
Make a project on your computer that runs with .NET

  • Option 1: using Visual Studio

    • Install using Tools -> Get Tools and Features

      • update to latest version of Visual Studio

      • ASP.NET and web development workload

        • Make sure Intellicode is checked

    • Create a new Blazor WebAssembly Web App project

    • Follow instructions to run a project in Visual Studio below

Run a project in Visual Studio

  • Option 1: through the Client through Visual Studio using the green arrow (you will need to close the browser and run the project again to see changes)

  • Option 2: through the terminal or command prompt (you only need to save the file in Visual Studio, and for some files refresh the web page, to see changes)

    • right click on the Client folder of your project in Visual Studio and click Open in Terminal and enter dotnet watch run

    • You may need to put the address (https://localhost:5000/) into your browser

  • If the above instructions don't work, check for

    • .NET SDK (check in Tools -> Get Tools and Features -> Individual components and search)

    • The Web Live Preview extension (check in the Extensions menu)

Make a project on GitHub that runs with Azure

  • Azure Static Web Apps with .NET and Blazor

    • One time: Create an "Azure for Students" account. Go to with your Eagle account if necessary then click Start free

    • After that: Log in at

    • If you get prompted to upgrade after trying to add Static Web Apps, click the gear icon and go to Directories + subscriptions and select Azure for Students

    • In the "Create web app" option in Azure, there's a field which asks for "Web App Name". Whatever you put in there becomes the website URL before .azurewebsites.

Modify a project in Visual Studio

Prerequisite: a project on GitHub that runs with Azure

  • Open Visual Studio and (one time only) choose Clone repository from the start screen or the File menu.

    • Paste the address of your GitHub repository containing your Blazor web app

  • Open NavMenu.razor from the Client/Shared folder.

    • Change "Blazor Starter" to your name.

  • Open Index.razor from the Client/Pages folder

    • Change "Welcome to your new app." to an introduction to you and/or your project. Carefully make any other changes you would like by adding html elements (reference w3schools) and save the file. This can be anything you would want a potential employer to see.

  • From the Git menu, click Commit, the click Push, enter a message describing what you changed like "changed Hello World", click Commit All

    • When you refresh your repository home page on GitHub you should see evidence of your commit and push

    • In the Actions tab in your repository you should see that the workflow is running. Once it turns green

  • Open Counter.razor and figure out how it works

  • Add a new page to do input, processing, and output. (You could copy and paste an existing page then rename it.)

    • You can test processing with a regular C# project or with a site like ideone.

      • Output with code like Console.WriteLine(num.ToString());

    • See Sample code for a page that does input, processing, and output below

  • Add the new page to the navigation menu.

    • See code to add to NavMenu below

  • Commit and push

  • Add a link to your project Azure to your GitHub repository readme

Sample code for a page that does input, processing, and output

@page "/ipo"


<p>Input prompt </p>

<input @bind="InputString "/>

<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="DoProcessing">Do it</button>

<p>Output: @OutputString </p>



private string InputString { get; set; }

private string OutputString { get; set; }

private void DoProcessing()


double num = double.Parse(InputString);

num = num * 2;

OutputString = num.ToString();



Code to add to NavMenu.razor

<li class="nav-item px-3">

<NavLink class="nav-link" href="ipo">

<span class="oi oi-list-rich" aria-hidden="true"></span> IPO



Build a Blazor todo list app

  • Add the todo list app to your existing project instead of creating a new one.

    • If you really want to create a new project, when following the tutorial, for "Choose a Blazor hosting model" pick Blazor WebAssembly.

  • Review the instructions to Run a project in Visual Studio and Modify a project in Visual Studio above.

    • You can create the new page through Visual Studio by copying, pasting, and renaming an existing file or you can create the new page through the command prompt like in the tutorial instructions after going to your existing project folder using cd.

  • Use the Build a Blazor todo list app tutorial to

    • modify NavMenu.razor

    • create Todo.razor

    • create TodoItem.cs

  • Add comments in Todo.razor and TodoItem.cs explaining what each line of code does.

    • <!-- HTML comments look like this -->

    • // comment in C# after @code

  • Optional: You can change the icon in the NavMenu by changing span class="oi oi-list-rich"

  • Optional: You can change the icon that appears in the browser tab by changing favicon.ico in the wwwroot folder. You can use a site like to make a favicon.

  • Once you have it working locally, commit and push to GitHub.

  • Update your Readme to look more professional and be more accurate and useful.

    • Include a link to your deployed app and a link to the todo list tutorial.

    • is helpful for editing the markdown.

    • If you update the readme on your remote repository on GitHub will be more recent than your local repository, do a Pull from the Git Changes tab in Visual Studio.

More Blazor Resources

Use ASP.NET Core SignalR with Blazor build a chat app

Call a web API from ASP.NET Core Blazor connect to a database
