Yeh, Lily

Yeh, Lily, 1940- 葉蕾蕾 xx Yeh, Raymond T. 叶祖尧

Barefoot Artist; Awakening Creativity



2412 Waverly Street

Phila, PA 19146

(215) 735-7968

husband: David S. Traub, architect

son: Daniel Traub

1966-1967 (?) taught at West Chester State College

2003 在福特基金会设立的“改变世界的领袖奖” 叶蕾蕾以在贫穷的北费城非洲裔社区所创立的“怡乐村”,从全美1300个参与角逐的非赢利慈善组织中脱颖而出,成为该奖项2003年度17位得主中惟一的华人。

1986-2004 Founder, Executive & Artistic Director, and Lead Artist, The Village of Arts and Humanities, North Philadelphia

The Village of Arts and Humanities is a private nonprofit community-based organization dedicated to neighborhood revitalization through the arts. What began in 1986 as a simple park building project involving neighborhood children, has grown into a major provider of art-inspired programs in learning, land transformation, construction, and economic development. While thoroughly rooted in the very low-income community it currently serves, the Village has been recognized both nationally and internationally as a successful model for engaging residents, especially youth, in the process of rebuilding their community. In 2004, the Village has become a highly professional organization with an annual budget of 1.3 million and a dedicated staff of sixteen full-time and ten part-time employees including a four-person construction crew. Assisting the staff was a pool of twenty artists and teachers, and hundreds of volunteers. In the past decade, the organization has served over 10,000 low-income, primarily African-American youth and families each year, covering several neighborhoods within a 260 square block area in North Philadelphia.

Under Yeh's leadership, the Village has received several national awards including Coming Up Taller Award from the President's Committee on Arts and Culture and the National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, D.C. in 2000 and the gold medal Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence from Bruner Foundation in Cambridge, MA. In 2003, the Village received a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Governor's Award for Environmental Excellence.

Also in 2003, Yeh received a highly esteemed Leadership for a Changing World Award from Ford Foundation for her accomplishments at the Village.

Bill Moskin & Jill Jackson, "Warrior Angel, the Work of Lily Yeh"





“将一个学校整体加以改造,让绚丽的色彩和振奋人心的艺术形象充满整个校园,使学校成为一个充满灵性的学习场所。动员学校全体成员参与,把艺术创造融进整个学习的过程。”叶蕾蕾这样解释自己的梦想。她鼓励学校的老师和孩子们和她一起,利用课余时间改善校园环境,受到师生们的热烈欢迎。于是有了“蒲公英中学环境转化 工程”。


叶蕾蕾和师生们首先开始改造学校的外墙壁,最初叶蕾蕾在纸上绘制出生命树:茂盛的大树上,开满了五颜六色的花朵。再由美术老师把它描在墙上,在美术老师的指导下,学生和志愿者一起完成壁画的绘制。最后,叶蕾蕾在颜色和细节上做一些小的调整。墙上充满生命力的色彩给校园增添了活力。她和师生们还在旗杆后的水泥 平台上用多彩的碎瓷片镶嵌了两只对称的凤凰,在昏暗的过道墙壁上画满了图案,制作了报栏等,把过道变成了让人流连忘返的地方……类似的工作还有很多,从创 作到实施,叶蕾蕾都全程参与。由于项目多,她常年在国外奔波,每次来中国只能停留短暂的时间。于是不论严寒酷暑,每次她都全力投入,拼命工作。在叶蕾蕾的 感召下,更多热爱艺术的人加入了这一工程。



不仅如此,学校建立之初,由于农民工的孩子们生活的环境非常恶劣,许多孩子长期生活在贫困、缺少父爱母爱、生活环境差等不利条件下,打群架、厌学非常普遍。于是,她和老师们就组织班上的学生画生命树。先画树根,让学生把自己不好的行为、想法写在树根处,一起讨论会出什么样的结果(果子),将其画在枝头。比如,“打架”会结出“进监狱”的果子等,这样就画出了一个有病的树。然后再让孩子用好的行为和想法做根,讨论出果子。用这样的方式让孩子自我觉醒、思考, 效果好得惊人。


Awakening creativity : Dandelion School blossoms. Oakland, CA : New Village Press, 2011. 208p.

"Awakening Creativity describes the participatory process of artistic expression guided by Lily Yeh at The Dandelion School, a nonprofit organization in Beijing that serves the children of poor migrant workers. Yeh worked with hundreds of students, teachers, and volunteers to transform the school’s main campus with mural painting, mosaics, and environmental sculpture"--Provided by publisher.

Contents: My development as an artist -- The Dandelion community : a mirror of a difficult society -- Introduction : the Dandelion School transformation project -- Fall 2006 : meet, listen, inspire, and explore -- Fall 2007 : discovering the creativity within -- Spring 2008 : teamwork, leadership, and re-creation -- Fall 2008 : personal journeys and cultural heritage : developing awareness locally and globally -- Spring 2009 : preserving the experience, sustaining transformation -- Impact -- Conclusion.

Pu gong ying zhong xue (Beijing, China)