Wrap Up

Big Questions

What are the fundamental activities of software development and how does each relate to requirements?

Fundamental software engineering activities



Identify and briefly describe the fundamental requirements activities.


What are some types and layers/levels of software requirements?

What are some characteristics of good requirements?

What are some examples of software stakeholders?

How would you go about eliciting requirements for a software project? (describe at least four sources and four elicitation techniques)

Why do requirements need to be analyzed after being elicited?

Describe the content, audience, and purpose of the (3-4) main documents associated with the specification phase of software requirements engineering?

How, when, and why do you validate requirements?

What tools for requirements are you familiar with and what functions of requirements engineering can they be used for?

What is critical thinking? How do you think critically?

What is done during requirements engineering?


Preparing for next year