POGIL Activities

in COP 1500


What is POGIL?

Process Skills

I know you could do the POGIL worksheet individually and still learn the programming concepts. Doing it collaboratively will help you to learn the programming concepts even better and will also help you to develop very important process skills. Just knowing how to program will not help you very much when it comes to future courses and your career, and some of you may never program again. Developing these skills will help you no matter what your future holds.

Interacting with others and building on each other’s individual strengths and skills, working toward a common goal.

Oral and Written Communication
Oral Communication: Exchanging information and understanding through speaking, listening, and non-verbal behaviors.

Written Communication: Conveying information and understanding to an intended audience through written materials (paper, electronic, etc.)

Planning, organizing, directing and coordinating one’s own and others’ efforts to accomplish a goal.

Information Processing
Evaluating, interpreting, manipulating, or transforming information

Critical Thinking
Analyzing, evaluating, or synthesizing relevant information to form an argument or reach a conclusion supported with evidence.

Problem Solving
Identifying, planning, and executing a strategy that goes beyond routine action to find a solution to a situation or question.

Self and Peer Assessment: Gathering information and reflecting on an experience to improve subsequent learning and performance.

Metacognition: Thinking/reflecting about one’s thinking and how one learns, and being aware of one’s knowledge.


Role Assignments

  • All are based on first name alphabetically

  • Assignment set 1 (the first 2 POGIL meetings as a team)

    • Manager: First

    • QC: Second

    • Presenter: Third

    • Analysts: Everyone else

  • Assignment set 2 (the next 2 POGIL meetings as a team)

    • Manager: Last

    • QC: Second to last

    • Presenter: Third to last

    • Analysts: Everyone else

  • Assignment set 3 (the remaining POGIL meetings until teams change)

    • Manager: Second

    • QC: Last

    • Presenter: First

    • Analysts: Everyone else


  • Manager

      1. At beginning of meeting, enter into chat names of team members and their roles (based on Role Assignments below), noting if any team member is missing and if any roles had to be modified for special circumstances (which should be exceptionally rare).

      2. Encourage all online members to turn on camera and microphone. Cameras and microphones should be on unless team member has made arrangements with the professor. Mute team members if their microphone isn't working properly and encourage them to participate via chat.

      3. Remind members of their role and responsibilities as needed and encourage all members to fulfill their roles.

      4. Ensure that the assigned tasks are being accomplished on time. Speed team up if necessary.

      5. Get the team back to Class Meeting on time.

  • Quality Control

      1. Open worksheet, read questions, and record answers for the team.

      2. Ensure that all members agree on and have correct answers. Ask individual members if they understand why answers are correct when appropriate.

      3. Slow team down if necessary.

      4. Save and upload worksheet for team.

  • Presenter

      1. Run IDE, adjusting font size for readability if needed.

      2. Share your screen. Share entire desktop / screen so all IDE windows are visible.

      3. Enter and run code as led by QC.

  • Analyst(s)

      1. Analyze how the team is working and make suggestions about how it could improve. May be called upon to report about how well the group is operating (or what needs improvement) and why.

      2. Analyze worksheet questions, develop questions to extend lesson beyond worksheet; experiment or research or ask SA or professor to get answers.

      3. At end of meeting, give Praise in the Class Meeting chat to deserving team members. If your meeting is open in a second window, you may need to return to the first window to access praise. Why Science Says Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Embrace the Rule of Uncomfortable Praise

Combined from POGIL Implementation Guide, CS-POGIL Roles, and Scrum Roles


  • When it is time to start working on the POGIL, one person start a meeting in your team's channel in Teams and everyone else join the meeting. If two meetings get created by mistake, everyone in the meeting with the fewest people should leave and join the ohter meeting.

  • Create a new .py file for code from the worksheet and save to OneDrive.

  • As you progress through the worksheet, comment out code you don't want anymore instead of deleting it so you can reference it in the future.

  • Open the worksheet, hide spelling and grammar errors

    • on Windows, do File > Options > Proofing

    • on Mac, do Tools > Spelling and Grammar

  • Save the completed worksheet to OneDrive.

  • Take the quiz in Canvas referencing the worksheet.