9 Classes continued

Overloading, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism

Oracle Academy Section

Section 7: Create a Java Class

  • Lesson 4: Overloading Methods

  • Lesson 5: Object Interaction and Encapsulation

  • Lesson 6: static Variables and Methods

Section 7 Quiz 2 (Lessons 4-6)

Java Foundations Certification Exam Topics

Classes and Constructors

  • Develop code that overloads constructors

Key Resources

  1. Java Tutorials:

    1. OOP Concepts

      1. What Is Inheritance?

      2. What is an Interface?

    2. Classes and Objects

      1. Controlling Access to Members of a Class

    3. Inheritance

    4. Polymorphism

  2. tutorialspoint:

    1. Inheritance

    2. Polymorphism

  3. Udemy

    1. Lecture 26: Inheritance (14:00) Machine Car start stop, wipeWindShield, override, Source -> Override in Eclipse, @Override, private not inherited, protected

    2. Lecture 28: Interfaces (19:14) generate constructor using fields, Machine, Person, bank account analogy

    3. Lecture 30: Polymorphism (10:03) Plant Tree grow shedLeaves, child can be used anywhere you could use parent

  4. Bucky's Room

    1. 49 - Inheritance (9:24) tuna potpie food eat, sub / super, override, has to be public to be inherited (actually could also be protected)

    2. 55 - Introduction to Polymorphism (8:20) tuna potpie food eat, polymorphic array, loop through

    3. 61 - Simple Polymorphic Program (7:58) Animal Dog Fish, for each

Supplemental Resources

Most Important Concepts / Code

Overloading: two or more methods in the same class with the same name but different signatures

Overriding: having the same method names in a base and in a derived class

Dynamic Method Dispatch


"is a" relationship

Base / Parent / Super

Derived / Child / Sub


Components / implications:

  1. Base methods can be overriden in derived classes.

  2. Objects of a derived type can be stored in a container declared as the base type.

  3. Overriden method code will be executed even from a call that seems to be from base type.

public class Animal


public void showSpecies()


System.out.println("Regular animal");


public void makeSound()





public class Dog extends Animal


public void showSpecies()




public void makeSound()





public class Cat extends Animal


public void showSpecies()




public void makeSound()





public class Program


public static void main(String[] args)


Cat felix = new Cat();

Dog fido = new Dog();

Animal[] myPets = { felix, fido };

for (Animal anAnimal : myPets)







Hour 1

  • Quiz and Concepts Review

  • Base / Derived

  • Overload / Override

    • method signature

  • Sample program http://ideone.com/9PiHjl

  • Breakpoint Debug inspect derived object

  • super

  • Derived constructor

  • Polymorphism benefits example: gas pedal

  • Access modifiers

    • private - Only the current class will have access

    • protected - Only the current class, subclasses, and same-package classes will have access (default)

    • public - Any class can access

    • Programming joke of the week

    • Why do programmers confuse Halloween and Christmas?

  • Exercises

Hour 2

  • Override constructor

  • this - parameter same as field

  • final - class that cannot be extended, method that cannot be overriden or hidden

  • abstract - no objects

  • interface - model for a class, specifies fields and methods

  • implementation - fulfills interface

  • static - belonging to class, not object

  • "Access in a static way" - reference the class name, not the object name when accessing a static member