PhD, Cambridge, 1971; prof. Carnegie Mellon

Suzuhara, Kenʼichirō, 1940- 2008. 鈴原研一郎.

Sverdrup, Harald (1888-1957) NAS biographical memoir

Swain, George F. (1857-1931) NAS biographical memoir

Swaine, Michael 史文

Swainson, Nichola 尼古拉·斯温森

Swan, Jane Ballard, d. 2010. (age 84) WCU

Swanton, John R. (1873-1958) NAS biographical memoir

Swartz, Wendy 田菱

Swatek, Catherine 史愷悌

Swasey, Ambrose (1846-1937) NAS biographical memoir

Swezey, Robert W., 1943-2002.

Robert W. Swezey (1943-2002) Van Cott, Harold P.

American Psychologist. Vol. 59 (1), Jan 2004, 46.

Swingle, Walter T. 施永格 (又译作施永高)

Swofford, Mark 马克·斯沃福德

Swope, Kenneth M. 石康

Syracuse, NY 雪城 (xue cheng)

Syracuse University 雪城大学的拉丁文校训是 “ Suos Cultores Scientia Coronat ” ,中文的意思是 “ 知识为追寻她的人加冕 ” (Knowledge crowns those who seek her)。在雪城大学的宪章上,书写着“光明与真知” 两个字,这也构成了雪城大学最核心的精神。 Otto the Orange; Orangemen.

Alumni: Joe Biden; Bob Cheng, PhD;


Sze, Arthur, 1950- 施家彰

Sze, Simon M., 1936- 施敏 Academia Sinica

姜大元(Dawon Kahng)博士



Szelényi, Iván 伊万·塞勒尼

Szilard, Leo (1898-1964) NAS biographical memoir

Szondi, Leopold, 1893-1986. or Szondi, Lipot, 1893-1986.

Szondi test

Obituary: Lipot Szondi (1893-1986). Webb, Marvin W.

American Psychologist. Vol. 42 (6), June 1987, 600.

Szonyi, Michael A., 1967- 宋怡明


Salk, Jonas, 1914-1995.

polio vaccine developer

Sallie Mae (Student Loan Marketing Association)

Cf. Freddie Mac ; Fannie Mae

Salvation Army

SAM, SAM-e, or SAMe ("Sammy") S-adenosyl-L-methionine

S-adenosyl-L-methionine as an antidepressant

S-adenosyl methionine (SAM)

S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAME)

Ask the Expert: SAM

Samelson, Hans, 1916-2005.

Stanford topologist and differential geometer

Samuels, Gertrude, 1909 or 1910-2003.

age 93

photojournalist and writer

Samurai (pl. samurai) cf. Ronin (pl. ronin)

Movies: The Seven Samurai

Chushingura (忠臣藏)

San Juan Skyway (Coloradao)

Sanchez, Sonia, 1934-

African-American poet

Sand, George, 1804-1876. French woman novelist

Sand's romance with Frederic Chopin was chronicled in the film

Impromptu (1991), starring Judy Davis and Hugh Grant..

Saner, Reg, 1929-


professor, U of Colorado -- Boulder

B.A., St. Norbert College

M.A., PhD, U of Illinois

selected poems in Retrieving Bones: stories and poems of the Korean War (Rutgers U. P., 1999)

Sanford, John, 1904-2003.

John B. Sanford

Saramago, Jose, 1922-

Portuguese novelist; Nobel Prize in Literature, 1998

lives mostly in Spain

Sarnak, Peter, 1953-

mathematician, Princeton

NAS, 2002

Saroyan, William, 1908-1981.

renowned Armenian-American writer, playwright, and humanitarian

Stanford Univ. Libraries house the largest William Saroyan archives

William Saroyan Int'l Prize for Writing (from Stanford Univ.)

SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

Sarton, George, 1884-1956.

father of the history of science

cf. Kuhn, Thomas, 1922-1996.

Sarton, May, 1912-1995.

poetess; daughter of George Sarton

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980.

French existentialist

Saund, Dalip Singh, 1899-1973.

U. S. Congressman from India

first Asian-American elected to Congress

first Asian-American woman elected to Congress: Patsy Mink

mathematician; PhD, 1924

Saussure, Ferdinand de, 1857-1913. (索绪尔).

(edited by Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye) 1915. Translated with an introduction and notes by Wade Baskin. 1956. Course in General Linguistics. Philosophical Library, Inc.

Saussy, Haun, 1960- 蘇源熙


Caleb Powell Haun Saussy

PhD, Yale, 1990

professor at Stanford 斯坦福大学东亚语言系和比较文学系主任 -2004.

the Bird White Housum Professor of Comparative and Chinese literature at Yale, 2004- .http://www.yale.edu/complit/saussy.html

Savage, Thomas, 1914 or 1915-2003. (age 88)

novelist of the American West

"The Power of the Dog" (1967), "Lona Hanson" (1948)

Sawyer, Diane, 1945-

Wellesley graduate and a Richard Nixon aide;

spouse: Mike Nichols (1931- ), movie director, The Graduate

fact sheet

Say, Allen

Caldecott medalist Allen Say eloquently depicts this dark moment in history with Home of the Brave.

Scaife, Charles Walter John, 1938-2003.

Professor who promoted science as fun

professor of chemistry, Union College, Schenectady, NY

B.S., Cornell, 1959

PhD, Cornell, 1965

Scalapino, Robert A., 1919- 施伯樂 史伯乐

(PhD, Harvard) bio

Robson Research Professor of Government Emeritus

UC Berkeley

Scarry, Richard, 1919-1994. Children's author

Schaap, Walter E., d. 2005. age 87

jazz historian

Schafer, Edward H., 1913-1991 薛爱华

Edward Hetzel Schafer

a leading authority on Tang China

Agassiz Professor Emertius of Oriental Languages


UC BerkeleySinological Studies Dedicated to Edward H. Schafer by Paul W. Kroll

Review author[s]: Anne Birrell

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 53, No. 2 (1990), p. 373

T'ANG STUDIES 8-9 (1990-91)

"Edward Hetzel Schafer, 1913-1991" (p 3-8)

Bibliography of Edward H. Schafter (p 9-22)

"What and How Is Sinology?" (pp. 23-44)

Schizer, David M., 1969-

dean, Columbia Law School

B.A., M.A., Yale, 1990

JD, Yale, 1993

youngest dean at top-tier law schools

tax law specialist

Schlesinger, Arthur, 1917-2007.

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.

Arthur Meier Schlesinger, Jr.

Pulitzer Prize-winning historian (son)

He popularized the term "imperial presidency" during the Nixon administration.


A Life in the 20th century: innocent beginnings (2000)

Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, 1888-1965.

historian (father)

Arthur Meier Schlesinger, Sr.

Schlesinger, John, 1926-2003.

legednary gay director of the Oscar-winning "Midnight Cowboy" (1969); companion of 30 years, photographer Michael Childers

Schlessinger, Dr. Laura C., 1947-

"Dr. Laura"

Why Do You Love Me? Dr. Laura C. Schlessinger's first children's book

Schmucker, Samuel Christian, 1860-1943.

(some give 1944)

evolutionary atheist

PhD (chemistry), Penn, 1893

West Chester State Normal School faculty

Schneider, Paul , 1897-1939.

Protestant theologian Paul Schneider (1897-1939), who became known as the "Buchenwald Preacher," is considered a 20th-century martyr.

Paul Schneider: The Buchenwald Apostle - Claude R. Foster,Jr. -

"Paul Schneider: The Pastor of Buchenwald", by E. H. Robertson

"Paul Schneider: The Apostle of Buchenwald"

Paul Schneider: The Witness of Buchenwald by Rudolf Wentorf

Paul Schneider - der Prediger von Buchenwald

Paul Schneider -- der Prediger von Buchenwald!

Geboren in Pferdsfeld - Pfarer Paul Schneider (VHS; 40 minutes)

Schneider, Stephen H.


Schoelkopf, R. Gerald, 1945-2008.

Russell Gerald Schoelkopf

July 6, 1945--April 24, 2008

Index to the Centennial History of West Chester State College by Dr. Russell L. Sturzebecker

Recent history of West Chester University

Schoepflin, Urs. 施菩岭

x Shi, Boling


Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography

Schonberg, Harold C., 1915-2003.

New York Times music critic

Schoonover, Frank E., 1877-1972.

artist of the Brandywine School

student of Howard Pyle

Schor, Naomi, 1943-2001.

Benjamin F. Barge Professor of French at Yale

Schram, Stuart R. 施拉姆

scholar on Mao Zedong


西方著名的毛泽东研究专家和毛泽东著作翻译家。1954年获得哥伦比亚太学哲学博士学位。20世纪60年代在哈佛大学从事当代中国问题研究。1967年执 教于英国伦敦大学。1968年至1972年任伦敦大学东方与非洲学院政治系教授,兼任该院现代中国研究所所长。1990年退休返回美国,应聘在哈佛大学费 正清研究中心主持英文版《毛泽东集》的编纂工作。主要著作有:《毛泽东的政治思想》(1963)、《毛泽东》(1966)、《未经修饰的毛泽东:谈话与书信集(1956—1971)》(1973)、 《对毛泽东的初步重估》(1984)、《毛泽东的思想》(1989)等。

Schultz, Theodore William, 1902-1998.

Nobel laureate in economics, 1979

Schulz, Charles M., 1922-2000.

nicknamed "Sparky"

Peanuts (cartoon) creator; died of colon cancer


Schuylkill River Trail

Schuylkill River Trail

Schyns, Joseph, 1899- 善秉仁

Father 辅仁大学 法国神父 ; 称他“善司铎”

Sci-fi (scientific fiction)

sf site

Bradbury, Ray, 1920- sci-fi author

Science -- History

Kuhn, Thomas (Samuel), 1922-1996.

Needham, Joseph.

Sarton, George, 1884-1956. The father of the history of science

Sivin, Nathan, 1931- Penn

Science Fiction Reviews

Scientific American

The Scientist ; news journal for life scientists

Scitovsky, Tibor, 1910-2002.

Hungary-born Stanford economist

Scott, James C.

Yale Sterling Professor in Poltical Science

Scowcroft, Richard P. (Pingree), 1916-2001


Stanford director of creative writing program;

Harvard PhD

wife: Anne Kendall (a Radcliffe PhD; d.1991)

three successful sons

students: Scott Turow, Tobias Wolff

Stanford resolution

Scribner, Belding Hibbard, 1921-2003.

medical pioneer; inventor of the Scribner shunt

Seaborg, Glenn, 1912-1999.

born Glenn Theodore Seaborg

Nobel Prize winner (chemistry, 1951)

Professor of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

Searle, John, 1932-


Sebeok, Thomas A., 1920-2001.

linguist (semiotics)

Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security

of a free State, the right of the people to keep and

bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Second Amendment Cases

Second Chances


Second chances: giving kids a chance to make a better choice

The Secret Garden (from Page By Page Books)

The Secret Garden (from Literature Network)


Semiotics basics

Segal, George, 1924-2000.

American Pop Art icon

Segall, Joel E., 1923-2003.

Joel Edwin Segall, PhD

economist, president of Baruch College (CUNY)

Seigle, Cecilia Segawa 瀨川淑子

professor emeritus at Penn

Seldes, George (Henry), 1890-1995.

critic, antifascist, and crusader (a muckraking journalist)

America's greatest press critic

dean of investigative reporters

Facts and Fascism (chapters 1 and 2)

Is the entire press corrupt?

from public eye

To tell the truth and run (a film)

from Yahoo!

from Spartacus

Sellin, Thorsten, 1896-1994.

Johan Thorsten Sellin

Crimnologist; University of Pennsylvania

obituary, Philadelphia Inquirer, Sept. 18, 1994

Seng, Harris B. H., 1919- 沈寶環

professorof library science, National Taiwan University

Shen Bao-Huan (Bao, treasure; Huan, globe)

father: Samuel T. Y. Seng, pioneer of modern library service in China

Seng, Samuel Tsu Yung, 1883-1977 沈祖榮

(sometimes given as 1884-1977)

father of modern library science education in China

son: Harris B. H. Seng


Seniors Online

Sensabaugh, George, 1906-2002.

professor of English at Stanford


Sensabaugh, George, 1906-2002.

Service Academies

United States Air Force Academy

United States Coast Guard Academy

United States Military Academy (West Point)

United States Naval Academy

Sewall, Richard Benson, 1907-2003.

Yale Prof. of English; Emily Dickinson biographer

Shadow Federal Open Market Committee, see Shadow FOMC

Shadow FOMC

from Market News International

from Mpls Federal Reserve Bank

from Federation of American Scientist

Shadow Open Market Committee (SOMC), see Shadow FOMC

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.

Shakespeare, William

College Literature, Fall 1977 (vol.4, no. 3) special issue

Welcome to Surfing with the Bard

Shakespearean Homework Helper

Complete Works of William Shakespeare

Shakespearean Links

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare Resources on the Web

Shakespeare Web

Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet

Shakespeare Bookshelf

The Works of the Bard

Shakespeare search engine

Shakespeare Oxford Society Home Page

Shakespeare's Monologues

Hamlet Web Page

Selected Poetry of William Shakespeare

Sham, Lu Jeu, 1938- 沈吕九

Shen Lu-Jio

NAS, 1998

Academician, Academica Sinica (Taiwan), 1998

Chairman and Professor of Physics, UC San Diego

Shaner, Janet P., 1952-2001.

former Superintendent, WCASD


a word coined by James Hilton in The Lost Horizon

a Utopian world

a sequel by Daniel Altieri and Eleanor Cooney to James

Hilton's Lost Horizon

Shadow FOMC

Shadow Open Market Committee (SOMC), see Shadow FOMC

Shankar, Ravi, 1920- Indian sitarist

Ravi Shankar

Ravi Shankar Foundation

----- daughter: Norah Jones, 1979- (won Emmy awards)

Shannon, Claude Elwood, 1916-2001.

father of modern digital communications and information theory

MIT professor emeritus; MIT obit

wrote the landmark A Mathematical Theory of Communication (1948)

National Medal of Science, 1966


Sharff, Stefan, 1919-2003.

film scholar at Columbia University

Sharpe, William F., 1934-

William "Bill" Forsyth Sharpe

Stanford professor; Nobel Laureate

Founder of Finanacial Engines (http://www.financialengines.com/)

In 1990 Harry Markowitz, Merton Miller, and William

Sharpe shared the Nobel Prize in Economics for their

individual contributions resulting in the development

of modern portfolio theory.

Shattuck, Roger, 1923-2005.

Roger Whitney Shattuck

a polyglot scholar and writer

a Yale graduate

Shaw, Mei-Chi 蕭美琪




Professor of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame

Shearman, John, 1931-2003.

art historian of Italian Renaissance

Sheckley, Robert, 1928-2005.

science fiction writer

from Wikipedia

Sheehy, Gail.


Sex and the Seasoned Woman (2006)


Shei, Shun-Yi. 施順意

PhD, Purdue, 1978

agricultural economist


Sheldon, Sidney, 1917-2007.


father: German Jew

mother: Russian Jew



NY Times, January 30, 2007

Shen, Chia-tsin, 1913-2007. "C. T. Shen" 沈家桢居士

老居士2007年 11月27日往生了

wife: 居和如女士 (Chu Woo-Ju, 1917-1988)

children: 3 daughters and one son






brief bio



什么叫做五眼呢? 在佛教的名词里,五眼是指肉眼、天眼、慧眼、法眼和佛眼

Shen, Dan, 1958- 申丹

English language & literature; translation

B.A., Beijing University, 1982

PhD, Edinburgh Univ., 1987

“长江学者”Cheung Kong Scholar, Beijing Univ.


Shen, Harris B. H., 1919-2004. 沈寶環

use spelling Seng; Bao-Huan (Bao, treasure; Huan, globe)

professor of library science, National Taiwan University

father: Samuel T. Y. Seng, pioneer of modern library service in China 沈祖榮


Shen, Jackie. 沈建宏

University of Minnesota


Shen, Ning. 沈寧﹐ 浙江嘉興人

A Different View; an anti-education culture.

Writers Club Press, 2000.

Shen, Ping

The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

沈平(Ping Sheng),香港科技大学物理系教授

Shen, Yuen-Ron, 1935- 沈元壤

professor of physics, UC Berkeley

NAS, AAAS, Academia Sinica (Taiwan and China)

Shen, Zhi-Xun


PhD, Stanford, 1989

Shen, Ziyuan, 1929- 沈致远


DuPont Fellow, 1990-2002 bio

Statistical interpretation of action principle


Sheng, Bright, 1955- 盛宗亮

MacArthur Fellow, 2001

Sheng Zong-Liang

composer; professor at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Shenton, James Patrick, 1925-2003.

Professor of History at Columbia Univ.

among his students: Eric Foner and Sean Wilentz

Sheu, Fang-Yi, 1971- 許芳宜

x Hsu, Fang-Yi

principal dancer, Martha Graham Dance Company

Shi, Jianbo.

Jian-bo Shi 施建博

assistant professor, CIS, Penn




B.A., Cornell, 1994

PhD, UC Berkeley, 1998

Shi, Wan-Xiong. 施皖雄


PhD, Harvard, 1990 (under Shing-Tung Yau)

Shi, Wei-Liang, 1925-1977. 史惟亮

Taiwanese composer

Shiau, Chia-Tong, 1913-2001. 蕭家棟

b. 4/16/1913

d. 6/16/2001

Shiau, Yih-Fu. 蕭逸夫


Monica Meau-Ju Chang 張渺珠

Shibatani, Masayoshi. "Matt Shibatani"


B.A. Linguistics, UC Berkeley, 1970

PhD, Linguistics, UC Berkeley, 1973

Deedee McMurtry Professor of Humanities

Rice University

taught at Kobe University 神戸大学文学部教授

Shields, Carol, 1935-2003.

born Carol Ann Warner

Pulitzer Prize-winning Canadian novelist

The Stone Diaries; Larry's Party;

Shih, Chang-Ju, 1900-2004. 石璋如

archaeologist; died on 2004年3月18日



Academician, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), 1978


from chnmus.net

from 李伯谦

Shih, Charles Chiu-Yang



AndroScience President & CEO

San Diego (Biotech Beach)

Shih, T. Thomas 石聰賢

PhD (UC Berkeley)

Feng-ying Chris Chang 張芬英

Shih, Vincent Y. C., 1902- 施友忠 Vincent Yu-Chung Shih

U. of Washington



哲学史教授 Vincent Y.C. Shih 出版了《太平天国思想史》(1967年)

Vincent Y. C. Shih,The Taiping ldeology:Its Source,Interpretations, and Influences (Seattle,1967)


如 哲学家施友忠当时正在美国,民族文化书院成立后,张君劢便不断给他写信,邀他回国参加。施是张的连襟,施的妻子是张夫人的胞妹。张的一再邀请,施友忠感到 盛情难却,终于离开美国,回到各方面条件都很差的云南大理。张本人除主持学院的日常工作外,还给学生讲授宋明理学和西洋哲学史课程。


Carson Chang

原名嘉森,字士林,号立斋,别署“世界室主人”,笔名君房,江苏宝山(今属上海市宝山区)人。近现代学者,被部分学者认为是早期新儒家的代表之一。 主要著作有:《中西印哲学文集》、《新儒家哲学发展史》、《思想与社会序》、《民族复兴之学术基础》等。

Shi, Zhecun, 1905-2003. 施蛰存

x Shi, Zhicun

x Shih, Che-ts'un

x Shih, Che-ts'an

from baidu.com

from wikipedia

Shiller, Robert J.


Yale economist

PhD, MIT, 1972

Irrational exuberance (2005, 2nd ed. Princeton U.P.)

excerpted in Money, Feb. 2005, p.70-74

Shinseki, Eric K., 1942-

from Hawaii

4-star general, Army Chief-of-Staff

Shiroi (?)


Shively, Donald H., 1921-2005.

Donald Howard Shively

Japanese studies scholar

Director Emeritus of the East Asian Library and Professor Emeritus, University of California at Berkeley

Harvard Gazette, August 25, 2005

Shor, Peter W.

Bell Labs

NAS, 2002 (computer sciences)

Shu, Frank H., 1943- 徐遐生

son of Shien-Siu Shu

(pronounced Hsu Hsia-Shen)

Shu, Shien-Siu, 1912-2001. 徐賢修

father of Frank Shu

Shubik, Martin

Yale SOM

Shulman, Anna Leon

Editor of the Association for Asian Studies' Bibliography of Asian Studies, is a recipient of the Ph.D. degree in Chinese history from the University of Maryland, College Park, a contributor to the annotated bibliography Doctoral Dissertations on China and on Inner Asia, 1976-1990, and a native of Hong Kong.

Doctoral Dissertations on Hong Kong 1900-1997

An Annotated Bibliography

Frank Joseph Shulman Anna Leon Shulman

$97.95 Hardcover

Release Date: 12/1/01

ISBN: 9622093973

872 Pages

Shulman, Frank Joseph.

B.A., Harvard

PhD, Univ. of Washington

a professional bibliographer, editor and consultant for Western-language reference publications in Asian Studies, is the author of twelve book-length bibliographies and scholarly guides on East, Southeast and South Asia. A graduate of both Harvard University and the University of Michigan, he has also served as Editor of the Association for Asian Studies' bibliographical journal Doctoral Dissertations on Asia (1975 - 1996) and as Curator of the East Asia Collection at the University of Maryland, College Park Libraries (1976 - 1992).

Doctoral dissertations on China, 1971-1975: a bibliography of studies in Western languages / compiled and edited by Frank Joseph Shulman. Seattle, University of Washington Press. c1978.

Shulman, Lee S.

Stanford emeritus professor of education

Shulman retires from Carnegie Presidency in 2007

Shuy, Roger W.

Roger W. Shuy is Professor of Linguistics at Georgetown University, where he has taught for three decades. His specialty, language and the law, has led him to consult on hundreds of criminal and civil law cases. He has testified over forty times in many states. His most recent book is Language Crimes (Blackwell, 1993).

Siamese Twins (1811-1874)

i.e. Chang and Eng Bunker born in Siam (modern-day Thailand)

Sickeltart, Ignatius, 1708-1780. 艾啟蒙

Ignaz Sichelbarth

x Ai, Qimeng


波希米亚(今属捷克)人,原名 Ignatius Sickeltart,乾隆十年(1745年)来华,同年入宫供职,擅长人物、走兽,画法较郎世宁拘谨。故宫博物院藏的《八骏图》轴是其存世名作。



Sieele, John B. A. (汲约翰). 1924. The Swatou Syllabary with Mandarin Pronunciation. (潮正两音字集). 上海 英国长老教会.

Siegmund, David O.

Stanford mathematician

NAS, 2002

Sih, Paul Kwan-Tsien, 1909-1978. 薛光前

professor at Seton Hall University and St. John's University

Sills, Beverly, 1929-2007.

American opera singer

Silverstein, Theodore,1904-2001

Hyman Theodore Silverstein, PhD, Harvard

medievalist. U of Chicago

obit from NY Times

Simon, Herbert A., 1916-2001.

Nobel Prize for Economics, 1978

Simon, Paul

Simone, Nina, 1933-2003.

soulful diva and voice of civil rights

Sinclair, Karen.


Siren, Osvald, 1879-1966.

Swedish Orientalist (Chinese art)

Sisson, C. H., 1914-2003.

Charles Hubert Sisson

British poet

Sisulu, Walter, 1912-2003.

Walter Max Ulyate Sisulu

Nelson Mandela's mentor

Sit, Eugene C. 薛春尧

investment -- Sit Mutual Funds, Minneapolis


educated at DePaul University (Chicago)

Corning director 2004

Siu, Yum-Tong, 1943-


mathematician at Harvard

NAS, 2002

Academia Sinica (Taiwan)

distinguished Hong Kong University graduate (B.A., 1963)

Professor Siu is presently William Elwood Byerly. Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University, who has been C V Starr Visiting Professor of HKU's Institute of Mathematical Research from 1999 - 2000.



萧荫堂 (Y.-T. Siu)萧荫堂教授是享誉国际数学界的华人数学家、美国国家科学院院士,美国哈佛大学教授,在1996至1999年间担任哈佛大学数学系主任,是首位担任此职务的华裔。萧先生曾三次受邀在国际数学家大会上作报告,其中两次一小时报告,是当今国际多复变学术领域的领袖。2004年当选中国科学院外籍院士。曾获得美国数学会Bergman奖,并担任Journal of Differential Geometry,Annals of Mathematics等期刊的编委,1998—2000年担任美国National Research Council与国家科学院的全国数学委员会主席。1998年获选为美国艺术及科学院院士。萧荫堂1943年出生于中国广州。1963年毕业于香港大学,1966年获美国普林斯顿大学博士学位。曾任耶鲁大学、斯坦福大学教授。萧荫堂教授是我国改革以来,最早到中国讲学的华裔数学家之一。曾20多次系统讲述了国外多复变函数近代的成果,包括他正在研究的工作,使得与国外交流停止多年的我国多复变函数研究者获益匪浅,其讲稿成为我国后来在大学开设多复变函数课程的蓝本。

Sivin, Nathan, 1931- 席文

wife: Carole, artist

Penn professor


Skinner, B. F., 1904-1990.

Burrhus Frederic Skinner

NAS memoir

Slater, Niall W., 1954-

B.A., College of Wooster, Ohio, 1976

PhD, Princeton

Professor of Classics, Emory University

The Key Reporter, Winter 2004

President of Phi Beta Kappa

Sledd, James H., 1914-2003.

James Hinton Sledd Sr.

Professor Emeritus, U of Texas at Austin

Northwestern University

In Memoriam: James Sledd

Beth Daniell

College Composition and Communication, Vol. 55, No. 2 (Dec., 2003), pp. 217-220

Smirnoff, Yakov, 1951-

Yakov Smirnoff Show, Branson, MO


"What a country!"

Smith, Adam, 1723-1790.


The Wealth of Nations (Smith's magnum opus)

Smith, Liz

Playboy interview, Feb. 1992

Smith, Rogers M.

political scientist, Penn

Smithsonian Institution

Smyth, Craig Hugh, 1915-2006.

Renaissance art historian

PhD, Princeton, 1956


NY Times, January 1, 2007

Sneider, Vern J., 1916-1981.

A pail of oysters (set in Taiwan or Formosa)

Teahouse of the August Moon

So, Francis K.H 蘇其康教授(中山大學)

x Su, Qikang





Glazer, Nathan, 1924-

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 1927-2003.

Riesman, David, 1909-2002.


a computer word coined by John Wilder Tukey, a Princeton

statistician who coined words like bit and software

Solomon, Richard H., 1937- 索乐文

Westtown School alumni

B.S., MIT, 1960 (chemistry)

PhD, MIT, 1966 (political science) under Lucian Pye




His landmark book, Mao's Revolution and the Chinese Political Culture


2005 Hubert H. Humphrey Award

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 1918-2008.

Nobel Prize for Literature, 1970.

Modern Fiction Studies, Spring 1977 issue

(vol. 23, no. 1) special issue

SOMC (Shadow Open Market Committee), see Shadow FOMC

Songhuajian 松花江

see Sungari River

Sono, Ayako, 1931- 曾野绫子

entry from Wikipedia


Sontag, Susan, 1933-2004.

social critic

an appreciation

Soochow University 東吳大學

Soong, Mei-ling, 1898-2003. 宋美齡

Madame Chiang Kai-shek

a profile

Soong, Stephen C., 1919-1996. 宋淇 <笔名林以亮>


wife: Mae Soong

Stephen C. Soong Translation Studies Award

Trees on the mountain : an anthology of new Chinese writing / edited by Stephen C. Soong and John Minford. Published: Hong Kong : Chinese University Press, 1985.

A brotherhood in Song. Hong Kong : Chinese University Press, 1986.

A letter from Stephen C. Soong to Eileen Chang

South Park (tv program)

South Park (Colorado basin)

Soyinka, Wole, 1934-

Nigerian author and playwright

The first African winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1986)

profile in Emory Magazine


All about Spain

Go Spain


Antoni (or Antonio) Gaudi (1852-1926)

(Catalonian architect)

Barcelona of Antoni Gaudi

Gaudi (from bcn-guide)


Joan Miro

Pablo Picasso

Juan Gris

Goya (Francisco de Goya y Lucientes)

Salvador Dali

El Greco


El Cid



Pablo Casals

Flemenco Dance





Spain --- Barcelona

Barcelona (from National Geographic Traveler 50 Places of a Lifetime)

Barcelona : from National Geographic Traveler (October 1999)

Barcelona Online

Barcelona Prestige (free guidebook)

Spalding, C. Sumner, 1912-1997.

Charles Sumner Spalding

AACR (lst ed.) editor


Spark, Muriel, 1918-2006.

British novelist, poet, etc.

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1961), novel

Speeches, addresses, etc.

By Speaker

By Title

Spelling, Aaron, 1923-2006.

American film and tv producer


NY Times, 6/24/06

Spence, Jonathan, 1936- 史景遷

Yale historian



哥伦比亚大学毕业的东亚研究博士金安平女士(1950- )结了婚


Spencer, Sharon, 1933-2002.

d. April 2002.

professor of comparative literature

Montclair State University, NJ


husband: phootographer Srdjan Maljkovic (a Serb)

specialist in Anais Nin

Sperry, Roger W., 1913-1994.

brain expert; winner of the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology

1935 Oberlin College

Spielberg, Steven, 1946-

Time 100 People of the Century

Time cover story; 05/19/1997; 12/12/2005

wife: Kate Capshaw

Jaws, E.T., Jurasic Park

Spitzer, Lyman, Jr., 1914-1997.


B.S., Yale, 1935; PhD, Princeton, 1938

Princeton obit

the man behind the machine

his brainchild: Hubble Space Telescope

National Medal of Science, 1979

Spock, Benjamin, 1903-1998.


Stahl, Lesley, 1941-

CBS reporter

husband: writer Aaron Latham

Stanford alumni

Cornell, Eric A. 1961- B.S. (physics, '85) Nobel 2001

Drury, Allen, 1918-1998 (journalism degree)

Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Advise and Consent

Pinsky, Robert (Ph.D, 1966), 1940-

Kennedy, Anthony, 1936-

Renquist, William, 1924-2005.

O'Connor, Sandra Day, 1930-

Yeh, Sabrina

Tigner, Benjamin

Momaday, N. Scott

Nelson, Mariah Burton

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Stanley, Eleanor Hope, 1915-2004. friend

born July 10, 1915

died December 4, 2004

Starbucks Coffee


Starosta, Stanley, 1939-2002.


professor of linguistics, U. of Hawaii

Paul Li's teacher


State and Metropolitan Area Data Book

6th ed., 2006

Cf County and City Data Book (2007)

Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (2008)

USA Counties

Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (2008)

Steele, Shelby, 1946-

Black social critic

from Wikipedia

from NNDB

Mr. Steele, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, is author, most recently, of "White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era," published this week by HarperCollins.

B.A., Coe College

M.A., Southern Illinois University

PhD, U. of Utah (in English)


White Guilt and the Western Past


May 2, 2006; Page A16, Wall Street Journal

Stegner, Wallace, 1909-1993.

writer and teacher at Stanford

Stein, Elias M.

Princeton mathematician

PhD, U of Chicago, 1955

US National Medal of Science, 2001

Princeton press release

Stein, Gertrude, 1874-1946.

A rose is a rose is a rose

"There is no there there" -- referring to childhood home Oakland

"Baby Precious Always Shines: Selected Love Notes Between Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas"

by Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas

"Baby Precious Always Shines," a delightful selection from

the 300 love notes that Alice B. Toklas accidentally

deposited with the rest of Gertrude Stein's papers in the

Beinecke Library at Yale, would not have been possible

before the 1980s, when the locked cabinet in which they were kept was finally opened to scholars. In her excellent

introduction, Kay Turner (whose other books include "I Dream of Madonna: Women's Dreams of the Goddess of Pop") explains that with their baby talk and constant blessings, the notes provide "a tantalizing mosaic of a marriage between two women that was built to last." Composed in the "word-inverted, long-breathed, rolling, repetitive, refluent style that Stein invented," they touch on everyday events in the Stein-Toklas household and reiterate Stein's love and desire for Toklas. Many seem to have been left for Toklas to find in the morning beside the manuscripts that Stein had written during the night. A few were written by Toklas to Stein. Turner also offers a convincing new reading of Stein's famously obscure "cows" (in "A Book Concluding with As a Wife Has a Cow: A Love Story" and elsewhere),

previously thought to signify female orgasm; she argues that

Stein and Toklas subscribed to the "cult of regularity" that

swept Europe in the first decades of the 20th century.

Indeed, the love notes, despite their Steinian verbal play,

leave little doubt that the recurring cows, "now sweet

smelly and complete," are bowel movements--further

evidence, for Turner, of the women's extraordinary intimacy,

their love "express[ing] itself daily in the rituals of

bodily caretaking."

Steiner, Kurt, 1912-12003.

political science professor emeritus, Stanford

"Mr. Austria" helped drafted Japan's constitution

Steitz, Thomas A.

Sterling Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry

Yale University

NAS, 1990

AAAS, 1990

Stern, Isaac. violinist

"My First 79 Years" by Isaac Stern with Chaim Potok

Sternberg, Robert J., 1949-

Yale psychologist (intelligence)

Stevens, Wallace, 1879-1955. (poet and insurance executive)

Hartford Friends and Enemies of Wallace Stevens

Wallace Stevens Journal

Alan Filreis, U Penn

Feigning with the Strange Unlike

Stewart, Fred Mustard, 1932-2007.

American novelist

concert pianist (Juilliard)


NY Times, Feb. 12, 2007

Stewart, Martha (Kostyra), 1941-

lifestyle and homemaking expert of Polish ancestry; biography ; ex-husband: Andy Stewart, publisher

Stewart, T. D., 1901-1997.

Thomas Dale Stewart

hands-on, skull-and-bones anthropologist

Stiller, Ben, 1965-

son of Jerry Stiller, known as Frank Costanza, George's father, in "Seinfeld"

husband of Christine Taylor, known as Marcia in The Brady Bunch Movie

Playboy interview, November 2000

Stillinger, Jack

U. of Illinois professor of English

Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 1993

Stine, R. L.

the most popular children's author in publishing history; Goosebumps

Stoddard, Whitney Snow, 1913-2003.

art historian

Stoller, Ezra, 1915-2004.

architectural photographer

Stone, Peter, 1930-2003.

Yale Drama School graduate

only writer to win Emmy, Oscar, and Tony award

Stone, Ruth, 1915-


Stoppard, Sir Tom, 1937-

born "Tom Straussler" in Zlin, Czechoslovakia on July 3, 1937

English playwright

Stradivari, Antonio, 1644-1737.

famous Italian violin maker of Stradivarius violins

Strejan, John, 1932-2003.

wizard of pop-up books

Strunk, William, Jr. Elements of Style.

Stuart, Alice Jackson, 1913-2001.

Alice Carlotta Jackson

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Alice Jackson Stuart, whose attempt to integrate the University of Virginia in 1935 helped start a program making education available for thousands of blacks, died Wednesday in Brookline, Mass., She was 88.

Stuart was the first known black person to seek admission into a Virginia graduate or professional school. After her rejection, the state established a tuition supplement fund for black students to attend graduate school outside Virginia.

Stuart took the supplement - $75 and two round-trip train tickets per semester - and enrolled at Columbia University in New York.

The tuition supplement program was declared unconstitutional in 1950, leading to the gradual integration of Virginia's public university graduate programs.

Born June 2, 1913, in Richmond, she earned an English degree from Virginia Union University. She was teaching there when she joined an NAACP lawsuit challenging segregation at public universities.

After earning her degree at Columbia, Stuart taught at several high schools and universities, including Howard University in Washington.

Alice Jackson Stuart passed away on June 13, 2001.

Stuart, John Leighton.

北京協合女大﹐校長為司徒雷登 John Leighton Stuart


official page

The Wonderful World of Wombats; Stumpers-L (unofficial page

for reference librarians)

Sturzebecker, Russell L., 1916-2005.

professor of physical education

West Chester University

Style Manuals (or Style guides)

APA Style Manual

The Chicago Manual of Style Online

MLA Handbook

MLA Style Manual


Writer's Handbook

Styron, William, 1925-2006.

Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist of the American South

born in Newport News, VA


NY Times, Nov. 2, 2006

Confessions of Nat Turner

Sophie's Choice

Lie down in darkness

Su, Adrienne


Su, Buchin, 1902-2003. 蘇步青

Chinese mathematician 東方第一幾何

differential geometry

x Su Bu-chin

x Su Buqing

from baidu.com

from fudan.edu

Su, Chin-Chun. 蘇金村

Volterra functional analysis of nonlinear systems with deterministic and stochastic inputs. [Philadelphia], 1967.

xxvii, 156 numb. l. illus. 29 cm

PhD, Penn

Su, Hsueh-lin, 1897-1999. 蘇雪林


x Su Xuelin


苏雪林(1897-1999),原名功小梅,字雪林,笔名绿漪、天婴、杜苦等,安徽省太平县 人,生于浙江瑞安。曾留学法国学习艺术,后回国在几所大学任过教授。1949年赴香港任职于真理学会,次年至法国研究神话。1952年转台湾做教授, 1973年退休。苏雪林在台湾主要从事中国古典文学研究,兼写小说、剧本、传记和散文,所著甚丰,计有散文随笔集十七本,除四十年代的《青鸟集》、《屠龙 集》外皆为在台湾完成,曾获台湾“教育部”文艺奖、“文复会”第三届中正最优写作奖、中山文艺创作奖、第六届“国家”理论奖。1999年4月21日,皖籍 居台著名老作家苏雪林先生在台南逝世,享年102岁。

三十年代初,苏雪林曾被称为阿英“女性作家中最优秀的散文作者”,其散文除若干写景外,多为记人人叙事抒怀的随笔小品。其文语言明快,文白夹杂而多见理 趣,虽然未必十分深刻,但也已颇具学者散文风范。只是她曾撰文攻击过鲁迅、郭沫若等左翼作家及发表过反共言论,因此在大陆不为人所喜。(宇慧撰写)


















Su, Jui-Lung, 1962- 蘇瑞隆

historian. PhD

National University of Singapore


Su, Julie.

lawyer; MacArthur Fellow, 2001

Su, Nick, 1987 (July 6)-

Po-Cheng Su 蘇柏丞

CaringBridge webpage

Su, Qikang, see

So, Francis K.H. So 蘇其康教授(中山大學)

Su Tong, (1962 or 1963- ) 蘇童






Su, Weizhen, 1954- 蘇偉貞



Suczek, Robert F., 1918-2006.


professor of psychology at San Francisco State University

born in Philadelphia of Czech descent

"The Best Laid Plans" (1972)

Sugiyama, Ai, 1975- 杉山 愛

born in Tokyo (or Yokohama), Japan

tennis player

萧志美(Anna Sui) 1955-

Sui Dream

华裔设计师Anna Sui(安娜苏),原名萧志美。(据说不会讲英文。)拥有中国血统、身为第三代华裔移民的安娜苏,1955年生于底特律,家中排行老二,是小孩中唯一的女孩。父亲是建筑结构工程师,母亲是专职的家庭主妇,安娜苏曾在巴黎读过艺术专业。


John Berryman

Iris Chang (1968-2004)

Hart Crane

Michael Dorris

Cynthia Doyon

Spalding Gray (1941-2004) actor/writer

Gu Cheng (1956-1993), a gifted Chinese poet and fiction writer of the New Era

who hung himself in his home in New Zealand, after killing his wife.

Carolyn Heilbrun (mystery writer, pseud. Amanda Cross)

Ernest Hemingway

Margot/Margaux Hemingway (d. 1996)

Kawabata, Yasunari 川端康成

Lawrence Kohlberg

Jerzy Kosinski

Vachel Lindsay

Jack London

J. Anthony Lukas

F. O. Matthiessen (1902-195), gay lit. critic, jumping from a window

Yukio Mishima 三島由紀夫

Sylvia Plath

Berton Roueche (d.1994)

Segoe Kensaku (1889-1972) 瀨越憲作 go player

formerly pronounced as Segoshi Kensaku

Anne Sexton

Shi Mingzheng (1935-1988), a Taiwan poet, painter, sculptor, and novelist who died from a hunger strike, purportedly in protest against the

Nationalist government

Sara Teasdale

Hunter S. Thompson (1937-2005) of "gonzo journalism"

Alan Turing (1912-1954), committed suicide after being

prosecuted for homosexuality

Vincent van Gogh

Virginia Woolf

Wang Guowei

Wen Jie (1923-1971), a popular Maoist poet who killed himself during

the Cultural Revolution by inhaling gas

Zhu Xiang

Sullivan, Michael, 1916- 蘇立文

Michael Sullivan is Fellow Emeritus at St. Catherine's College, Oxford University. His many books include Art and Artists of Twentieth-Century China (California, 1996), The Arts of China (4th ed., 2000), Three Perfections: Chinese painting, poetry and calligraphy (1999), and The Meeting of Eastern and Western Art: Revised and Expanded Edition (California, 1997). Michael Sullivan has received honors and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Guggenheim Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation. He lives in Oxford, England.



Sun, Cecile Chu-Chin


B.A., National Taiwan Normal University, 1966

M.A., Harvard, 1971

PhD, Indiana, 1982

Professor, U. of Pittsburgh


無限的思念 (孫筑瑾, 孫寧瑜)

孙元智 1899-2004 ?? (age 105)

x John J. Deeney (李达三)

Sun, Cecile Chu-chin. 1998. “Wang Guowei as translator of values”. In Translation and Creation, Pollard, David E. (ed.), 253 ff.

Pearl from the Dragon's Mouth; evocation of feeling and scene in Chinese poetry (U. of Michigan Press, 1995)

Sun, Chyng Feng

children's author

Sun, George C. H.


George C. H. Sun (Suncrates)

George C. H. Sun <suncrates@aol.com>

Mobile, AL USA

University of Southern Alabama

founder and president of the Thome H. Fang Institute


Sun, Guang-yuan,



Sun, Honglie, 1932- 孙鸿烈


Sun, Jackson T.-S. 孫天心

Academia Sinica (Taiwan)


PhD, Berkeley


Sun, Ji-Guang, 1936- 孫繼廣 computer science

1936年生,江苏徐州人。1962年毕业于北京大学数学力学系。1962-1966年为华罗庚的研究生。后曾任教于中国科技大学数学系。现为中国科学院 计算中心研究员、博士生导师,北京大学数学系兼职教授。著有《矩阵扰动分析》,曾在学术刊物和国际学术会议上发表有关矩阵论、函数论与数值代数论文40余 篇。1985年因《广义特征值问题扰动理论》研究,获中国科学院重大科技成果一等奖。

Umea University, Sweden


Sun, Kang-i, 1944-. 孙康宜

Kang-i Sun Chang

born in Peking, grew up in Kaohsiung

B.A.Tunghai, 1966; MLS, MA; MA, Princeton; PhD, Princeton, 1978

husband: Dr. C. C. Chang



我看美国精神 (My thoughts on the American spirit)


Sun, Li, 1913-2002. 孙犁



Sun, Li Jen, 1899 (or 1900)-1990. 孫立人

General (also Sun Liren)






Sun, Lung-kee


professor, Fu Quang University, I-Lan, Taiwan

Sun, Pi-Hsia Wu, 1938-2005. 孫吳碧霞


September 17, 1938

November 6, 2005

wife of Steve Sun 孫樹霖

Sun, Yun-suan, 1913-2006. 孫運璿

former premier of Taiwan, Republic of China

Sun, Zhongliang, 1936- 孙忠良



Sunderman, F. William, 1898-2003.

doctor and scientist

Sunderman Sugar Tube

Sung, Betty Lee, 1924- 宋李瑞芳

authority on Chinese Americans

professor of Asian Studies, CCNY

Sung, Chuen-sau, 1930-2008. 宋存壽 Taiwan film director

died of Parkinson's Disease


Sung, Kwang-yu 宋光宇

Song Guanyu

Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)

PhD, Penn

“Religion and Society of Ch’ing and Japanese Colonial Taipei, 1644-1945”

宗教与社会-宋光宇 (1995)

台湾史 (2007)

Sung, Wen-Hsun, 1924- 宋文薰


Academia Sinica (Taiwan), 1988

Sungari River

Songhuajian 松花江

Sunstein, Cass R.

University of Chicago

Supreme Court (U.S.)

Where to obtain Supreme Court Opinions

Case Citation Finder

Bound volumes of United States Reports (full text)

Cornell University Legal Information Institute (LII)


Northwestern University Oyez Project

Sutch, Richard

Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholars

Sutherland, Zena, 1915-2002.

children's literature pioneer

professor at U of Chicago

Suzuki, Ichiro, 1973- 鈴木一朗

Japanese baseball player; Seattle Mariner

broke single-season baseball hits record of George Sisler (257 hits, 1920) with 262 hits in 2004

Svevo, Italo, 1861-1928. Italian novelist

Modern Fiction Studies, Spring 1972 special issue

Swan, Alfred J. (Julius), 1890-1970.

composer and the first professor of music at Haverford College

Russian music and its sources in chant and folk-song. Norton, 1973.

Swan, Jane

retired professor of West Chester University

widow of Alfred J. Swan

A Biography of Patriarch Tikhon. Jordanville, NY : Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Monastery, 1964.

The Lost Children: A Russian Odyssey

Carlisle, PA : Pennsylvania South Mountain Press, 1989.

Tributaries of history by Lawrence Davidson, Jane Swan, etc. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1991.

"Children of Russian Revolution," Scholars, 3 (2): 32-43 (Spring/Summer 1992)

Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slavs, 900-1700

By Eve Levin (Cornell University Press, 1995)

review by Jane Swan. The American Historical Review, Vol. 96, No. 1, 204-205. Feb., 1991

Swain, Richard H.

Logic and Ontology in the Chih Wu Lun of Kung-sun Lung Tzu

by Chung-ying Cheng, Richard H. Swain

Philosophy East and West, Vol. 20, No. 2 (Apr., 1970), pp. 137-154

Swarthmore Collge homepage


Gilligan, Carol, 1936- '58

Hsia, Po-Chia, 1955- '77

Academician, Academica Sinica

Syndrome X

insulin resistant and type 2 diabetes

Syndrome X (Stanford University, Dr. Gerald M. Reaven)

Szulc, Tad, 1926-2001.

New York Times journalist of Polish descent








































































































UC Los Angeles

UC Los Angeles

UC Berkeley

UC Los Angeles

UC Los Angeles


UC Davis

UC Los Angeles

UC Irvine

UC Los Angeles

UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley

UC Los Angeles

UC Davis

UC Santa Barbara

UC Berkeley

UC Santa Barbara

UC Los Angeles

UC Los Angeles

UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley

UC Davis

UC Berkeley

UC Irvine

UC Berkeley

UC Riverside

UC Berkeley

UC Davis

UC Santa Barbara

UC Berkeley

UC Los Angeles

UC Los Angeles

UC Los Angeles

UC Irvine

UC Davis

UC Davis

UC Los Angeles

UC Los Angeles

UC Berkeley

UC Los Angeles

UC Irvine

UC Berkeley

UC Irvine

UC Santa Barbara

UC Davis

UC Los Angeles

UC Santa Cruz

UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley


Professor of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, Emeritus

Professor of Physics & Astronomy


Professor of Paleontology

Professor of Anatomy

President Emeritus

Professor of German

Professor of Epidemiology

Professor of Electrical Engineering andComputer Science

Professor of Medicine

Professor of Nuclear Engineering

Associate Professor ofSocial Welfare

Professor of Medicine

Professor Emeritus of Veterinary Epidemiology

Professor of Philosophy

Byron L. and Elvira E. Nishkian Professor of Structural Engineering

Department of Education

Professor of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures

Professor of Pediatrics

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Emeritus

Professor of Law and Sociology, Emeritus

Professor of Physics

Professor of English

Assistant Professor of Nutrition

Professor of Physics

Instructor of Piano Performance

Instructor of Piano Performance

Distinguished Professor of Physics

Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Emeritus

Professor of History

Professor of Sociology

Professor of East Asian Languages

Professor of Health Services

Professor ofPsychology and Sociology

Professor of Biological Chemistry

Adjunct Professor of Medicine

AssociateChancellor for the Center for the Health Sciences

Director of Corporate and Governmental Affairs

Research Affiliation with the Department of Developmental & Cell Biology

Professor of English

Professor of Mathematics

Professor of Medicine

Professor of Psychiatry

Professor of Architecture, Emeritus

Professor of Dentistry

Professor of English and Education

Professor of Education, Emeritus

Associate Professor of History

Department of Religious Studies

Professor of Chemical Engineering, Emeritus

Professor of Finance

Professor Emeritus of Psychology

Professor of Law, Emeritus

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Emeritus

Ford Professor of History

1 2

Sallie Mae (Student Loan Marketing Association)

Cf. Freddie Mac ; Fannie Mae

Salvation Army

SAM, SAM-e, or SAMe ("Sammy") S-adenosyl-L-methionine

S-adenosyl-L-methionine as an antidepressant

S-adenosyl methionine (SAM)

S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAME)

Ask the Expert: SAM

Samurai (pl. samurai) cf. Ronin (pl. ronin)

Movies: The Seven Samurai

Chushingura (忠臣藏)

San Juan Skyway (Coloradao)

Sanchez, Sonia, 1934-

African-American poet

Sallie Mae (Student Loan Marketing Association)

Cf. Freddie Mac ; Fannie Mae

Salvation Army

SAM, SAM-e, or SAMe ("Sammy") S-adenosyl-L-methionine

S-adenosyl-L-methionine as an antidepressant

S-adenosyl methionine (SAM)

S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAME)

Ask the Expert: SAM

Samelson, Hans, 1916-2005.

Stanford topologist and differential geometer

Samuels, Gertrude, 1909 or 1910-2003.

age 93

photojournalist and writer

Samurai (pl. samurai) cf. Ronin (pl. ronin)

Movies: The Seven Samurai

Chushingura (忠臣藏)

San Juan Skyway (Coloradao)

Sanchez, Sonia, 1934-

African-American poet

Saroyan, William, 1908-1981.

renowned Armenian-American writer, playwright, and humanitarian

Stanford Univ. Libraries house the largest William Saroyan archives

William Saroyan Int'l Prize for Writing (from StanfordUniv.)

SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

Saund, Dalip Singh, 1899-1973.

U. S. Congressman from India

first Asian-American elected to Congress

first Asian-American woman elected to Congress: Patsy Mink

mathematician; PhD, 1924

Saussure, Ferdinand de, 1857-1913. (索绪尔).

(edited by Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye) 1915. Translated with an introduction and notes by Wade Baskin. 1956. Course in General Linguistics. Philosophical Library, Inc.

Saussy, Haun, 1960- 蘇源熙


Caleb Powell Haun Saussy

PhD, Yale, 1990

professor at Stanford 斯坦福大学东亚语言系和比较文学系主任 -2004.

the Bird White Housum Professor of Comparative and Chinese literature at Yale, 2004- .http://www.yale.edu/complit/saussy.html

Scaife, Charles Walter John, 1938-2003.

Professor who promoted science as fun

professor of chemistry, Union College, Schenectady, NY

B.S., Cornell, 1959

PhD, Cornell, 1965

Schaap, Walter E., d. 2005. age 87

jazz historian

Schizer, David M., 1969-

dean, Columbia Law School

B.A., M.A., Yale, 1990

JD, Yale, 1993

youngest dean at top-tier law schools

tax law specialist

Schultz, Theodore William, 1902-1998.

Nobel laureate in economics, 1979

Schulz, Charles M., 1922-2000.

nicknamed "Sparky"

Peanuts (cartoon) creator; died of colon cancer


Schuylkill River Trail

Schuylkill River Trail

Schyns, Joseph, 1899- 善秉仁

Father 辅仁大学 法国神父 ; 称他“善司铎”

Sci-fi (scientific fiction)

sf site

Bradbury, Ray, 1920- sci-fi author

Science -- History

Kuhn, Thomas (Samuel), 1922-1996.

Needham, Joseph.

Sarton, George, 1884-1956. The father of the history of science

Sivin, Nathan, 1931- Penn

Science Fiction Reviews

Scientific American

The Scientist ; news journal for life scientists

Scowcroft, Richard P. (Pingree), 1916-2001


Stanford director of creative writing program;

Harvard PhD

wife: Anne Kendall (a Radcliffe PhD; d.1991)

three successful sons

students: Scott Turow, Tobias Wolff

Stanford resolution

Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security

of a free State, the right of the people to keep and

bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Second Amendment Cases

Second Chances


Second chances: giving kids a chance to make a better choice

The Secret Garden (from Page By Page Books)

The Secret Garden (from Literature Network)