Management and Tools

Practical Considerations

Iterative Nature of the Requirements Process

Change Management

Requirements Attributes

Requirements Tracing

Measuring Requirements

Requirements Management

Requirement management is the process of analyzing, documenting, tracking, prioritizing and agreeing on the requirement and controlling the communication to relevant stakeholders. This stage takes care of the changing nature of requirements. It should be ensured that the SRS is as modifiable as possible so as to incorporate changes in requirements specified by the end users at later stages too. Being able to modify the software as per requirements in a systematic and controlled manner in an extremely important part of the requirements engineering process.


From SWEBOKv3 item 8

Tools for dealing with software requirements fall broadly into two categories: tools for modeling and tools for managing requirements.

Requirements management tools typically support a range of activities—including documentation, tracing, and change management—and have had a significant impact on practice. Indeed, tracing and change management are really only practicable if supported by a tool. Since requirements management is fundamental to good requirements practice, many organizations have invested in requirements management tools, although many more manage their requirements in more ad hoc and generally less satisfactory ways (e.g., using spreadsheets).

Choosing a Tool to Learn

  • What's popular? What tools are used where you want to work?

    • Jira: CapitalOne, Chico's, Arthrex

    • Search Dice

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