Wrap Up

Preparation for Future Courses

This class is the immediate prerequisite for

  • EGN 3641C Engineering Entrepreneurship

  • COP 3003 Object Oriented Programming

  • CEN 3031 Software Engineering Fundamentals

After OOP, you will also take COP 3530 Data Structures and Algorithms


Software Engineering and Entrepreneurship

There are many parallels between the methodologies of software development and the methodologies of developing businesses and products, although entrepreneurship means more than this (more information below).

Traditional software development was done using the waterfall methodology, which spends a lot of time and effort on planning.

Traditional business and product development was done in a similar manner with a lot of time and effort spent on things like creating a formal business plan.

Most modern software development is done using Agile software development methodologies including Scrum and lean frameworks which focus on quickly developing a potentially shippable / releasable increment (PSI).

Modern product development is done using Agile principles within the lean startup methodology to make a minimum viable product (MVP).

With both, the idea is to get something out quickly to see how it does, make improvements, and iterate.

The term "continuous deployment" came from the lean startup methodology and is a popular concept in modern software development.

Thinking Broadly About Entrepreneurship

As a programmer or software engineer, you may not have any interest in business or product development. This doesn't mean you can't benefit from entrepreneurship because it means more than that and there are other ways to be involved.

Entrepreneurship is also a mindset, a way of thinking. The core concepts of the entrepreneurial mindset, according to KEEN, are the 3C's: Curiosity, Connections, and Creating Value. This mindset is very applicable to computer programming.

FGCU has an Entrepreneurship degree program and a runway program to help people start their own business or launch a product. You could get involved directly if you have an idea for an app or service or you could connect with another person in the program who has received funding and needs a developer.

Object Oriented Programming

COP 3003

In this class, you will go deeper into the object oriented programming methodology.

Software Engineering Fundamentals

Data Structures and Algorithms

COP 3530

SWEBOK Chapter 13 Sections 6 & 7