Note Taking


  • Note Taking Strategies - using different methods to take notes, reviewing notes before class, and using notes to prepare for tests and complete assignments.

    • Highlight or make notes from reading

    • Look up vocabulary words when necessary

    • Refer to notes when completing assignments

    • Make a list of important terms and memorize their definitions

  • Next Steps

    • Take notes during class

    • Make sure to include any repeated information because it is likely to be important



There are multiple versions of OneNote.

OneNote 2016 is the desktop version of OneNote that was originally released as part of Microsoft Office 2016. It runs on all currently supported versions of Windows and can be used independently or as part of Microsoft Office 365 or Office 2019. You can download OneNote 2016 for free, or install it as part of Office. To use the OneNote 2016 desktop app, click the Start button, type onenote 2016 on your keyboard, and then click OneNote 2016 in the search results.

OneNote for Windows 10 (simply called “OneNote”) is designed to feel natural with any input method — from mouse and keyboard on a traditional PC, to pen and touch on mobile devices. It comes pre-installed with every version of Windows 10 and it can also be downloaded for free from the Microsoft Store. To use OneNote for Windows 10, click the Start button, type onenote on your keyboard, and then click OneNote in the search results.

OneNote 2016 is being phased out so it is best to use OneNote. Alternatively, you could use the free OneNote Online if necessary or when you are temporarily on a computer that doesn't have OneNote. You can also use OneNote on your phone or tablet.

It is recommended to create a new notebook for each course. Your notebook is saved to the cloud / OneDrive so you can access it from any computer or device and you don't have to worry about losing it when your hard drive crashes.

This notebook will be a valuable resource for you in future courses and potentially in your career.