Quality and Deployment


    • On Windows, you can create a batch file. Open up a text editor and create a new file. Add a line that look something like this:

C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.exe "C:\Users\username\OneDrive - Florida Gulf Coast University\Python Projects\Integration\Main.py"

    • Save it as YourProgramName.bat

    • Double clicking it should run your program.

    • When the program completes, the window will close. You could add a line like input("Press Enter to exit") to keep it open longer

  • On MacOS

    • Find where the .py file is within your computer

      • Remember the path to that file

    • Launch Terminal

    • Use the terminal to navigate to the .py file

      • ls lists available files and folders

      • cd changes directories / folders you’re in

    • Enter the following: python3 file_name.py