Jira, Confluence, and Kanban

Sign Up and Get Started

Create an account

  • Sign up for the Free plan for Jira and Confluence, not a free trial of the Standard plan. You could use your Google account so you don't need to remember an additional user name and password.

    • Jira is used for issue tracking, Confluence is used for documents (Pages and Blogs).

    • There are different Jira products, Jira Software, Jira Service Desk, and Jira Core. As software engineers, we will use Jira Software.

  • Sign up

  • Documentation / Help

Create a site

  • After signing up, create a site. A site contains a single instance of each product you're using, Confluence and Jira. This name will be part of the URL that you and your users will go to when logging in so choose wisely.

    • I suggest you make one site for just exploration and testing. You could name this site yourname-CEN3073. You could even use it to help you manage your coursework by creating issues for assignments for example.

    • When you start working with a business / client / sponsor, create a new site.

    • Choose the next-gen Kanban template.

  • Documentation / Help

Create a project

A Jira project is a collection of issues. You will use a Jira project to coordinate the development of a product. A Jira project could also be used to track a project, manage a help desk, and more, depending on requirements.

  1. Choose the Jira icon > Projects.

  2. In the top-right corner, select Create project > Try a next-gen project.

  3. Under Template, click Change template and select Kanban.



Learn kanban with Jira software Tutorial

What is kanban? (5:31) Overview, boards, cards, flow, lead time

What is a kanban board? (6:09) 5 key elements:

  1. visual signals (cards)

  2. columns (representing workflow like “To Do”, “In Progress”, “Complete”)

  3. Work In Progress (WIP) limits

  4. commitment point

  5. delivery point

WIP Limits (5:49) set the maximum amount of work that can exist in each status of a workflow.

Kanban vs. Scrum

Kanplan adding a backlog to kanban

What are Kanban Cards? (5:18)


Epics, Stories, Themes, and Initiatives

Issue Hierarchy in Jira

Jira only has Epics, Issues, and Subtasks.


Agile Epics: Definition, Examples, & Templates

Epics are large work items. Epics will often span multiple sprints, development cycles, and versions. They take months or weeks to complete, depending on organizational culture.

Learn how to use Epics in Jira Software Tutorial focus on Working with epics in next-gen Software projects section


Issues are used to describe one single piece of work. There are many issues in each epic.

There are three preset types of issues in Jira. Add or Edit the types in Project settings | Issue types | + Add issue type.

Stories are meant to describe and articulate features. Used somewhat interchangably with user stories in Jira.

Tasks are more routine work.


Working with issues in Jira Software


You might create sub-tasks for any of the following reasons:

  • To split an issue into even smaller chunks

  • To allow various aspects of an issue to be assigned to different people

  • To create a to-do list for an issue

A non-software Hierarchy Example

FGCU Strategic Plan

In General

  • Theme: the Five Pillars

  • Initiatives: Pillar Objectives

  • Epics: Departmental goals / actions in support of Pillar Objectives that span months

  • Story/Task: Actions taken by departments that span days or weeks

  • Subtask: Smaller, specific actions taken by departments


  • Theme: Student Success

  • Initiative: Focus on improving our retention and 4-year graduation rates.

  • Epic: Creation of Student Success and Enrollment Management division

  • Story/Task: Repurpose Cohen Center

  • Subtask: Move administrative offices out of Cohen Center and convert to student spaces