Module 10

Information Systems and Information Management / Fields

Outline Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Information Systems

12.1 Managing Information

12.2 Spreadsheets

Spreadsheet Formulas

Circular References

Spreadsheet Analysis

12.3 Database Management Systems

The Relational Model


Structured Query Language

Database Design

12.4 E-Commerce

Ethical Issues: Politics and the Internet: The Candidate’s View

Related FGCU Courses

ISM 3011 Information Systems

Overview of information systems technology, including flow and control of information in an organization and use in decision making. Focuses on information systems' strategy case studies, current security issues, and technology platforms to prepare students to utilize IT for exploring opportunities and solving problems in a global business environment.


Day One

Day Two

Project Review

JavaScript Functions and Scope

Project Preview

Fields Report

Systems Fundamentals (SF)

The underlying hardware and software infrastructure upon which applications are constructed is collectively described by the term "computer systems." Computer systems broadly span the subdisciplines of operating systems, parallel and distributed systems, communications networks, and computer architecture. Traditionally, these areas are taught in a non-integrated way through independent courses. However these sub-disciplines increasingly share important common fundamental concepts within their respective cores. These concepts include computational paradigms, parallelism, cross-layer communications, state and state transition, resource allocation and scheduling, and so on. The Systems Fundamentals Knowledge Area is designed to present an integrative view of these fundamental concepts in a unified albeit simplified fashion, providing a common foundation for the different specialized mechanisms and policies appropriate to the particular domain area.

Information Management (IM)

Information Management is primarily concerned with the capture, digitization, representation, organization, transformation, and presentation of information; algorithms for efficient and effective access and updating of stored information; data modeling and abstraction; and physical file storage techniques. The student needs to be able to develop conceptual and physical data models, determine which IM methods and techniques are appropriate for a given problem, and be able to select and implement an appropriate IM solution that addresses relevant design concerns including scalability, accessibility and usability.

KA Topics:

  • Information systems as socio-technical systems

  • Basic information storage and retrieval (IS&R) concepts

  • Information capture and representation

  • Supporting human needs: searching, retrieving, linking, browsing, navigating

KA Learning Outcomes:

  1. Describe how humans gain access to information and data to support their needs. [Familiarity]

  2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of central organizational control over data. [Assessment]

  3. Identify the careers/roles associated with information management (e.g., database administrator, data modeler, application developer, end-user). [Familiarity]

  4. Compare and contrast information with data and knowledge. [Assessment]

  5. Demonstrate uses of explicitly stored metadata/schema associated with data. [Usage]

  6. Identify issues of data persistence for an organization. [Familiarity]