Portfolio 2018-2019

Student Evaluations






  • SUS STEMPowered Conference Oct. 23-24 in Gainesville, FL

  • Learning Assistant Conference FIU

Professional Development Plan

Long Term Goals (3-5 Years)

To contribute to the teaching mission of FGCU and the U. A. Whitaker College of Engineering (WCE) by providing students with quality lectures and class material, including notes, assignments, and examinations, incorporating innovative methods in Software Engineering classes, and continuously conducting self-assessment of my teaching outcomes.

Objectives for 2018-2019

1. Improve COP 1500 Introduction to Computer Science by updating course web site with new responsive design.

2. Improve COP 2006 Intro to Programming by updating course web site with new responsive design and adding Java Foundations certification exam topics and associated curriculum and assessments to learning modules.

3. Develop curriculum and assessments for COP 3003 Object Oriented Programming (teaching Fall 2018).

4. Develop curriculum and assessments for CEN 3073 Software Specifications (to be ready for Spring 2019).

a. In the Fall of 2018, I am teaching COP 1500, COP 2006, and COP 3003.

b. In the Spring of 2019, I am scheduled to teach COP 1500, COP 2006, and CEN 3073.

5. Meet with instructors and sit in on a class meeting of the following courses to learn more about them and guide curriculum development for related courses:

a. MAD 3107

b. CEN 4065

Statement of FGCU Commitment: 95% of time is estimated and allocated to teaching and teaching related activities for the 2018–2019 year.

Scholarly Contribution/Scholarship/Professional Development

Long Term Goals (3-5 Years)

To further expand and advance my knowledge in collaboration with colleagues at FGCU.

Objectives for 2018-2019

1. Attend 2 Lucas Center events.

2. Attain the FGCU Diversity and Inclusion Certificate by attending 6 qualifying presentations, trainings or events.

3. Attend a professional conference.


Long Term Goals (3-5 Years)

To provide service to the WCE and the University.

Objectives for 2018-2019

1. Administer the College Oracle Academy account.

2. Administer the College Microsoft Imagine account.

3. Administer the College AWS Educate account.

4. Administer the College CompTIA Academy account.

5. Mentor software engineering students.

6. Serve as a Learning Assistant mentor.

7. Serve on the Faculty Senate Student Affairs Team.

8. Serve as advisor for the Software Engineering Club.

Lucas Center Events

    • SPARCT 8/29/18

    • SPARCT / POGIL 9/18/18

    • SPARCT 10/2/18

    • STEMinar 10/10/18

    • Conversations in the Living Room: The Faculty Enterprise of Student Success 2/25/19