
Mentor Meetings

Mentor meetings happen every semester prior to registration to discuss any questions you might have about courses and scheduling, particularly as it applies to your professional and career development. This is also a time to talk about post-graduation plans, experiential learning opportunities (i.e. internships, co-op, research, shadowing, volunteering, etc.), and other topics that pertain to your professional development. I've scheduled some times that you can sign up to meet with me using Teams. Sign up on my Bookings page.

You are also welcome to call or text me at any time for any reason. 312-445-0978

I am looking forward to meeting with you!

Prepare to come up with action steps as a result of the meeting.

Meeting Topics of Discussion


  1. How are you?

  2. Involvement

    1. Software Engineering Club

    2. SWFL Coders - Slack

  3. What questions do you have for me?

  4. Any other ways that I can help you to be successful?

  5. What are your action steps for improvement?

Sophomores / COP 2006 Students

  1. Why have you chosen this major?

  2. What is your career goal – what is your dream job when you complete your degree ?

  3. Are you planning on graduate school eventually?


  1. Are you interested in an Internship? If so, where and when were you thinking of doing this? What would it look like? What would be the goal of the internship?

  2. Have you spoken to Career Services about the job market?

    1. Are you working with them on your resume and cover letter?

    2. What about interviewing skills?



  1. Have you spoken to Career Services about the job market?

    1. Are you working with them on your resume and cover letter?

    2. LinkedIn?

    3. What about interviewing skills?

  2. GitHub?

  3. Service learning hours

  4. Application to graduate

Spring: You are not required to do a mentoring meeting in the spring as long as you are on pace to graduate and won't need to register for any more classes. I would still love to meet with you to hear about your past experiences and future plans.

Sample action steps

  • Hackathons

  • Attend Software Engineering Club meetings

  • Update LinkedIn and make connections

  • Attend SWFRTP meetings

  • Look at job listings then gain experience required for jobs of interest

  • Update GitHub

  • Linux on VM