Creative Thinking & Problem Solving

Walk in Song: Break My Stride


  • CRI Skill: Problem Formulation

    • Description

      • Defining problems and posing and testing possible solutions

    • Next steps

      • Take courses that teach in-depth problem-identification and problem-solving skills

      • Make time to define problems you are trying to solve

      • Identify and use several different strategies to help you problem solve

      • Practice generating and assessing possible solutions to problems

    • Aspects

      • Hypothesize - to pose possible solutions to a problem that you can then research.

        • Think about the purpose of a problem when coming up with a plan to solve it.

        • Consider what information is available and what information is needed but missing.

        • Create a hypothesis.

        • Create multiple hypotheses and figure out which is best.

        • Use past experiences solving similar problems when formulating hypotheses.

      • Strategize - to consider different ways to solve a problem.

        • Think about how you've solved similar problems in the past and apply those strategies when solving a problem.

        • Make a plan or come up with a strategy to solve a problem.

        • Come up with many different ways to solve a problem.

        • Think of different ways to solve a problem and pick the best one.

        • Break problems into smaller pieces.

        • Try something different if your first approach doesn't seem to be working.


Additional Resources

  • 10 ways to improve your decision making skills

  • Think Like a Freak

    • Excerpt

    • Core Ideas

      • Incentives are the cornerstone of modern life. And understanding them – or, often, deciphering them – is the key to understanding a problem, and how it might be solved.

      • Knowing what to measure, and how to measure it, can make a complicated world less so. There is nothing like the sheer power of numbers to scrub away layers of confusion and contradiction.

      • The conventional wisdom is often wrong.

  • Smart people don't think others are stupid

    • Being smart means thinking things through - trying to find the real answer, not the first answer.

    • Being stupid means avoiding thinking by jumping to conclusions. Jumping to a conclusion is like quitting a game : you lose by default.

    • When someone says “They are so stupid!” - it means they’ve stopped thinking.

  • Finish Strong Videos - Problem Solving