11 Arrays and Collections

and Generics

Using collection classes, iterators, and other common library components

Learning Outcomes

  1. Declare and use List and ArrayList instances

  2. Write an anonymous interface implementation

Exam Topics

  • Use generics, including wildcards

  • Use a Java array and List, Set, Map and Deque collections, including convenience methods

  • Sort collections and arrays using Comparator and Comparable interfaces

Oracle Academy

  • 3 Data Structures

    • 3-1 Generics

    • 3-2 Collections - Part 1

    • 3-3 Collections - Part 2

    • 3-4 Sorting and Searching

  • Section 3 Quiz


  • 16 Generic Collections

Tutorial / Practice Activity

  • 3-1 Practice

  • 3-2 Practice

  • 3-3 Practice

  • 3-4 Practice

Lesson Plan

  • Mindfulness

    • Eating review

    • Sleep

    • Gratitude

  • Previous week review

    • Functional interface implementation with concrete class

    • Functional interface implementation with anonymous class

  • Resource reinforcement and clarification

  • 3-1 Generics

    • The most commonly used type parameter names are:

      • E - Element (used extensively by the Java Collections Framework)

      • K - Key

      • N - Number

      • T - Type

    • ArrayList

  • JP 3-2 Collections - Part 1

    • Create a collection without using generics

    • Create a collection using generics

    • Implement an ArrayList

    • Implement a Set

  • JP 3-3 Collections - Part 2

    • Implement a HashMap

    • Implement a stack by using a deque

    • Define a linked list

    • Define a queue

    • Implement a Comparable interface

  • JP 3-4: Sorting and Searching

  • Bubble Sort (two at a time)

  • Selection Sort (do comparisons to select the lowest number in unsorted sublist and swap it into the end of the sorted sublist)

  • Insertion (get the next number and do comparisons to see where it should be inserted into sorted sublist / beginning to end)

  • Merge (divide and conquer)

  • Searching

    • Sequential / Linear (go through one at a time, required for unsorted)

      • Phone Book number

      • Guess a number

    • Binary (divide and conquer, requires sorted)

      • Phone Book name

      • Guess a number when told higher or lower

  • Big-O


Connecting a List of objects to a JavaFX TableView

  • Create a class with standard getters and setters

    • Like a Person class with a field for firstName

  • Create a TableView in fxml with same number of columns as fields you would like to display.

    • Like <TableColumn fx:id="firstNameCol" text="First Name" />

  • Create an ObservableList of the class type in the Controller

    • Like ObservableList<Person> people = FXCollections.observableArrayList();

  • Do setCellValueFactory on each column with the field name

    • Like firstNameCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("firstName"));

    • Note that the first word must match the id from fxml and the last word must match the field name

  • Set the items of the table to the list

    • Like tableView.setItems(people);

  • When you add to the ObservableList the new data will automatically show up in the table

    • Like people.add(new Person("Damien"));

Last week you wrote code to utilize the following functional interface with a class that implements the interface.

This week, write code to utilize the functional interface with an anonymous class:

interface MyInterface {

public void printIt(String text);


Anonymous Interface Implementation

MyInterface mi1 = new MyInterface() {

public void printIt(String text){




mi1.printIt("Anonymous way");