1 Hello World!

Java Basics, Run a program

Oracle iLearning Section

Section 2: Java Software Development

Lesson 1: The Software Development Process

Lesson 2: What is my Program Doing?

Lesson 3: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Section 2 Quiz

Java Foundations Certification Exam Topics

Java Basics

  • Describe the Java Development Kit (JDK) and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

  • Describe the components of object-oriented programming

  • Describe the components of a basic Java program

  • Compile and execute a Java program

Key Resources

  1. Java Tutorials:

    1. About the Java Technology

    2. Lesson: The "Hello World!" Application

    3. Lesson: A Closer Look at the "Hello World!" Application

    4. OOP Concepts

      1. What is an Object?

      2. What is a Class?

      3. What is a Package?

  2. Udemy: (you must be logged in to Udemy for video links to work) Main Udemy course link

    1. Introduction and Installation (9:38) some good information about Java, Eclipse, JDK, and JRE but you don't need to follow along, it is better to just download Eclipse and JRE from ninite.com

    2. What Java Is and How it Works (12:38) Java language, text / code .java files, javac or green run button creates binary .class files, JVM part of JRE is an extra layer that allows same code to run on all computers

    3. Getting a Job... (18:59) begin with the end in mind, job sites

    4. How to Get the Most Out of This (Udemy) Course (9:24) create programs!, learn to touch type, create programs you are interested in, break it down into steps

    5. A Hello World Program (4:46) creating a new project and class, check box for void main, delete comments, sysout Ctrl Space, Ctrl D to delete line

Supplemental Resources

GitHub Student Developer Pack

GitHub Eclipse Integration Quick Start

Chapter 1 Slides

Logic Ch 1 Intro

Language Companion

OOP Concepts code in a project - Prof. V YouTube

Google Java Style (have this open at all times when programming, establish good habits early)

Most Important Concepts / Code:

High-level languages, key words, operators, syntax, statements, compiler, interpreter, JDK, JRE, JVM, IDE.

class HelloWorldApp {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("Hello World!");



A class is code.

A class is the blueprint from which individual objects are created.

Objects are instances of a class.

Objects have two characteristics: state (fields) and behavior (methods).

Benefits of objects:

  1. Modularity

  2. Information-hiding

  3. Code re-use

  4. Pluggability and debugging ease

A package is a namespace that organizes a set of related classes and interfaces. Conceptually you can think of packages as being similar to different folders on your computer.

Hour 1

Java, Exercises

  • Why Learn Java?

    • Java ranks #1 in the PopularitY of Programming Language (PYPL) index and the TIOBE index.

  • "Knock, knock"

  • Technology Requirements:

    • Java programs can be written on some web sites like programmr.com and TutorialsPoint but additional features are available in IDE programs like Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, or others. You are encouraged to experiment with multiple IDEs but Eclipse will be the primary one used in the course. IDEs require the installation of the JDK.

    • There are keyboard shortcuts and code templates (text expansions) available to help with coding in most IDEs. NetBeans Keyboard Shortcuts In Eclipse, select Window/Preferences, Java/Editor/Templates. (use Ctrl + Space)

  • JDK (Java Development Kit)

    • a specific SDK (Software Development Kit)

    • a collection of programming tools, such as compilers and debuggers for developing applets and applications

    • includes JRE and JVM

    • compiles *.java files into *.class files

    • only needed by programmers

  • JRE (Java Runtime Environment)

    • the minimum requirements for executing a Java application; it consists of the JVM, core classes, and supporting files

    • installed on almost all personal computers and many other devices (includes the Java plugin)

    • the JRE does not contain tools and utilities such as compilers or debuggers for developing applets and applications

    • Also referred to as: Java software for your computer, the Java Runtime, Runtime Environment, Runtime, JRE, Java Virtual Machine, Virtual Machine, Java VM, JVM, VM, Java plug-in, Java plugin, Java add-on or Java download.

  • JVM (Java Virtual Machine)

    • an abstract computing machine that enables a computer to run a Java program

    • doesn't understand the Java language

    • works with byte code in *.class files created by compiling *.java files

    • interprets the byte code into the machine code

    • Java is portable because there are specific implementations of the JVM for different systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.)

  • General Software Requirements and Recommendations

  • General Programming Advice and Resources

  • Exercises walkthrough

  • Exercise submission instructions

  • Canvas Group / Teams channel orientation

  • GitHub registration

  • Brief introduction to Eclipse, make sure it is running on computer

Hour 2

Oracle Academy, Eclipse, project

  • Orientation to Oracle Academy

  • The programming process

    • Program definition

    • Algorithm definition

    • Think before you code

  • Introduction to the Agile methodology

  • Introduction to style

  • Eclipse Orientation

    • Create integration project

      • src folder, library (JRE - core classes and supporting files)

      • Add class, note the file extension

      • What is a class?

        • code

        • blueprint

      • Run Ctrl+F11

      • DO NOT proceed when errors found

      • Add comment for name

      • Delete project

      • Import project

    • A package is like a folder

    • Reset Perspective

    • Dark Mode: Window > Preferences > General > Appearance - Theme

    • Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts > Basic >Text Font

    • Window → Preferences → General → Editors → Text Editors → Show line numbers

    • breakpoints

    • auto format Ctrl+Shift+F

  • Starting your integration project

  • GitHub orientation

    • Save a file