Module 11

Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems, Graphics and Visualization

Outline Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Artificial Intelligence

  • 13.1 Thinking Machines

    • The Turing Test

    • Aspects of AI

  • 13.2 Knowledge Representation

    • Semantic Networks

    • Search Trees

  • 13.3 Expert Systems

  • 13.4 Neural Networks

    • Biological Neural Networks

    • Artificial Neural Networks

  • 13.5 Natural Language Processing

    • Voice Synthesis

    • Voice Recognition

    • Natural Language Comprehension

  • 13.6 Robotics

    • The Sense–Plan–Act Paradigm

    • Subsumption Architecture

    • Physical Components

  • Ethical Issues: Initial Public Offerings

Outline Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Simulation, Graphics, Gaming, and Other Applications

  • 14.1 What Is Simulation?

    • Complex Systems

    • Models

    • Constructing Models

  • 14.2 Specific Models

    • Queuing Systems

    • Meteorological Models

    • Computational Biology

    • Other Models

    • Computing Power Necessary

  • 14.3 Computer Graphics

    • How Light Works

    • Object Shape Matters

    • Simulating Light

    • Modeling Complex Objects

    • Getting Things to Move

  • 14.4 Gaming

    • History of Gaming

    • Creating the Virtual World

    • Game Design and Development

    • Game Programming

    • Ethical Issues: Gaming as an Addiction

Related FGCU Courses

ISM 5405 Business Intelligence

Study of the use of analytical tools to transform operational data into complex and competitive information for decision makers. Topics will include data warehouse, data mining, and data cleansing.

ISM 4243 Intro Computer Graphics Pgrm

Students will learn how to create computer graphics programs in a modern object-oriented programming language. The basics of lighting, shapes, textures, transformations, and human interface design will be applied to the representation of data, gaming, and simple animations.


Day One (Ch. 13 & IS)

Day Two (Ch. 14 & GV)

Additional Resources

Project Review

Best of Fields Report

Improving for inclusion in portfolio

Project Preview

Portfolio Graphics and Media

Just like with images, you need to upload the audio, video, and pdf files to the server or link to them elsewhere. Review HTML File Paths

Custom SVG

You can create a SVG in Inkscape, save it as a Plain SVG, open it in Notepad++, copy the svg element (everything except the first line, or just parts), and paste it into a HTML file.

File name tips

  • It is best practice to not use spaces in file names for readability purposes.

  • Linux servers are case sensitive. Make sure the file names and extensions you use in HTML match exactly, or standardize on all lowercase file names.

  • More information

Intelligent Systems (IS)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the study of solutions for problems that are difficult or impractical to solve with traditional methods. It is used pervasively in support of everyday applications such as email, word-processing and search, as well as in the design and analysis of autonomous agents that perceive their environment and interact rationally with the environment. The solutions rely on a broad set of general and specialized knowledge representation schemes, problem solving mechanisms and learning techniques. They deal with sensing (e.g., speech recognition, natural language understanding, computer vision), problem-solving (e.g., search, planning), and acting (e.g., robotics) and the architectures needed to support them (e.g., agents, multi-agents). The study of Artificial Intelligence prepares the student to determine when an AI approach is appropriate for a given problem, identify the appropriate representation and reasoning mechanism, and implement and evaluate it.

KA Topics:

  • Overview of AI problems, examples of successful recent AI applications

  • What is intelligent behavior?

    • The Turing test

    • Rational versus non-rational reasoning

KA Learning Outcomes:

  1. Describe Turing test and the “Chinese Room” thought experiment. [Familiarity]

  2. Differentiate between the concepts of optimal reasoning/behavior and human-like reasoning/behavior. [Familiarity]

  3. Determine the characteristics of a given problem that an intelligent system must solve. [Assessment]

Graphics and Visualization (GV)

Computer graphics is the term commonly used to describe the computer generation and manipulation of images. It is the science of enabling visual communication through computation. Its uses include cartoons, film special effects, video games, medical imaging, engineering, as well as scientific, information, and knowledge visualization.

KA Topics:

  • Media applications including user interfaces, audio and video editing, game engines, cad, visualization, virtual reality

  • Digitization of analog data, resolution, and the limits of human perception, e.g., pixels for visual display, dots for laser printers, and samples for audio (HCI/Foundations)

  • Use of standard APIs for the construction of UIs and display of standard media formats (see HCI/GUI construction)

  • Standard media formats, including lossless and lossy formats

KA Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify common uses of digital presentation to humans (e.g., computer graphics, sound). [Familiarity]

  2. Explain in general terms how analog signals can be reasonably represented by discrete samples, for example, how images can be represented by pixels. [Familiarity]

  3. Explain how the limits of human perception affect choices about the digital representation of analog signals. [Familiarity]

  4. Construct a simple user interface using a standard API. [Usage]

  5. Describe the differences between lossy and lossless image compression techniques, for example as reflected in common graphics image file formats such as JPG, PNG, MP3, MP4, and GIF. [Familiarity]