Website Creation

When you want to create a website you first need to decide if you want to code with HTML and CSS or if you want to use a content management system and what you see is what you get editor. Then you need to decide what hosting service to use.

With HTML & CSS Coding

This option requires more time and knowledge but is good experience and allows for more control over appearance and functionality.

You can use a template so you won't need to start from scratch.

Landing Page and Website Templates

Learning HTML & CSS

Developing with HTML & CSS

Host on Azure

  • Create an Azure Student account - Azure for Students Starter

  • Create a storage account

  • Install Visual Studio Code

    • Install Azure Storage extension

    • Sign in to Azure

    • Deploy to Static Website

Host on GitHub Pages

  • Sign up or sign in to GitHub. Your username will be very visible so choose it wisely. When signing up, you will need to verify your email address.

  • Make a repository, the name of the repository will be in the URL. For your own personal portfolio site name it

  • Click "Get started by creating a new file"

  • Get code from a source like w3schools and paste it into the file and save it with a filename ending in .html (like index.html for your home page)

  • Go to the repository settings (the gear icon) and click Pages

  • Choose Branch main and then root.

  • Your site URL will appear at the top. It might take a little while for changes in your repository to appear on your published website.

With CMS and WYSIWYG Editors

Get a site up and running quickly without the need for coding or much technical knowledge. Explore the options below or countless others.

Host on Google Sites

  • How to use Google Sites

  • Recommended for sites with the goal of allowing visitors to learn more about you, your company, product, and / or service.

Host on Wix

Host on Shopify